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OT: Surgery

by sfpx

Feb '18
I had surgery today on my poor, dicky wicky. Dont worry, I'm OK (in the head, not so much). Taking a nap with that sweet, sweet anaesthesia is fucking glorious. Wish i could suck that shit down every night to go to bed.

What surgeries have you had in your past? Does surgery make you nervous? I suppose for something serious, surely it would. I had surgery roughly 13 years ago to fix a deviated septum and the nausea and vomiting afterwards was pure hell. Thankfully none of that today.

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '18
Never had any surgeries myself. I cracked my head open once when I was a kid, but all that required was a few staples to the head. Most of the time, surgeries should go smoothly, but Bill Paxton died from a bad surgery! Why, God?!

Now what the hell happened that you needed surgery on your Johnson?

sfpx says:
#4, Reply to #1

Feb '18
It's pretty embarrassing, but fuck it. I don't know any of you mofos in real life. Genital warts. Lots and lots of them. Like 70. All over the shaft and a few on the scrotum.

As I go to pick up my script for antibiotics at CVS...i notice a sign that says they do HPV vaccinations. I didn't even know that was a thing! Always last to know....

Get your vaccination. The warts are unsightly as fuck. Now my dick looks like it is covered in chocolate chips -- dark, circular lasered-areas where the warts used to be. And I'm told there's always a chance of reoccurence. In which case, I'd need to get surgery again. Fml. Anything that can happen, seems to always happen to me.

#14, Reply to #4

Feb '18 *
emoticon You're supposed to lick the toad, not rub your todger and balls on it.

I had my tonsils out when I was 4. I had a colonoscopy in 2008 and 2013. They removed 4 and 6 non cancerous polyps. But that is a procedure, not really a surgery.

When you wake up afterwards they tell you to fart, because your colon is full of air. I was embarassed, but they said if you don't it causes horrible cramps.

So I let'er rip! Long and loud. I actually made the curtains dividers that were around my gurney waft.

Ballz says:

Feb '18
I've only had minor surgery. A couple surgeries were to remove ingrown toenails. The actual surgery was simple, but my toes stung for a day or two after. It's a good excuse for laying around watching movies.

Another surgery was to remove my wisdom teeth. They put me to sleep for that one. No nausea or anything afterward, just a little dizziness. If there was any pain, it was nothing memorable.

Surgery doesn't make me nervous. The idea of surgery anyway. Having major surgery where they forget to remove their instruments before sewing you back up would be a turn off I imagine. Or when they put you to sleep, but instead you're completely awake and paralyzed, able to hear and feel the entire surgery. That shit would be traumatic. You'd probably have nightmares about it for a long time.

I'm also curious about what your dick surgery was.

sfpx says:
#5, Reply to #2

Feb '18
Oh, right. I had all four wisdom teeth removed at once. Forgot about that. Felt woozy afterwards. Think they gave me Percocets. Or that mighta been for the septum surgery. Can't remember. Flyin' high as a kite...weeeeeee

Znep27 says:

Feb '18
Just my wisdom teeth, no big deal.

I'm assuming you had to have your dick reduced?

sfpx says:
#6, Reply to #3

Feb '18
I wish. I'm trying to think of ways to get it bigger. Like porn star big. John Holmes big. Wonder if insurance covers that....

Tromafreak says:

Feb '18
I had my tonsils and Adenoids removed when I was 5. Ingrown toenails cut out when I was 16.

sfpx says:
#8, Reply to #7

Feb '18
You're the second person to say ingrown toenail. Can't you just like....bite them out?

Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #8

Feb '18
Only so much. The bad ones are just too deep in there to fuck with.

foz says:

Feb '18
ouch! hope the dick's fully functioning and ready for action soon...

i fell off the roof of my house when i was five and broke my leg. had a metal plate to stick my hip back together and it came out when i was six, (i still have it in a bag somewhere) had surgery both times. i get sick from anaesthetic, bad vomiting, and ever since the smell of hospitals makes me nauseous. got an awesome scar tho, totally worth it.

as a tenager i bashed my head playing football and tore the retina in my right eye. several operations later, including putting oil in my eye, draining it, gas in my eye, releasing it & a buckle (this is over the course of about 18 months) im blind in one eye. the opthala...optath... eye doctor eventually told me it was like stitching up and old sock, you can only sew the hole up so many times until its just thread. i have no idea about darning, or why you wouldn't just buy new socks, but i guess he meant there's too much scar tissue on my eye now. the worst was when i had oil in, for months i had to do what they call 'posturing' which meant i had to face down 50mins out of every hour i was awake, so the oil could apply pressure to the right part of my retina. i read a lot and had radio but it was still boring as fuck, and it didnt even work.

on the upside my blind eye looks cool as fuck now!

