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Dec 2017
The first two would be just a week long.

The Week of Love (February 11 to February 17)
1 Points) Movie with the word โ€œLoveโ€ or other romance related words in title
2 Points) Individual killed while โ€œmaking loveโ€ (not combined with #3 below)
3 Points) Two or more killed at the same time while โ€œmaking loveโ€
4 Points) Each person killed by a loved one (husband/wife, father/daughter,boyfriend/girlfriend. Basically immediate family or dating)

Shark Week (whenever Shark Week is this year)
1 Points) Movie with the word โ€œSharkโ€ in the title
2 Points) Individual killed by a shark (canโ€™t be an off-screen death, must be seen)
3 Points) A shark dies (again, has to be seen, not implied or off-screen)
4 Points) Two or more sharks die at the same time
5 Points) Two or more people killed by the same shark at the same time

October Challenge additional challenge
Watch at least one movie from each decade from 1920 on

I'm posting these now for input, since Feb is two months away, and if things go as planned with my PCT thru-hike, I won't be around for Shark Week or possibly part of next year's horror challenge.
So... thoughts on the above?

Box_a_Hair says:
#29, Reply to #28

Dec 2017
I kinda see them going hand-in-hand on this. Back in the day, when movies were new, they weren't as good. They were simple and by today's standards, they are pretty boring, since they don't convey much of a story. As the decades went on, they did a lot of technical innovations to make better films, and you got better stories. I know there are plenty of good B&W movies out there, but a lot of the old stuff is a turkey. Stuff like a train driving toward the audience, and that's the whole short film. Watch as the train drives straight at you! Will it come out of the screen and hit you!? No. It wont. emoticon

I think it should stay this way, but whoever hosts it can decide.

Tromafreak says:
#36, Reply to #29

Dec 2017
I was thinking about an Animation challenge for next month, but maybe we need time to prepare for that. Get together recs and stuff. Maybe it should be in April which means we could bump the B&W up to next month if we wanted. January feels more suitable for black and white, anyway. And Animation sounds like something that might be a better fit for Spring time. But then it occured to me that maybe we should go with the runtime point system, after all. That way we could add tv shows. A surprising amount of black and white on Netflix, and a hell of a lot more on Youtube. I was watching Little Rascals episodes on there earlier. Made me think of that.

Box_a_Hair says:
#37, Reply to #36

Dec 2017
Runtime for the animation challenge sounds fine. I'd probably watch a lot more cartoons than animated movies, because I'm not sure I could think of many animated films on my own. Plus, I kinda hate that pixar stuff, so I need to find myself something raunchier. Mr Pickles, season 3, I'm waiting for you!

Tromafreak says:
#42, Reply to #37

Dec 2017
So, that's a yay on moving the B&W to January?

Box_a_Hair says:
#43, Reply to #42

Dec 2017
I see no issue with it. Black and white? Snow is white. Kinda fitting, I think.

foz says:
#31, Reply to #28

Dec 2017
could have a bonus point for silent, like FTVs sometimes count for a point. or add the trifecta system and include actors, get a lot of b/w lugosi, karloff, chaney etc

#19, Reply to #1

Dec 2017
October and November are sacrosanct. Of the others that you highlight, I have really come to value the Documentary and the Black and White one. Hope they both return at some stage in 2018.

Dec 2017
Comment Deleted

Ballz says:

Dec 2017 *
I could get into Week of Love and Shark Week.

My idea is a western challenge. I'm by no means a western aficionado, but I've seen enough to know I could spend a month watching more and enjoying it.

Points based on runtime would probably be best. There's a lot of western shows out there that could be watched too then. Though if it were to use the point system involving trifectas, at least one trifecta could involve who's starring. For example, a Clint Eastwood trifecta or a John Wayne trifecta.

Speaking of Eastwood, a cop/detective challenge also comes to mind. Can't imagine either challenge becoming annual, but I'd even be willing to try my hand at hosting them if there's enough interest in having them at all.

jimb14red says:

Dec 2017 *
How about a year long Challenge for 2018? Basically you get a giant list of say 500 things. So you would need to watch 500 movies for the year. If that is too much you can make it smaller or heck if to small make it bigger. You have a list of directors and you have to watch a movie from each of the ones listed. then maybe a list a list of actors, or writers, or even composers. Anything we want. Then you can have categories like Death by axe, and female nudity, and time travel, and person puking, or anything we choose? The only thing is you have to watch a seperate movie for each category. Plus this year long one would not efffect the other challenges. You can use the films in those challenges for this one.

jimb14red says:
#15, Reply to #14

Dec 2017
I used do these on a site along time ago. I actually copied the last one we did. This one is crazy as it is 1400 categories so this is just to show an example.

