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Feb '22 *

I hope everybody's in the mood because it's happening again! Trash month is almost here. And for the sixth year in a row, we will explore the offbeat, the obscure, the unrealistically gory, and hopefully something nice and traumatizing to dream about during nappy time. So, join me... or don't. You can go trim your ass hairs with some garden shears for all I care. I'm watching some trash!

As always, it'll be one point for every trashy quality below. It doesn't have to be a significant amount of anything. As long as it exists.




Hardcore Penetration


Drug Use


Intentionally Bad Qualities

Video Nasties - Any movie to ever appear on this list.

SOV - Anything shot-on-video from the 80's and 90's, or beyond, if you know of anything.



Racism - One point for racist characters, or any type of blatant racism expressed.

Retards - Any characters who appears to be mentally handicapped is good for a point.

Garbage Point - One point earned if you genuinely hate the movie and have a difficult time making it through.

FTV (First Time Viewing)

Pleasure Point - One point earned for each orgasm you provide for yourself whilst viewing a trash epic.

And then, there's the Trifectas. Instead of using directors and series, the Trash Challenge trifectas are all about the old Exploitation sub genres.

Sexploitation, Blaxploitation, Drugsploitation, Hixploitation, Hippiesploitation, Nazisploitation, Bikersploitation, Canuxploitation, Ozploitation, Nunsploitation, Bruceploitation, Fowlsploitation, Rape/Revenge, Lezbo-Vamp, Women In Prison, Jungle Cannibal Epics, Mondo/Shockumentaries, Nudie Cuties/Nudist Camp bullshit, Giallos, Throwbacks

3 in a row from any of the above sploitations will count as a trifecta.

A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

Single Trifecta - 5 points

Double Trifecta - 7 points

Triple Trifecta - 9 points


Films must run no less than 40 minutes to count.

This challenge will be for the month of March.

Good fucking luck!


I https://trashepics.com/post/9/105/
II https://trashepics.com/post/9/186/
III https://trashepics.com/post/9/229/
IV https://trashepics.com/post/9/236/
V https://trashepics.com/post/9/247/

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '22 *
Day 1: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) Gore + Retards = 2
Day 2: Scream (2022) Gore = 1
Day 3:
Psycho Goreman (2020) Gore + FTV = 2
Satanic Panic (2019) Gore + Nudity + FTV = 3
Switchblade Sisters (1977) Rape + Nudity + Drug Use + FTV = 4
Day 4: Ms. 45 (1981) Rape + Gore + FTV = 3
Day 6: Nightbeast (1982) Gore + Nudity + FTV = 3
Day 8:
Dude Bro Party Massacre III (2015) Gore + Nudity + Bad Qualities = 3
Cannibal Holocaust (1980) Gore + Nudity + Rape + Cannibal + Video Nasty = 5
Day 9:
Sledgehammer (1983) Gore + SOV = 2
Flesh for Frankenstein (1973) Nudity + Gore + Incest + Necrophilia + Video Nasty = 5
The Batman (2022) Drug Use + FTV = 2
Fight Club (1999) Gore + Nudity = 2
Day 10:
Anthrophophagus (1980) Gore + Nudity + Video Nasty + Cannibalism = 4
I Drink Your Blood (1970) Gore + Nudity + Drug Use = 3
Day 11: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Nudity + Drug Use = 2
Day 13: The House by the Cemetery (1981) Nudity + Gore + Video Nasty + FTV = 4
Day 15:
Hell of the Living Dead (1980) Nudity + Gore + Video Nasty = 3
Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury (2011) Nudity + Gore + Bad Qualities + Necrophilia + Drug Use = 5
Day 16: Free Guy (2021) Retards + FTV = 2
Day 17: Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1981) Gore + Nudity + Video Nasty + FTV = 4
Day 19: Blood for Dracula (1974) Nudity + Gore + Pleasure = 3
Day 22: Gummo (1997) Nudity + Incest + Drug Use + Racism + Retards + Pleasure = 6
Day 23:
Cat in the Brain (1990) Gore + Nudity + FTV = 3
Wizard of Gore (1970) Gore = 1
Day 26:
Julien Donkey-Boy (1999) Retards + Incest + Drug Use = 3
Clerks II (2006) Bestiality + Racism + Drug Use = 3
Day 27: Two Thousand Maniacs (1964) Gore = 1
Day 28: Detroit Rock City (1999) Nudity + Drug Use = 2
Day 29:
Up in Smoke (1978) Drug Use = 1
Desperate Living (1977) Nudity + Rape + Gore + Cannibal + Necrophilia = 5
Day 30: Bad Grandpa .5 (2014) Nudity + FTV = 2
Day 31:
Bad Boy Bubby (1993) Nudity + Rape + Incest + Retards + FTV = 5
Another Dirty Movie (2012) Nudity + Incest + Racism + Bestiality + FTV = 5

Plus at least 3 pleasure points I forgot to add in earlier viewings = 3

TOTAL: 110


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.