Johan_WoW says:
#11, Reply to #9

Feb '18
Wow Foz that sounds very heavy. Is there things you can't do? Can you drive a car for example?

foz says:
#16, Reply to #11

Feb '18
it's not that bad really - i passed my driving test after the accident, but i haven't had a car or driven one for over 10 years now. to be fair that's mostly due to cost of petrol, insurance etc and my moving from rural Wales where the public transport is rare and unreliable, to near Leeds in England where they have buses and trains every 2mins going somewhere.

it hurts sometimes & i have to put eye drops in 3 times a day, but you get used to any routine. worst is no depth perspective, i can't catch anything or judge stuff coming toward me, so sports are out. gets a bit embarrassing if for example someone opens a cupboard door that's roughly my head height, i might flinch thinking it's going to hit me when in actuality it's a good foot away! eventually i'll have to have it out n get a prosthetic/glass one, but i've been advised to tolerate as long as pos, into my 50s if i can, before the op as apparently it sags your face over time.

anyway put the tiny violins away, there's billions of folk worse off then me...

Johan_WoW says:

Feb '18
Nothing spectacular, as a kid I once dropped a glass bottle of milk on my bare foot. So I got a pretty deep wound and was fearing that it had to be stitched. However the doc in the hospital said it was possible to glue it. And so it was done, still left a scar.

Btw are you a bad sleeper cos you say u wish u could take the anasthesia every night?

sfpx says:
#18, Reply to #12

Feb '18
Sorry for the late reply. I used to be. Used to take 3 sleeping pills and 2 melatonin every single night in order to sleep. Then, during the day I found myself addicted to Monster Energy drinks and would sometimes drink up to 3 in a day. I've since cut out the energy drinks completely and am down to just 1 melatonin a night to sleep. I had blood work done a couple months ago and it showed I had high enzymes in my liver. I feared it was Hep C, but luckily, no, after I had further blood work done. Pretty sure it was all that crap I was taking on a daily basis.

Amon_101 says:

Feb '18 *
Had part of a lymphoma lopped out of my neck for a biopsy.
A port inserted into my upper right chest to do the chemo thru instead of sticking needles in my arm continuously so I look like a junkie. (One time the nurse was having difficulty getting a connection, and stuck the port probably six times. Bruised up and it looked like a third nipple. I said "I knew there might be side effects, but I wasn't expecting this!")
And I had a skin cancer removed from my back, as well a a ruptured cyst removed also.
I had a dislocated shoulder, but that was treated with physical therapy, not surgery.
(All of the above were within a 2 year period)

A KAMRA inserted in my left eye. (I tell people "If it looks like I'm winking at you, I'm not. I'm just taking a mental picture.")
The nails on both my big toes cut down the sides because they were ingrown.
Oh yeah, I forgot about my wisdom teeth, too. All five of them.

Box_a_Hair says:
#15, Reply to #13

Feb '18
Five wisdom teeth?! You mutant!

I'm almost 30 and I only have 2 still. emoticon

Pavlovs_Bell says:

Feb '18 *
Broke my arm rather awkwardly as a teenager and had to be put under for surgery, thanks to that I now have a walking stick looking scar emoticon

Like others had surgery for ingrowing toenails in the past until they decided to remove the nail/s once and for all.

And had surgery for grommets when I was a diddy lil thing as I was born deaf. And equally as a young un had to be put under when I had ten teeth removed at once.

I'm a pretty clumsy person though overall, even ended up in A&E last year after suffering heatstroke but thankfully no surgery in that instance! But to answer the question, no surgery doesn't scare/worry me, only if someone else in my family needs to have it.


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