1. Adamson, Al
2. Allen, Woody
3. Almodovar, Pedro
4. Altman, Robert
5. Anderson, Paul Thomas
6. Anderson, Paul W.S.
7. Anderson, Wes
8. Antonioni, Michelangelo
9. Argento, Dario
10. Aronofsky, Darren
11. Avildsen, John
12. Badham, John
13. Barker, Clive
14. Bava, Mario
15. Bay, Michael
16. Bergman, Ingmar
17. Bertolucci, Bernardo
18. Besson, Luc
19. Bird, Brad
20. Boyle, Danny
21. Branagh, Kenneth
22. Bresson, Robert
23. Brooks, Mel
24. Brooks, Richard
25. Browning, Tod
26. Bunuel, Luis
27. Burton, Tim
28. Cameron, James
29. Capra, Frank
30. Carpenter, John
31. Cassavetes, John
32. Cassavetes, Nick
33. Castle, William
34. Chan, Jackie
35. Chaplin, Charlie
36. Cimino, Michael
37. Cocteau, Jean
38. Coen Bros.
39. Cohen, Rob
40. Columbus, Chris
41. Coppola, Francis Ford
42. Coppola, Sophia
43. Corbucci, Sergio
44. Corman, Roger
45. Coscarelli, Don
46. Costner, Kevin
47. Craven, Wes
48. Cronenberg, David
49. Crowe, Cameron
50. Cuaron, Alfonso
51. Cukor, George
52. Curtiz, Michael
53. D'Amato, Joe
54. Dante, Joe
55. Darabont, Frank
56. De Bont, Jan
57. De Palma, Brian
58. De Sica, Vittorio
59. Del Toro, Guillermo
60. DeMille, Cecil B.
61. Demme, Jonathan
62. Donaldson, Roger
63. Donner, Richard
64. Dreyer, Carl
65. Eastwood, Clint
66. Edwards, Blake
67. Eisenstein, Sergei
68. Emmerich, Roland
69. Ephron, Nora
70. Farrelly Bros.
71. Fassbinder, Rainer Werner
72. Fellini, Fedirico
73. Ferrara, Abel
74. Fincher, David
75. Fleming, Victor
76. Ford, John
77. Forman, Milos
78. Franco, Jess
79. Frankenheimer, John
80. Frears, Stephen
81. Friedkin, William
82. Fukasaku, Kinji
83. Fulci, Lucio
84. Fuller, Sam
85. Fuqua, Antoine
86. Gibson, Mel
87. Gilliam, Terry
88. Godard, Jean-Luc
89. Gordon Lewis, Herschell
90. Gordon, Stuart
91. Guest, Chrisopher
92. Hanson, Curtis
93. Harlin, Renny
94. Hawks, Howard
95. Herzog, Werner
96. Hill, George Roy
97. Hill, Jack
98. Hitchcock, Alfred
99. Honda, Ishirรด
100. Hooper, Tobe
101. Howard, Ron
102. Hughes, John
103. Hung, Sammo
104. Huston, John
105. Inarritu, Alejandro Gonzalez
106. Jackson, Peter
107. Jarmusch, Jim
108. Jewison, Norman
109. Joe Berlinger / Bruce Sinofsky
110. Jonze, Spike
111. Jordan, Neil
112. Kaufman, Lloyd
113. Kazan, Elia
114. Kieslowski, Krzysztof
115. Kramer, Stanley
116. Kubrick, Stanley
117. Kurosawa, Akira
118. Landis, John
119. Lang, Fritz
120. Lasseter, John
121. Lean, David
122. Lee, Ang
123. Lee, Spike
124. Leone, Sergio
125. Levinson, Barry
126. Liman, Doug
127. Linklater, Richard
128. Lucas, George
129. Lumet, Sidney
130. Lynch, David
131. Malick, Terrence
132. Malle, Louis
133. Mamet, David
134. Mangold, James
135. Mann, Michael
136. Margareti, Antonio
137. Marshall, Garry
138. Marshall, Penny
139. Maysles, Albert and David
140. McCarey, Leo
141. McTiernan, John
142. Melville, Jean-Pierre
143. Mendes, Sam
144. Meyer, Russ
145. Miike, Takashi
146. Miner, Steve
147. Minghella, Anthony
148. Miyazaki, Hayao
149. Mizoguchi, Kenji
150. Moore, Michael
151. Morris, Erroll
152. Murnau, F.W.
153. Nichols, Mike
154. Nolan, Christopher
155. Noyce, Phillip
156. Oz, Frank
157. Ozu, Yasujiro
158. Pang Brothers
159. Park, Chan Wook
160. Payne, Alexander
161. Peckinpah, Sam
162. Peterson, Wolfgang
163. Polanski, Roman
164. Pollack, Sydney
165. Powell, Michael and Pressburger, Emeric
166. Preminger, Otto
167. Raimi, Sam
168. Ramis, Harold
169. Ratner, Brett
170. Reiner, Rob
171. Reitman, Ivan
172. Renoir, Jean
173. Ritchie, Guy
174. Rodriguez, Robert
175. Roeg, Nicolas
176. Rollin, Jean
177. Romero, George A.
178. Russell, David O.
179. Schumacher, Joel
180. Scorsese, Martin
181. Scott, Ridley
182. Scott, Tony
183. Shelton, Ron
184. Shimizu, Takashi
185. Shyamalan, M. Night
186. Siegel, Don
187. Singer, Bryan
188. Singleton, John
189. Sirk, Douglas
190. Smith, Kevin
191. Smithee, Alan
192. Soderbergh, Steven
193. Solondz, Todd
194. Sonenfield, Barry
195. Speilberg, Steven
196. Stone, Oliver
197. Sturges, John
198. Sturges, Preston
199. Suzuki, Seijun
200. Tarantino, Quentin
201. Tarkovsky, Andrei
202. Tati, Jacques
203. Tourneur, Jacques
204. Truffaut, Francois
205. Tsui, Hark
206. Tykwer, Tom
207. Van Sant, Gus
208. Verbinski, Gore
209. Verhoeven, Paul
210. Von Trier, Lars
211. Wachowski Siblings
212. Waters, John
213. Weir, Peter
214. Welles, Orson
215. Wellman, William A.
216. Wilder, Billy
217. Wise, Robert
218. Woo, John
219. Wood, Jr., Edward D.
220. Wyler, William
221. Yimou, Zhang
222. Young, Terence
223. Zemeckis, Robert
224. Zinnemann, Fred
225. Zucker Bros.

