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Feb 2022 *

I hope everybody's in the mood because it's happening again! Trash month is almost here. And for the sixth year in a row, we will explore the offbeat, the obscure, the unrealistically gory, and hopefully something nice and traumatizing to dream about during nappy time. So, join me... or don't. You can go trim your ass hairs with some garden shears for all I care. I'm watching some trash!

As always, it'll be one point for every trashy quality below. It doesn't have to be a significant amount of anything. As long as it exists.




Hardcore Penetration


Drug Use


Intentionally Bad Qualities

Video Nasties - Any movie to ever appear on this list.

SOV - Anything shot-on-video from the 80's and 90's, or beyond, if you know of anything.



Racism - One point for racist characters, or any type of blatant racism expressed.

Retards - Any characters who appears to be mentally handicapped is good for a point.

Garbage Point - One point earned if you genuinely hate the movie and have a difficult time making it through.

FTV (First Time Viewing)

Pleasure Point - One point earned for each orgasm you provide for yourself whilst viewing a trash epic.

And then, there's the Trifectas. Instead of using directors and series, the Trash Challenge trifectas are all about the old Exploitation sub genres.

Sexploitation, Blaxploitation, Drugsploitation, Hixploitation, Hippiesploitation, Nazisploitation, Bikersploitation, Canuxploitation, Ozploitation, Nunsploitation, Bruceploitation, Fowlsploitation, Rape/Revenge, Lezbo-Vamp, Women In Prison, Jungle Cannibal Epics, Mondo/Shockumentaries, Nudie Cuties/Nudist Camp bullshit, Giallos, Throwbacks

3 in a row from any of the above sploitations will count as a trifecta.

A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

Single Trifecta - 5 points

Double Trifecta - 7 points

Triple Trifecta - 9 points


Films must run no less than 40 minutes to count.

This challenge will be for the month of March.

Good fucking luck!


I https://trashepics.com/post/9/105/
II https://trashepics.com/post/9/186/
III https://trashepics.com/post/9/229/
IV https://trashepics.com/post/9/236/
V https://trashepics.com/post/9/247/

OnyxHades says:

Feb 2022 *
1. Burial Ground (1980) Nudity + Gore + Incest = 3 points
2. Hide and Go Shriek (1988) Nudity + Gore + Drug Use = 3 points
3. The Convent (2000) Drug Use + Gore = 2 points
4. Party Monster (2003) Drug Use = 1 point
5. A Serbian Film (2010) Nudity + Gore + Rape + Incest + Drug Use = 5 Points
6. Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1974) - Nudity + Hardcore + Drug Use + = 3 Points
7. I Spit On Your Grave (1978) - Nudity + Rape + Video Nasty + Retard = 4 Points
8. Street Trash (1987) Nudity + Gore = 2

Total Points: 23

Ballz says:

