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Jan '19 *
RTD (Roll to Dodge):
Sign-Up/Set-Up Phase:
1. Players sign in by posting "/in", accompanied by a backstory story for their character and posts it to thread (you can pick whatever you want: abilities, intelect, etc..., but keep in mind it is more fun when you stick to the theme)
2. The first 5 players to "/in" will start, any additional players will be placed on the waiting list.
3. Sign-Ups will close on Friday 1/18/2019 at 11:59 CST

Day Phase:
1. The first day will start on Monday 1/21/2019 at 11:59 CST
2. Days will last 5 calendar days. Starting each Monday and ending each Friday at 11:59 CST
3. Actions are posted publicly in the thread and can be changed up until the deadline. Players are encouraged to talk in thread and try to work together to solve issues and problems thrown at them by the master.
4. One the deadline is set reached the Derngoun Master will ask players to stop posting or lock the thread and then we enter the processing phase.

Processing Phase:
1. This phase is very easy for the players, you do nothing.
2. The Derngoun Master will take Saturday and Sunday to do the following 2 things
3. First the Master will roll a 6 sided die (once for each player). Based on the outcome of the roll the action will have one of the following type of outcome

#1: Epic Failure - The player failed in their action so bad something bad happened
#2: Small Failure - The player failed but nothing really happened
#3: Small Sucess - The player suceeded, but nothing valuable was achieved
#4: Large Sucess - The player suceeded and achieved what they wanted
#5: Epic Sucess - The player suceeded in the best way possible
#6: Overshot Sucess - The player suceeded so much that the action backfired

4. Then, once the dice have been rolled, the Master with then write a scene that ties all of the actions and their results together and also introduces new elements for the next "Day Phase"

Ending Phase:
The game can end in 1 of 4 scenerios
1. Everyone dies (This happens when everyone dies and the Master has chosen to not have or is out of alternates in their "queue")
2. World is destroyed (Similar to everyone dying, but regaurdless or players and alternates the game ends)
3. Mission accomplished (Sometimes Masters will theme the game like a quest and when you win, well you win)
4. Game has hit a point that everyone agrees has taken to long, at this point a vote is held and if the majority want it to end the Master sets a number of days that are remaining and once tey are done the game ends.

1: Be nice. Jesting is fair game, but don't be a total ass, this will result in you being mod killed. This game is meant to be co-operative.
2. All actions must be submitted in bold and with "Action:" before the action.
3. Don't post in Red this color is reserved for the mod.
4. Don't post during the processing phase
5. Have fun

1. Box_A_Hair
2. Snowy_Owl
3. Ballz
4. Zed
5. Bambi

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zed says:

Feb '19
You want to stick my dick into a fire?
Or do you want to wrap a rum soaked shawl around it and use it as a fakkel?
either way I see my dick getting burnt, hopefully the lube isnt too flamable or else we could be in for some major damage esp if the flames reach my gas filled anus sphincter

Snowy_Owl says:

Feb '19
Sure it will hurt, but it will keep you alive, and if we get the fire started and cauterize the wound it will keep you alive, and therefore keep all of you functioning

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '19
My action will probably involve exploring that hidden staircase that Frank fell down. He's already there, so I don't have to move him really, but rather explore for anything relevant. Hopefully, I'll find something interesting down there that'll further the plot...

Snowy_Owl says:

Feb '19
Action: Tear my shawl in half, soak half of it in rum, and tie it around Stewartโ€™s dick to create a tourniquet; walk downstairs and use the other half to wrap Franks ankle.

Ballz says:

Mar '19
Action: Since I can't move on my own, I guess I'll feel around in the nearby darkness for anything useful or interesting.

Bambithedeer says:

Mar '19
Action: look around the area for anything that could possibly help start a fire.


Mar '19
So my new plan is to just end the days once everyone submits their actions, if anyone was wondering when the deadline was.

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '19
Action: Explore that secret room, hoping to find a box of twinkies and/or anything else of value to the plot.