226. Abraham, F. Murray
227. Affleck, Ben
228. Affleck, Casey
229. Aiello, Danny
230. Alda, Alan
231. Arkin, Alan
232. Astaire, Fred
233. Aykroyd, Dan
234. Azaria, Hank
235. Bacall, Lauren
236. Bacon, Kevin
237. Baldwin, Alec
238. Bale, Christian
239. Banderas, Antonio
240. Banks, Elizabeth
241. Barbeau, Adrienne
242. Bardem, Javier
243. Barrymore, Drew
244. Bartel, Paul
245. Barty, Billy
246. Basinger, Kim
247. Bean, Sean
248. Beatty, Ned
249. Beatty, Warren
250. Beckinsale, Kate
251. Belushi, John
252. Bening, Annette
253. Bergman, Ingrid
254. Berry, Halle
255. Biehn, Michael
256. Biel, Jessica
257. Binoche, Juliette
258. Black, Jack
259. Blanchett, Cate
260. Bloom, Orlando
261. Bogart, Humphrey
262. Bonham Carter, Helena
263. Borgnine, Ernest
264. Boyle, Peter
265. Branagh, Kenneth
266. Brando, Marlon
267. Bridges, Jeff
268. Broderick, Matthew
269. Brolin, James
270. Brolin, Josh
271. Bronson, Charles
272. Brooks, Albert
273. Brosnan, Pierce
274. Brynner, Yul
275. Bullock, Sandra
276. Burns, Edward
277. Burstyn, Ellen
278. Burton, Richard
279. Buscemi, Steve
280. Busey, Gary
281. Byrne, Gabriel
282. Caan, James
283. Cage, Nicolas
284. Cagney, James
285. Caine, Michael
286. Campbell, Bruce
287. Candy, John
288. Carlyle, Robert
289. Carradine, David
290. Carradine, John
291. Carrey, Jim
292. Caruso, David
293. Cassel, Seymour
294. Cazale, John
295. Chan, Jackie
296. Chaney Jr, Lon
297. Chaplin, Charlie
298. Chase, Chevy
299. Cheadle, Don
300. Chiba, Sonny
301. Cleef, Lee Van
302. Cleese, John
303. Clooney, George
304. Close, Glen
305. Coburn, James
306. Cole, Gary
307. Coleman, Dabney
308. Collete, Toni
309. Combs, Jeffrey
310. Connelly, Jennifer
311. Connery, Sean
312. Considine, Paddy
313. Conway, Tim
314. Cooper, Chris
315. Cooper, Gary
316. Costner, Kevin
317. Cotten, Joseph
318. Cox, Brian
319. Cox, Ronny
320. Craig, Daniel
321. Crawford, Joan
322. Crosby, Bing
323. Crowe, Russell
324. Cruise, Tom
325. Cruz, Penelope
326. Crystal, Billy
327. Curry, Tim
328. Curtis, Cliff
329. Cusack, Joan
330. Cusack, John
331. Cushing, Peter
332. Dafoe, Willem
333. Damon, Matt
334. Danes, Claire
335. Dangerfield, Rodney
336. Daniels, Jeff
337. David, Keith
338. Davis, Bette
339. Davis, Geena
340. Davis, Warwick
341. Dawson, Rosario
342. Day, Doris
343. Day-Lewis, Daniel
344. Dean, James
345. Del Toro, Benicio
346. Dench, Judi
347. DeNiro, Robert
348. Dennehy, Brian
349. Depp, Johnny
350. Dern, Laura
351. Deschannel, Zooey
352. DeVito, Danny
353. Diaz, Cameron
354. DiCaprio, Leonardo
355. Dietrich, Marlene
356. Dillon, Matt or Kevin
357. D'Onfrio, Vincent
358. Douglas, Kirk
359. Douglas, Michael
360. Dreyfuss, Richard
361. Duchovney, David
362. Dumont, Margaret
363. Dunaway, Faye
364. Duncan, Michael Clarke
365. Dunst, Kirsten
366. Dutton, Charles S.
367. Duvall, Robert
368. Eastwood, Clint
369. Eckhart, Aaron
370. Edjiofor, Chiwetel
371. Elwes, Cary
372. Englund, Robert
373. Ermey, R. Lee
374. Estevez, Emilio
375. Everett, Rupert
376. Farina, Dennis
377. Farley, Chris
378. Feldman, Corey
379. Ferrell, Will
380. Ferrerr, Miguel
381. Fichtner, William
382. Field, Sally
383. Fields, W.C.
384. Fiennes, Ralph
385. Finch, Peter
386. Finney, Albert
387. Fishburne, Laurence
388. Fisher, Carrie
389. Fonda, Henry
390. Fonda, Jane or Bridget
391. Fonda, Peter
392. Ford, Harrison
393. Forster, Robert
394. Forsythe, William
395. Foster, Ben
396. Foster, Jodie
397. Fox, Michael J.
398. Foxx, Jamie
399. Fraser, Brendan
400. Freeman, Morgan
401. Furlong, Edward
402. Gable, Clark
403. Gandolfini, James
404. Garbo, Greta
405. Garcia, Andy
406. Gardener, Ava
407. Garland, Judy
408. Garner, James
409. Garner, Jennifer
410. Gemser, Laura
411. Gere, Richard
412. Giamatti, Paul
413. Gibson, Mel
414. Gleeson, Brendan
415. Glenn, Scott
416. Glover, Crispin
417. Goldberg, Whoopi
418. Goldblum, Jeff
419. Gooding Jr, Cuba
420. Goodman, John
421. Gould, Elliott
422. Graham, Heather
423. Grant, Cary
424. Green, Seth
425. Greene, Graham
426. Guinness, Alec
427. Gyllenhaal, Jake
428. Gyllenhaal, Maggie
429. Hackman, Gene
430. Haig, Sid
431. Hamilton, Linda
432. Hanks, Tom
433. Harlow, Jean
434. Harris, Ed
435. Hauer, Rutger
436. Hawn, Goldie
437. Hayek, Salma
438. Hayworth, Rita
439. Hedren, Tippi
440. Henriksen, Lance
441. Hepburn, Audrey
442. Hepburn, Katharine
443. Heston, Charlton
444. Hoffman, Dustin
445. Hoffman, Philip Seymour
446. Holbrook, Hal
447. Holden, William
448. Holm, Ian
449. Hong, James
450. Hopkins, Sir Anthony
451. Hopper, Dennis
452. Hoskins, Bob
453. Hounsou, Djimon
454. Hudson, Ernie
455. Hudson, Kate
456. Hudson, Rock
457. Hunt, Helen
458. Hunt, Linda
459. Hunter, Holly
460. Hurley, Elizabeth
461. Hurt, John
462. Hurt, William
463. Huston, Anjelica
464. Ice Cube
465. Idle, Eric
466. Irons, Jeremy
467. Ironside, Michael
468. Isaacs, Jason
469. Jackman, Hugh
470. Jackson, Samuel L.
471. Johansson, Scarlett
472. Jolie, Angelina
473. Jones, James Earl
474. Jones, Tommy Lee
475. Jones, Vinnie
476. Judd, Ashley
477. Kahn, Madeline
478. Karloff, Boris
479. Keaton, Buster
480. Keaton, Diane
481. Keaton, Michael
482. Keitel, Harvey
483. Kelly, Gene
484. Kelly, Grace
485. Kennedy, George
486. Kidder, Margot
487. Kidman, Nicole
488. Kier, Udo
489. Kilmer, Val
490. Kingsley, Ben
491. Kinnear, Greg
492. Knotts, Don
493. Kristofferson, Kris
494. Lancaster, Burt
495. Lane, Diane
496. Lange, Jessica
497. Laughton, Charles
498. Law, Jude
499. Lawrence, Martin
500. Leachman, Cloris
501. Leary, Denis
502. Ledger, Heath
503. Lee, Bruce
504. Lee, Christopher
505. Lee, Jason
506. Leigh, Janet
507. Lemmon, Jack
508. Lerner, Michael
509. Levy, Eugene
510. Li, Jet
511. Lindberg, Christina
512. Lindo, Delroy
513. Linney, Laura
514. Liotta, Ray
515. Lithgow, John
516. Lloyd, Christopher
517. Lloyd, Harold
518. Loggia, Robert
519. Lombard, Carole
520. Loren, Sophia
521. Lorre, Peter
522. Lugosi, Bela
523. MacMurray, Fred
524. Macy, William H.
525. Madsen, Michael
526. Madsen, Virginia
527. Maguire, Tobey
528. Malkovich, John
529. Mantegna, Joe
530. Martin, Steve
531. Marvin, Lee
532. Marx Brothers
533. Mason, James
534. Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth
535. McConaughey, Matthew
536. McDormand, Frances
537. McDowell, Malcolm
538. McGowan, Rose
539. McGregor, Ewan
540. McKellen, Ian
541. McQueen, Steve
542. Mifune, Toshirรด
543. Miller, Dick
544. Miranda, Soledad
545. Mirren, Helen
546. Mitchum, Robert
547. Molina, Alfred
548. Monroe, Marilyn
549. Moore, Demi
550. Moore, Julianne
551. Moranis, Rick
552. Morita, Pat
553. Morse, David
554. Mortinsen, Viggo
555. Mosely, Bill
556. Murphy, Cilian
557. Murphy, Eddie
558. Murray, Bill
559. Myers, Mike
560. Naschy, Paul
561. Neeson, Liam
562. Neill, Sam
563. Nelson, Craig T.
564. Nelson, Tim Blake
565. Nero, Franco
566. Newman, Paul
567. Nicholson, Jack
568. Nielsen, Leslie
569. Nighy, Bill
570. Niven, David
571. Nolte, Nick
572. Norris, Chuck
573. Norton, Edward
574. Oates, Warren
575. Oldman, Gary
576. Olivier, Laurence
577. Olmos, Edward James
578. O'Toole, Peter
579. Owen, Clive
580. Pacino, Al
581. Paltrow, Gwyneth
582. Patrick, Robert
583. Paxton, Bill
584. Pearce, Guy
585. Peck, Gregory
586. Pegg, Simon
587. Penn, Sean
588. Pesci, Joe
589. Pfeiffer, Michelle
590. Phoenix, Joaquin
591. Phoenix, River
592. Pinon, Dominique
593. Pitt, Brad
594. Pleasance, Donald
595. Plummer, Christopher
596. Poitier, Sidney
597. Pollack, Kevin
598. Pollack, Sydney
599. Polly, Sarah
600. Portman, Natalie
601. Powell, William
602. Price, Vincent
603. Pullman, Bill
604. Quaid, Dennis
605. Quaid, Randy
606. Quigley, Linnea
607. Quinlan, Kathleen
608. Quinn, Anthony
609. Raft, George
610. Rains, Claude
611. Ramis, Harold
612. Ramsey, Anne
613. Ratzenberger, John
614. Redford, Robert
615. Reeve, Christopher
616. Reeves, Keanu
617. Reilly, John C.
618. Reno, Jean
619. Reynolds, Burt
620. Rhames, Ving
621. Rhys-Davies, John
622. Ribisi, Giovanni
623. Ricci, Christina
624. Rickman, Alan
625. Robards, Jason
626. Robbins, Tim
627. Roberts, Julia
628. Robinson, Edward G.
629. Rogen, Seth
630. Rooker, Michael
631. Rooney, Mickey
632. Rosellini, Isabella
633. Roth, Tim
634. Rourke, Mickey
635. Rudd, Paul
636. Rush, Geoffrey
637. Ruso, Rene
638. Russell, Kurt
639. Ryan, Meg
640. Ryder, Winona
641. Saint, Eva Marie
642. Sanada, Hiroyuki
643. Sandler, Adam
644. Sarandon, Susan
645. Saxon, John
646. Scheider, Roy
647. Schiavelli, Vincent
648. Schnieder, Rob
649. Schwartzman, Jason
650. Schwarzenegger, Arnold
651. Scott, George C.
652. Scott, Sean William
653. Seagall, Steven
654. Selleck, Tom
655. Sellers, Peter
656. Sewell, Rufus
657. Shatner, William
658. Sheen, Charlie
659. Sheen, Martin
660. Shimura, Takashi
661. Short, Martin
662. Siberdzija ,Rade
663. Sinatra, Frank
664. Sinise, Gary
665. Sizemore, Tom
666. Skarsgard, Stellan
667. Skerritt, Tom
668. Slater, Christian
669. Smith, Will
670. Snipes, Wesley
671. Spacey, Kevin
672. Stallone, Sylvester
673. Stamp, Terrence
674. Stanton, Harry Dean
675. Stanwyck, Barbara
676. Statham, Jason
677. Steenbergen, Mary
678. Steiger, Rod
679. Stewart, Jimmy
680. Stewart, Patrick
681. Stiles, Julia
682. Stiller, Ben
683. Stone, Sharon
684. Strathairn, David
685. Streep, Meryl
686. Streisand, Barbara
687. Stuart-Masterson, Mary
688. Sutherland, Donald
689. Sutherland, Keifer
690. Svenson, Bo
691. Swank, Hillary
692. Swinton, Tilda
693. Taghmaoui, Said
694. Tautou, Audrey
695. Taylor, Elizabeth
696. Theron, Charlize
697. Thewlis, David
698. Thomas, Sean Patrick
699. Thornton, Billy Bob
700. Thurman, Uma
701. Tierney, Gene
702. Tilly, Jennifer
703. Torn, Rip
704. Tracy, Spencer
705. Travolta, John
706. Trejo, Danny
707. Tucci, Stanley
708. Turner, Kathleen
709. Turner, Lana
710. Turturro, John
711. Van Damme, Jean Claude
712. Van Dyke, Dick
713. Vaughn, Vince
714. Voight, Jon
715. Von Sydow, Max
716. Wahlberg, Mark
717. Walken, Christopher
718. Walsh, J.T.
719. Walsh, M Emmet
720. Washington, Denzel
721. Watanabe, Ken
722. Wayne, John
723. Weathers, Carl
724. Weaver, Sigourney
725. Weaving, Hugo
726. Weisz, Rachel
727. Welch, Raquel
728. Welker, Frank
729. Welles, Orson
730. West, Mae
731. Whitaker, Forest
732. Wilder, Gene
733. Wilkinson, Tom
734. Williams, Robin
735. Williams, Treat
736. Williamson, Fred
737. Willis, Bruce
738. Wilson, Luke
739. Wilson, Owen
740. Winslet, Kate
741. Wise, Ray
742. Witherspoon, Reese
743. Woods, James
744. Woronov, Mary
745. Wright Penn, Robin
746. Yen, Donnie
747. Yeoh, Michelle
748. Yun Fat, Chow
749. Zeta-Jones, Catherine
750. Ziyi, Zhang