Feb 2022 *
1. Act of Vengeance (1974): Nudity + Rape + FTV = 3

2. The Demoniacs (1974): Nudity + Rape + FTV = 3

3. Ms .45 (1981): Gore + Rape + Rape/Revenge Trifecta 1 = 7

4. The Many Saints of Newark (2021): Nudity + Gore + Racism + FTV = 4

5. American Mary (2012): Nudity + Gore + Rape + FTV = 4

6. Ghosts of Mars (2001): Gore + Drugs = 2

7. Scream (2022): Gore + FTV = 2

8. Tremors (1990): Gore = 1

9. Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996): Gore = 1

10. Gutterballs (2008): Nudity + Gore + Rape = 3

11. I Spit on Your Grave (1978): Nudity + Gore + Rape + VN + Retards + Rape/Revenge Trifecta 2 = 12

12. Revenge (2017): Nudity + Gore + Rape + Drugs + FTV = 5

13. Irreversible (2002): Nudity + Gore + Rape + Drugs + Racism = 5

14. Jessi's Girls (1975): Nudity + Rape + FTV + Rape/Revenge Trifecta 3 = 12

15. Alison's Birthday (1981): FTV = 1

16. Don't Go in the Woods (1981): Gore + VN + FTV = 3

17. Dead End Drive-In (1986): Nudity + Racism + FTV = 3

18. Next of Kin (1982): Gore + FTV + Ozploitation Trifecta 1 = 7

19. Bad Boy Bubby (1993): Nudity + Rape + Incest + Retards + FTV = 5

20. Romper Stomper (1992): Nudity + Racism = 2

21. Dark Age (1987): Nudity + Gore + FTV + Ozploitation Trifecta 2 = 10

22. Razorback (1984): Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3

23. BMX Bandits (1983): FTV = 1

24. Walkabout (1971): Nudity + Gore + FTV + Ozploitation Trifecta 3 = 12

25. Madhouse (1981): Gore + VN + FTV = 3

26. Road House (1989): Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3

27. Cockfighter (1974): Nudity + FTV = 2

28. Eaten Alive (1976): Nudity + Gore + VN + Racism + Hixploitation Trifecta 1 = 9

29. 'Gator Bait (1973): Nudity + Incest + Retards + FTV = 4

30. Just Before Dawn (1981): Nudity + Gore = 2

31. Savage Weekend (1979): Nudity + Gore + FTV + Hixploitation Trifecta 2 = 10

32. Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964): Gore = 1

33. Bloody Mama (1970): Nudity + Gore + Drugs + FTV = 4

34. Next of Kin (1989): Gore + Racism + FTV + Hixploitation Trifecta 3 = 12

Total: 161

markus-san says:
#18, Reply to #2

Mar 2022 *
Can you explain the 7 point "double" trifecta? Pretty sure Tremors and Tremors II are not rape/revenge movies so I must be missing something or I just don't understand emoticon.

Ballz says:
#19, Reply to #18

Mar 2022
They aren't rape/revenge, but American Mary and Gutterballs are. Pretty sure trifectas still count if you watch other movies in between what you're counting towards the trifecta. Or am I mistaken?

markus-san says:
#20, Reply to #19

Mar 2022 *
Ah, I read it that they need to be watched back-to-back "in a row" and that 3 in a row is 5 points and so on, Troma please clarify?

Ms. 45 is one too.

Tromafreak says:
#21, Reply to #19

Mar 2022
Yeah, they don't have to be all in a row.

ZombieCPA says:
#22, Reply to #2

Mar 2022
I think you can score points for rape and incest with Gator Bait.

Ballz says:
#23, Reply to #22

Mar 2022 *
Does attempted rape count? It didn't seem like any penetration actually occurred either time before they were interrupted.

ZombieCPA says:
#24, Reply to #23

Mar 2022
Troma has watched it in the past and didn't take a rape point for it. It would be a sexual assault but not a rape. Here is how Troma scored it last year: Gator Bait (1973) - Nudity + Incest + Retard = 3 Points

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb 2022 *
Day 1: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) Gore + Retards = 2
Day 2: Scream (2022) Gore = 1
Day 3:
Psycho Goreman (2020) Gore + FTV = 2
Satanic Panic (2019) Gore + Nudity + FTV = 3
Switchblade Sisters (1977) Rape + Nudity + Drug Use + FTV = 4
Day 4: Ms. 45 (1981) Rape + Gore + FTV = 3
Day 6: Nightbeast (1982) Gore + Nudity + FTV = 3
Day 8:
Dude Bro Party Massacre III (2015) Gore + Nudity + Bad Qualities = 3
Cannibal Holocaust (1980) Gore + Nudity + Rape + Cannibal + Video Nasty = 5
Day 9:
Sledgehammer (1983) Gore + SOV = 2
Flesh for Frankenstein (1973) Nudity + Gore + Incest + Necrophilia + Video Nasty = 5
The Batman (2022) Drug Use + FTV = 2
Fight Club (1999) Gore + Nudity = 2
Day 10:
Anthrophophagus (1980) Gore + Nudity + Video Nasty + Cannibalism = 4
I Drink Your Blood (1970) Gore + Nudity + Drug Use = 3
Day 11: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Nudity + Drug Use = 2
Day 13: The House by the Cemetery (1981) Nudity + Gore + Video Nasty + FTV = 4
Day 15:
Hell of the Living Dead (1980) Nudity + Gore + Video Nasty = 3
Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury (2011) Nudity + Gore + Bad Qualities + Necrophilia + Drug Use = 5
Day 16: Free Guy (2021) Retards + FTV = 2
Day 17: Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1981) Gore + Nudity + Video Nasty + FTV = 4
Day 19: Blood for Dracula (1974) Nudity + Gore + Pleasure = 3
Day 22: Gummo (1997) Nudity + Incest + Drug Use + Racism + Retards + Pleasure = 6
Day 23:
Cat in the Brain (1990) Gore + Nudity + FTV = 3
Wizard of Gore (1970) Gore = 1
Day 26:
Julien Donkey-Boy (1999) Retards + Incest + Drug Use = 3
Clerks II (2006) Bestiality + Racism + Drug Use = 3
Day 27: Two Thousand Maniacs (1964) Gore = 1
Day 28: Detroit Rock City (1999) Nudity + Drug Use = 2
Day 29:
Up in Smoke (1978) Drug Use = 1
Desperate Living (1977) Nudity + Rape + Gore + Cannibal + Necrophilia = 5
Day 30: Bad Grandpa .5 (2014) Nudity + FTV = 2
Day 31:
Bad Boy Bubby (1993) Nudity + Rape + Incest + Retards + FTV = 5
Another Dirty Movie (2012) Nudity + Incest + Racism + Bestiality + FTV = 5