Snowy_Owl says:

Mar '19
Action: Tear my shawl in half, soak it in rum and tie it around Stewartโ€™s Dick in the form of a tourniquet.

zed says:

Mar '19
Action: Lie back and let the others administer help to my painful penis, then have a look around the mausoleum to see if theres any useful items

DerTables says:

Mar '19
story incoming

DerTables says:

Mar '19
Hey guys, thank you all for being patient with me. I've had a lot of stress and doctors appointments these last 2 weeks (plus I'm no longer supposed to drive) and have been trying so hard to keep my life together that I just haven't been able to think of a good story. That being said I'm going on a business trip this weekend and should have plenty of time to write.


Mar '19 *
After a very long and silent pause in the room, a pause that almost felt administrative, Blart moves to look for some more twinkes in that secret room over there, hell when it rains it pours right? (anyone else notice that all this guy thinks about is his diabetes?) Unfortunately for Blart, as he wondered into the secret room he tripped and fell, so hard in fact that the room shook a bit. Suddenly the wall at the far end of the room began to crumble, and the entrance behind Blart and Frank. Light could be seen from the end of a distant tunnel, and wait what is that? A zombie bear! Chained up thank god! Frank, unable to move, reacts quickly and feels around franticly for something useful or interesting. Finally, he feels a tile that seems loose. He pounds it with all his might. The ground starts to shake again and the chain around the zombie bear's neck is released. Meanwhile, on the other side of the rubble pile, Rose decides to give Stewart some marital, I mean medical aid. She rips her shirt off her body, exposing her perky tits and soaks it in the booze. Then she wraps is around Stewart's dick, which is super hard now. Stewart lays back and just lets it happen, he can't seem to see much that is useful, but he did premature ejaculate onto Rose's tits. Cindi, getting a bit jealous of Rose, doesn't spend much time looking around, but does find one match.

Frank can't move for one turn
Frank and Blart are at risk of alerting a zombie bear

Ballz says:

Mar '19
What the hell did you do, Blart?! That thing looks like my ex-wife.

Got any of those cosmic brownies left? Maybe it'll eat those rather than us.


Mar '19
Rose: 5
Action: Tear my shawl(I mistook for shirt, but it is what it is) in half, soak it in rum and tie it around Stewartโ€™s Dick in the form of a tourniquet.

Stewart: 2
Action: Lie back and let the others administer help to my painful penis, then have a look around the mausoleum to see if theres any useful items.

Blart: 1
Action: Explore that secret room, hoping to find a box of twinkies and/or anything else of value to the plot.

Frank: 6
Action: Since I can't move on my own, I guess I'll feel around in the nearby darkness for anything useful or interesting.

Cindi: 3
Action: look around the area for anything that could possibly help start a fire.

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '19
Zombie bears! Now we're talking! It aint a bad idea to share my brownies in case of a bear-mergency, but I should probably help Frank in some way to get out of here. I'm far too appetizing to a zombear, and he might smell how awesome I taste if I stick around. I think it's common sense to want to go in a direction that there aren't zombie bears.

I'm sorry I'm so focused on my dia'bettis. I feel ashamed of myself.

Snowy_Owl says:

Mar '19
Okay, since I am now shirtless, and covered in Stewart's cum, I need to find something to wipe my chest off. I guess I can use my shawl tp wip off my chest.

Bambithedeer says:

Mar '19
Oh no.. that doesnโ€™t look fun to be covered in. Iโ€™ll help you wipe it off Rose! If you need extra clothing, I donโ€™t mind ripping a piece of my clothing to help! If not, Iโ€™ll keep it in one piece haha.

Snowy_Owl says:

Apr '19
Action: Use shawl to wipe off my breast, and embrace being topless...

Box_a_Hair says:

Apr '19
Got to help Frank while he's down, but how?

Action: Formulate a plan with Frank... QUIETLY! Then, he'll be able to do stuff, and I'll hopefully figure out something I can use to divert the bear's attention or kill him or something.

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@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.