751. Apatow, Judd
752. Arad, Avi
753. Barber, Gary
754. Broccoli, Albert R.
755. Bruckheimer, Jerry
756. Burg, Mark
757. Corman, Roger
758. De Laurentis, Dino
759. Di Novi, Denise
760. Disney, Walt
761. Evans, Robert
762. Fellner, Eric
763. Friedman, David
764. Glickman, Jonathan
765. Gordon, Lawrence
766. Gordon, Mark
767. Grazer, Brian
768. Grey, Brad
769. Hill, Debra
770. Hurd, Gale Anne
771. Jacks, James
772. Johnson, Mark
773. Kennedy, Kathleen
774. Kroopf, Scott
775. Levin, Lloyd
776. Linson, Art
777. Marshall, Frank
778. Michaels, Lorne
779. Novak, Harry
780. Roach, Hal
781. Rudin, Scott
782. Selznick, David O
783. Shamberg, Michael
784. Shaw, Run Run
785. Shayes, Bob
786. Sher, Stacey
787. Silver, Jeffrey
788. Simpson, Don
789. Spiegel , Sam
790. Spielberg, Steven
791. Tapert, Robert
792. Thalberg, Irving
793. Wallis, Hal
794. Weinstein, Bob
795. Weinstein, Harvey
796. Weiss, George
797. Winkler, Irwin
798. Winter, Ralph
799. Zanuck, Darryl F.
800. Zanuck, Richard