Plus at least 3 pleasure points I forgot to add in earlier viewings = 3

TOTAL: 110

markus-san says:

Feb 2022 *
1. Frankenhooker (1990) - Nudity + Gore + Drug Use + FTV = 4 points

2. Demons 2 (1986) - FTV = 1 point

3. Island of Death (1976) - Nudity + Rape + Incest + Drug Use + VN + Beastiality + Racism + FTV = 8 points

4. Switchblade Sisters (1975) - Nudity + Rape + Drug Use + FTV = 4 points

5. Nekromantik (1987) - Nudity + Gore + Necrophilia + FTV = 4 points

6. The Toxic Avenger (1984) - Nudity + Gore + Drug Use + Racism + Retards + IBQ + FTV = 7 Points

7. Mother's Day (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Drug Use + FTV = 5 points

8. A Bay of Blood (1971) - Nudity + Gore + VN + FTV = 4 points

9. Demons (1985) - Nudity + Gore + Drug Use = 3 points

10. Cujo (1983) - Gore + FTV = 2 points

11. Pulp Fiction (1994) - Gore + Rape + Drug Use + Racism = 4 points

12. The Batman (2022) - Drug Use + FTV = 2 points

13. Night Train Murders (1976) - Nudity + Rape + Drug Use + FTV = 4 points

14. I Spit On Your Grave (1978) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + VN + Retards = 5 points

15. Rush Hour (1998) - Drug Use + Racism = 2 points

16. Commando (1985) - Nudity + Gore = 2 points

17. Fresh (2022) - Nudity + Gore + Canniblism + FTV = 4 points

Total points: 65

Tromafreak says:

Feb 2022 *
1. Naked Obsession (1990) - Nudity = 1 Point

2. Debbie Does Damnation (1999) - Nudity + Gore + IBQ + FTV = 4 Points

3. Combat Shock (1986) - Gore + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

4. Motorpsycho Maniacs (2019) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + Rape + IBQ + FTV = 6 Points

5. Axe (1974) - Rape + VN = 2 Points

6. Terror At Black Tree Forest (2021) - Gore + Drugs + FTV = 3 Points

7. In The Heat Of Passion (1992) - Nudity + Drugs = 2 Points

8. Beauty Queen Butcher (1991) - SOV + Garbage + FTV = 3 Points

Pool Party Massacre (2017) - Nudity + Gore + IBQ = FTV = 4 Points

10. The Toxic Avenger (1984) - Nudity + Gore + Drug Use + Racism + IBQ = 5 Points

11. Private Lessons (1981) - Nudity = 1 Point

12. Tickles The Clown (2021) - Gore + IBQ + Garbage + FTV = 4 Points

13. Brides Of Satan (2020) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + FTV + Throwback Trifecta = 9 Points

14. Las Vegas Bloodbath (1989) - Nudity + Gore + SOV = 3 Points

15. Destined To Be Ingested (2008) - Gore + Drugs + Racism + Cannibalism + FTV = 5 Points

16. Kidnapped Coed (1976) - Rape + Racism = 2 Points

17. Nightmare In A Damaged Brain (1981) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + Cannibalism + VN = 5 Points