801. Allen, Woody
802. Chayefsky, Paddy
803. Eserhaus, Joe
804. Goldman, William
805. Gunn, James
806. Haggis, Paul
807. Hecht, Ben
808. Helgeland, Brian
809. Hughes, John
810. Kasdan, Lawrence
811. Kaufman, Charlie
812. Lehman, Ernest
813. Mamet, David
814. Mankiewicz, Herman or Joseph
815. Roth, Eric
816. Schrader, Paul
817. Simon, Neil
818. Sturges, Preston
819. Whedon, Joss
820. Zaillian, Steven

821. Almendros, Nestor
822. Ballhaus, Michael
823. Daviau, Allen
824. Deakins, Roger
825. Deschannel, Caleb
826. Fraker, William
827. Fujimoto, Tak
828. Goldblatt, Stephen
829. Hall, Conrad
830. Kaminski, Janusk
831. Kovacs, Laszlo
832. Laszlo, Ernest
833. Nykvist, Sven
834. Richardson, Robert
835. Roizmon, Owen
836. Seale, John
837. Storaro, Vittorio
838. Surtees, Robert L.
839. Toll, John
840. Wexler, Haskell
841. Willis, Gordon
842. Zsigmond, Vilmos

843. Bernstein, Elmer
844. Chaplin, Charlie
845. Elfman, Danny
846. Faltemeyer, Harold
847. Glass, Philip
848. Grusin, Dave
849. Herrman, Bernard
850. Horner, James
851. Mancini, Henry
852. Morricone, Ennio
853. Mothersbaugh, Mark
854. Newman, Alfred
855. Newman, Randy
856. Newton-Howard, James
857. Ortolani, Riz
858. Previn, Andre
859. Rota, Nino
860. Schifrin, Lalo
861. Shaiman, Marc
862. Shore, Howard
863. Williams, John
864. Zimmer, Hans

865. Baker, Rick
866. Berger, Howard
867. Bottin, Rob
868. Cannom, Greg
869. Harryhausen, Ray
870. Nicotero, Gregory
871. Pierce, Jack
872. Savini, Tom
873. Smith, Dick
874. Westmore, Michael
875. Winston, Stan

876. First Date
877. Mr. Right
878. Mr. Wrong
879. Smoking Gun
880. Red Herring
881. Prince Charming
882. A Hitman
883. Witness Protection
884. Undercover
885. Terrorism
886. Deaf/Dumb/Blind
887. Rom-Com
888. Watching a Sunrise / Sunset
889. Retirement
890. Wedding Day
891. Virginity
892. Freezing
893. World Domination
894. Breakout Role
895. Man's Best Friend
896. Tearjerker
897. Breaking Up is Hard to Do
898. Getting Back Together
899. Age of Innocence
900. Head Over Heels
901. Science Fiction
902. Shower Scene
903. A Great Disguise
904. Cemetery
905. Getting Drunk
906. Drug Abuse
907. Recreational Drug Use
908. Suicide
909. Message Movie
910. Antarctica
911. A Galaxy Far, Far Away
912. The Apocalypse
913. Hong Kong
914. Slapstick
915. Full Frontal Nudity - male
916. Full Frontal Nudity โ€“ female
917. Horrid CG
918. Badas$ Bikers
919. Eurotrash
920. Spaghetti West
921. Nuns
922. Smokin' Dope
923. Hallucination
924. Teen Comedy
925. The Good Die Young
926. Sexy Comedy
927. Old Age
928. Movies By Decade: 20's
929. Movies By Decade: 30's
930. Movies By Decade: 40's
931. Movies By Decade: 50's
932. Movies By Decade: 60's
933. Movies By Decade: 70's
934. Movies By Decade: 80's
935. Movies By Decade: 90's
936. Movies By Decade: 2000's
937. Discrimination
938. Obsessive Compulsive
939. Hail Caesar
940. Roasting on an Open Fire
941. For the Bible Tells Me So
942. Never Ending Ammo
943. Left at the Altar
944. Rapper/Actor
945. Possessed Car
946. An Experimental Film
947. Dance Montage
948. Female Protagonist
949. Documentary
950. Concert Film
951. Torture
952. Wrong Place, Wrong Time
953. Right Place, Right Time
954. Sibling Rivalry
955. Cult Classic
956. Animal Attack
957. The Big Apple
958. Psychic Powers
959. A Biopic
960. A Haunted House
961. A Femme Fatale
962. Broken Heart
963. Bachelor Party
964. Abuse of Power
965. TV Personality Playing Themselves
966. Politician Playing Themselves
967. Athlete Playing Themselves
968. Actor Playing Themselves
969. Title Spoken by Character
970. Baby on Board
971. Body Count Over 10
972. Body Count Over 25
973. Body Count Over 50
974. Body Count Over 100
975. Body Count Zero in a Horror Movie
976. The Open Road
977. Private Eyes
978. Performance by a Real Band
979. Horse Race
980. Putting Work First
981. Putting Family First
982. Bad Guy Comes Back for One Last Scare
983. An Awful Accent
984. Frat Party
985. An Anthology
986. Asian Horror
987. Country Boy
988. Cameo
989. Uncredited Cameo
990. Friends Forever
991. Hostage Situation
992. Nazis
993. Blackmail
994. Buried/Hidden Treasure
995. Famous Actor Directing
996. Famous Director Acting
997. Directorial Debut
998. Fly the Friendly Skies
999. Skinny Dipping
1000. A Motivational Speech
1001. Miniature Golf
1002. Under Arrest
1003. In Prison
1004. Straight to Video Sequel
1005. Catching Some Waves
1006. Drinking Some Brews
1007. Warp Speed
1008. Stop Motion
1009. Slow Motion
1010. IMDb Bottom 100: 1-33
1011. IMDb Bottom 100: 34-66
1012. IMDb Bottom 100: 67-100
1013. IMDb Top 250: 1-50
1014. IMDb Top 250: 51-100
1015. IMDb Top 250: 101-150
1016. IMDb Top 250: 151 - 200
1017. IMDb Top 250: 201-250
1018. Set in Your Home State (or Country for the non US types)
1019. Cyberpunk
1020. Steampunk
1021. Jilted Lover
1022. Roses are Red
1023. A Grifter
1024. An Odd Couple
1025. Giallo
1026. Out to Sea
1027. High School
1028. Divorce
1029. Lesson Learned
1030. Evil Incarnate
1031. Life on Mars
1032. A Poker Game
1033. On their Death Bed
1034. I'll Wait for You
1035. Snowball Fight
1036. A Night at the Opera
1037. Genocide
1038. A Clown
1039. Cast of Thousands
1040. Gay / Lesbian Interest
1041. Stranger in a Strange Land
1042. Breaking the Fourth Wall
1043. What the @#^%?
1044. Studio Backlot
1045. Hula Girl
1046. Dirty Commies
1047. Featuring: Joan of Arc
1048. Featuring: Abe Lincoln
1049. Featuring: George Washington
1050. Featuring: Napoleon
1051. Featuring: Jesus
1052. Featuring: JFK
1053. Featuring: Robert E Lee
1054. Featuring: Hitler
1055. Featuring: Santa Claus
1056. Featuring: Dracula
1057. Featuring: Frankensteinโ€™s Monster
1058. Featuring: James Bond
1059. Featuring: Robin Hood
1060. Featuring: Godzilla
1061. Featuring: King Arthur
1062. Mind Control
1063. Burning Rubber
1064. Thug Life
1065. Religion
1066. Politics
1067. Superheroes
1068. Not Based on a Comic Superhero
1069. Plastic Surgery
1070. Fantasy
1071. Sports Film: Fictional
1072. Sports Film: Based on a True Story
1073. From the Grindhouse
1074. From the Arthouse
1075. Hitchhiker
1076. Paralyzed
1077. Holiday Film
1078. Utopian
1079. Dystopian
1080. An Action/Adventure Movie
1081. Ladies of the Night
1082. Bigfoot
1083. Storybook Ending
1084. A Hard Knock Life
1085. Not Available on DVD
1086. Parking Garage
1087. Looney Bin
1088. National Lampoon Presents
1089. Hippies
1090. An Art Film
1091. Barbarians
1092. Kissing in the Rain
1093. Foreign Language - Arabic
1094. Foreign Language - Chinese
1095. Foreign Language - French
1096. Foreign Language - German
1097. Foreign Language - Italian
1098. Foreign Language - Japanese
1099. Foreign Language โ€“ Korean
1100. Foreign Language - Portuguese
1101. Foreign Language - Russian
1102. Foreign Language - Spanish
1103. Foreign Language โ€“ Swedish
1104. Foreign Language - Turkish
1105. Foreign Language - Other
1106. An Affair
1107. Nervous Breakdown
1108. Running Late
1109. Bounty Hunter
1110. Custody Battle
1111. Exotic Dancers
1112. A Gambler
1113. Welcome to the Jungle
1114. SCUBA
1115. Twins
1116. Birthday Party
1117. Puppets
1118. Mariachi Band
1119. Single Parent
1120. Follow that Cab!
1121. A Library
1122. Movie Within a Movie
1123. Dinosaurs
1124. Street Fighting Man
1125. Homage
1126. Vampires
1127. Locked Up
1128. At the Morgue
1129. Shakespeare
1130. Musical
1131. An Explosion
1132. A Silent Film
1133. Epic
1134. Playing Cards
1135. Satanic Ritual
1136. No Opening Credits
1137. Prisoners of War
1138. Sword Fight
1139. Adultery
1140. Revenge
1141. Spies
1142. Comedy