18. Fountaine and the Vengeful Nun Who Wouldn't Die (2021) - Nudity + Gore + Rape
+ Drugs + FTV = 5 Points

19. Death Riders (1994) - Nudity + Drugs + FTV = 3 Points

20. Snuff (1976) - Nudity + Gore + Druga + VN = 4 Points

21. Ripple (2017) - IBQ + FTV = 2 Points

22. Axed To Pieces (2020) - Gore + Drugs + IBQ + SOV + FTV + Double Throwback Trifecta = 12 Points

23. The Great Bikini Off-Road Adventure (1994) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

24. Gore Whore (1994) - Nudity + Gore + SOV = 3 Points

25. The Ultimate Spring Break (1989) - SOV + Garbage = 2 Points

26. The Immoral Three (1975) - Nudity + Garbage + FTV = 3 Points

27. Deadly Twins (1985) - Nudity + SOV + Garbage + FTV = 4 Points

28. Devil Master (1977) - Nudity + Drugs = 2 Points

29. Satan Place: A Soap Opera From Hell (1988) - Nudity + Gore + SOV + IBQ + FTV = 5 Points

30. 555 (1988) - Nudity + Gore + Necro + SOV + Drugs = 5 Points

31. Sinner's Blood (1969) - Nudity + Drugs + Retard = 3 Points

32. Savages From Hell (1968) - Racism + Rape + Biker Trifecta = 7 Points

33. The Farmer's Daughters (1976) - Nudity + HP + Rape + Incest = 4 Points

34. Devil's Ecstasy (1976) - Nudity + HP + Sex Trifecta = 7 Points

35. Tortured Females (1965) - Nudity + Rape + FTV = 3 Points

36. Hardgore (1975) - Nudity + Gore + HP = 3 Points

37. Southern Comforts (1971) - Nudity + Drugs + Beast + Double Sex Trifecta = 10 Points

38. Goldilocks And The Three Bares (1963) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

39. Fast Sofa (2001) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

40. Nudes On Tiger Reef (1964) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

41. Bikini Summer (1991) - Nudity + Garbage + FTV= 3 Points

42. Nature's Playmates (1962) - Nudity + Nudist Trifecta = 6 Points

43. Alice In Acidland (1969) - Nudity + Drugs + Garbage = 3 Points

44. The Psychedelic Priest (1971) - Drugs + Racism = 2 Points

45. Smoke And Flesh (1968) - Nudity + Drugs + Drugs Trifecta = 7 Points

46. Hitchhiker Massacre (2017) - Gore + IBQ + FTV = 3 Points

47. Happy Helladays (2011) - Gore + SOV + Drugs + IBQ + Racism + Cannibalism = 6 Points

48. Death O'Lantern (2011) - Gore + SOV + IBQ + Triple Throwback Trifecta = 12 Points

49. Modus Operandi (2009) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + IBQ + FTV = 5 Points

50. Sweet Sugar (1972) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism + Cannibalism = 4 Points

51. Death O'Lantern 2 (2012) - Nudity + Gore + IBQ + SOV = 4 Points

52. Run! Bitch Run! (2009) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Drugs + Racism + Quadruple Throwback Trifecta = 16 Points

53. Snuff Kill (1997) - Nudity + Gore + SOV + FTV = 4 Points

54. Hitch Hike To Hell (1977) - Nudity + Rape = 2 Points

Total: 235 Points

markus-san says:
#10, Reply to #5

Mar 2022
You don't give yourself a retard point for The Toxic Avenger?

Tromafreak says:
#11, Reply to #10

Mar 2022
Who's the retard? emoticon

markus-san says:
#12, Reply to #11

Mar 2022
The main character struck me as being a bit retarded but maybe it's subjective emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#13, Reply to #12

Mar 2022
Melvin? Yeah, he's just a nerd but does come off like he has down syndrome or something. Lloyd Kaufman movies are like that. Everything is ridiculously exaggerated. Like the 2 couples who give him a hard time. They're merely "the bad kids" while unnecessarily portrayed more like a bunch of serial killers.

markus-san says:
#14, Reply to #13

Mar 2022 *
Yeah it's my first Troma/Kaufman movie but I see what you mean about the over exaggeration, the violence being no exception. Those two couples are just bullies who happen to get a kick out of running little kids over. And then there's the character with the Hitler hairdo, like WTF emoticon.

I got the impression that Melvin was supposed to start off as being retarded but when he changes into The Toxic Avenger, he speaks like a "proper gentleman".

What I found interesting and perhaps surprising is, despite its "intentional bad qualities", its very well directed particularly the car scene which just happens to be a genuinely great action set piece, pretty much as good as you'll see in any "proper" Hollywood action movie of the era.

Tromafreak says:
#15, Reply to #14

Mar 2022
Gotta love Melvin's reaction to being tricked into kissing that sheep. When everyone points and laughs, you would think someone is forcing him to watch his own mother burned alive or something. Like even if he hadn't jumped out the window and become the toxic avenger, he probably would have blown his brains out later.

Yeah, Kaufman is anything but incompetent. He knows what he's doing. He just has a ridiculous sense of humor and an admiration for people like Jerry Lewis. If you're interested in more Kaufman, there's also Citizen Toxie (2000), which is the fourth one, completely ignoring 2 and 3. It's worth quite a lot of points, last I checked.

markus-san says:
#16, Reply to #15

Mar 2022
Might check that one out then although Mother's Day was on my list and I noticed that's a Troma/Kaufman production.

Tromafreak says:
#17, Reply to #16

Mar 2022
Directed by Lloyd's brother. That's a good one. Definitely one of the more underrated ones from the 80's.



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