1143. Martial Arts
1144. Spinning Newspaper Headlines
1145. Pumping Iron
1146. Founding Fathers
1147. Men in Uniform
1148. A Klutz
1149. All or Nothing
1150. BC Times
1151. Who Am I?
1152. Exploitation
1153. You Stop, You Die
1154. Mercenaries
1155. Big Name Actor Killed Early
1156. Ancient Mythology
1157. Soooo Fast
1158. A Mountain Expedition
1159. Samurai Swords
1160. Jousting
1161. I Thought You Were Dead
1162. Based on a: Novel
1163. Based on a: Short Story
1164. Based on a: Comic Book
1165. Based on a: Video Game
1166. Based on a: Play
1167. Based on a: Television Show
1168. Based on a: True Story
1169. Based on a : Poem
1170. Based on a : SNL Sketch
1171. Remake of a Foreign Film
1172. Remake of an American Film
1173. A Mummy
1174. Rise to Power
1175. Great Soundtrack
1176. Plane Crash
1177. Itโ€™s a Set Up
1178. This is a Stick Up
1179. Film Noir
1180. A Wrong Turn
1181. Strike it Rich
1182. True Love
1183. A National Monument
1184. A Western
1185. On the Lam
1186. Courtroom Drama
1187. Erotic Thriller
1188. 3-D Animation
1189. Traditional Animation
1190. A Disney Classic: Live Action
1191. A Disney Classic: Animated
1192. Anime
1193. Giant Mutant Animal
1194. College Campus
1195. Best Night Ever
1196. A Duo
1197. Zombies
1198. Almost There
1199. The City of Angels
1200. A Funeral
1201. Witches
1202. Magical Creatures
1203. The Prom
1204. Booby Trap
1205. Sexploitation
1206. An Annoying Creature
1207. Cut the Red Wire
1208. Oscar Winner: Best Picture
1209. Oscar Winner: Best Actor
1210. Oscar Winner: Best Actress
1211. Oscar Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay
1212. Oscar Winner: Best Art Direction
1213. Oscar Winner: Best Cinematography
1214. Oscar Winner: Best Costume Design
1215. Oscar Winner: Best Director
1216. Oscar Winner: Best Documentary
1217. Oscar Winner: Best Editing
1218. Oscar Winner: Best Foreign Language Film
1219. Oscar Winner: Best Makeup
1220. Oscar Winner: Best Original Screenplay
1221. Oscar Winner: Best Song or Score
1222. Oscar Winner: Best Sound Editing
1223. Oscar Winner: Best Sound Mixing
1224. Oscar Winner: Best Supporting Actor
1225. Oscar Winner: Best Supporting Actress
1226. Oscar Winner: Best Visual Effects
1227. Raspberry Award Winner: Worst Picture
1228. Raspberry Award Winner: Worst Actor
1229. Raspberry Award Winner: Worst Actress
1230. Raspberry Award Winner: Worst Director
1231. Forgery
1232. South America
1233. Soccer Hooligans
1234. Iโ€™m Getting Out
1235. A Guitar Case
1236. Mad Scientist
1237. Family Vacation
1238. Bank Robbery
1239. Coming of Age
1240. Masked Maniac
1241. A Leak
1242. On the Farm
1243. A Counterfeit
1244. A Conspiracy
1245. Down on the Farm
1246. Itโ€™s Magic!
1247. Radiation Poisoning
1248. Car Off a Cliff Explosion
1249. A Board Game
1250. Time Travel
1251. Watched with Commentary (repeat viewing OK)
1252. Obvious Product Placement
1253. Aliens
1254. A Double Cross
1255. A Video Nasty
1256. Gone Fishing
1257. A Werewolf
1258. A Period Piece
1259. On Top of the World
1260. A Midget / Little Person / Dwarf
1261. Got the Munchies
1262. A Beautiful Moment
1263. An Excess of Manliness
1264. A B.A.M.F.
1265. Everyone Loves to Hate Him/Her
1266. Contrasting Stories
1267. A Sniper
1268. Delusions
1269. PTSD
1270. London, England
1271. Paris, France
1272. On the Train
1273. The Windy City
1274. A Robot
1275. A Precious Stone
1276. Sugar and Spice
1277. A Holiday Horror
1278. Traffic Jam
1279. Australia
1280. A Collector
1281. Blaxploitation
1282. Everything is Not What it Seems
1283. Psycho Ex-Girlfriend
1284. Talking Animals
1285. Rape
1286. Rockโ€™Nโ€™Roll
1287. Riot on the Streets
1288.Mass Hysteria
1289. La Cosa Nostra
1290. An Amusement Park
1291. Punk
1292. Hip-Hop
1293. Modern Movie filmed in Black and White
1294. Narration
1295. Cowboys and Indians
1296. Invasion
1297. Children Run Amuck
1298. First of a Series
1299. A Chick Flick
1300. The Rat Pack
1301. The Brat Pack
1302. The Frat Pack
1303. The Splat Pack
1304. Arms Dealer
1305. In a Submarine
1306. Samurai
1307. B-Movie
1308. Electrocution
1309. Vulgarity/Profanity
1310. Dark Comedy
1311. Black Comedy
1312. A Dogfight
1313. Wagons Ho
1314. Africa
1315. A Secret
1316. A Monkey
1317. Pirates
1318. Sailing
1319. Women in Prison
1320. A Hobo
1321. Horror Comedy
1322. Boys Will Be Boys
1323. Boarding School
1324. Snobbery
1325. Shockumentary
1326. Weโ€™re Number One
1327. Death by: A Chainsaw
1328. Death by: A Knife
1329. Death by: A Machete
1330. Death by: A Meat Hook
1331. Death by: A Really Nasty Bite
1332. Death by: A Gardening Tool
1333. Death by: A Scythe
1334. Death by: An Axe
1335. Death by: Bludgeon
1336. Death by: Poison
1337. Villain Explains Evil Plot
1338. A Cover Up
1339. Blatant Rip Off
1340. Down in the Sewers
1341. A Fairy Tale
1342. I Can Fly!
1343. Drug Dealer
1344. Dream Sequence
1345. World War I
1346. World War II
1347. The Civil War
1348. The American Revolution
1349. The French Revolution
1350. The Vietnam War
1351. The Cold War
1352. War in the Middle East
1353. The Great Depression
1354. The Roaring 20s
1355. A Guilty Pleasure
1356. Drug Overdose
1357. What Happens in Vegas
1358. A Natural Disaster
1359. An Unnatural Disaster
1360. A Phobia
1361. Hit in the Crotch
1362. A Truck Stop
1363. When in Rome
1364. Deus Ex Machina
1365. Ensemble Cast
1366. Greed
1367. Sloth
1368. Gluttony
1369. Envy
1370. Pride
1371. Wrath
1372. Lust
1373. A Nightmare
1374. Dragons
1375. Intensive Care Unit
1376. Spears and Sandals
1377. Wizards
1378. AFI top 100: 1-20
1379. AFI top 100: 21-40
1380. AFI top 100: 41-60
1381. AFI top 100: 61-80
1382. AFI top 100: 81-100
1383. At the Beach
1384. Guilty Conscience
1385. Ninjas
1386. Pimps and Hos
1387. A Bar
1388. Badly Dubbed Kung Fu Movie
1389. Kidnapping
1390. Slavery
1391. Depression
1392. Mistaken Identity
1393. A Spoof
1394. Actor Playing Multiple Roles
1395. Car Chase
1396. Kaiju
1397. An Indie
1398. A Childhood Icon
1399. Amnesia
1400. Scene After the Credits

Box_a_Hair says:
#33, Reply to #15

Dec 2017
Basically, there are challenges for any tag you can think of. I like the idea of challenges, but not when it's this overwhelming. Gotta keep it simple and more vague, since we've only got so few here, and the challenges need to be more accessible.

There might be a few in there that would be applicable to us. Stuff like "video nasty", but then again, that was already a great part of the trash challenge. The foreign challenges might work, but it's mostly good for a handful of countries, I think.

The actor/director/people challenges could be interesting. Take a classic horror icon like Cushing or Price and make a week or two out of binging their movies.

jimb14red says:
#44, Reply to #33

Jan 2018 *
That was just an example. It could be cut down to any size and any entries. You could literaly make it into any categories you want. But each one is just one movie you need to watch. The list is basically made so people watch a wide variety of movies and maybe see some from a director they haven't or a movie they might not usually see. But the idea for this one is something more of a year thing. So it is basically treated like your watch list for the year. But instead you fit the movies you watch into each category. The idea is to fill each category with a different movie. So if there are say 200 then you need to watch 200 seperate movies to fit into each category. Also since it goes the whole year the movies you watch in other challenges you can double dip and add them into this one. It was just an idea but doesn't look like any interest. No big deal just figured I would throw the idea out there.

#35, Reply to #15

Dec 2017
Took a bleedin' while to scroll through that!

Amon_101 says:
#16, Reply to #14

Dec 2017
For me personally, there is no way I could accomplish that, even in a regular year. 200 would be pushing it. If items could be combined, I could probably make a reasonable go at it.
Regardless, I would be out for next year anyway, as I will hopefully be spending close to half the year hiking from Mexico to Cananada.
But as I said, that's just me.

Amon_101 says:

Dec 2017 *
For the "Love Challenge," I was basing it off of horror movies. It could easily be changed to actual romance movies. I don't really care, I was just noodling, and it was something I thought of a few years ago at the IMDB horror board.
And the points system I put up were just ideas as well, nothing set in stone. So feel free to suggest different point systems. Just not minutes watched for the Shark Week, as I feel it would be a lot more fun to do points based off of the films.

foz says:

Dec 2017
like the sound of everyone's suggestions, esp the cop/detective one if we open it to 'crime' in general, or at least add serial killers.

cannibal week?

revenge/vengence/vigilante month?

a country based challenge watching movies made in as many different places as possible...


Dec 2017
Werewolf Week is too deliciously alliterative not to suggest.

Box_a_Hair says:
#34, Reply to #30

Dec 2017
The alliteration is why I keep thinking about it, but I figure it could also be factored into when there's a full moon. There looks to be about a dozen of these occurrences a year, so it could spin off of that.

ZombieCPA says:

Dec 2017
Reptile month. Snakes, lizards, turtles, dinosaurs, gators, etc.



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