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Feb 2021 *

Well, it's about that time again. Trash Epics' signature movie challenge is about to have a fifth go around. That means it's time to start preparing for an offensive, so bad, it's good, exploitation clusterfuck of a March. What are we into these days? Giallos? Cannibal epics? Shockumentaries? Sick, Japanese gorefests? You name it and it counts, because the Trash Challenge is back!

As always, it'll be one point for every trashy quality below. It doesn't have to be a significant amount of anything. As long as it exists.




Hardcore Penetration


Drug Use


Intentionally Bad Qualities

Video Nasties - Any movie to ever appear on this list.

SOV - Anything shot-on-video from the 80's and 90's, or beyond, if you know of anything.



Racism - One point for racist characters, or any type of blatant racism expressed.

Retards - Any characters who appears to be mentally handicapped is good for a point.

Garbage Point - One point earned if you genuinely hate the movie and have a difficult time making it through.

FTV (First Time Viewing)


Pleasure Point - One point earned for each orgasm you provide for yourself whilst viewing a trash epic.

And then, there's the Trifectas. Instead of using directors and series, the Trash Challenge trifectas are all about the old Exploitation sub genres.

Sexploitation, Blaxploitation, Hixploitation, Nazisploitation, Bikersploitation, Canuxploitation, Ozploitation, Nunsploitation, Rape/Revenge, Lezbo-Vamp, Women In Prison, Jungle Cannibal Epics, Mondo/Shockumentaries, Nudie Cuties, Giallos, Throwbacks

3 in a row from any of the above sploitations will count as a trifecta.

A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

Single Trifecta - 5 points

Double Trifecta - 7 points

Triple Trifecta - 9 points


Films must run no less than 40 minutes to count.

This challenge will be for the month of March.

Good fucking luck!

I https://trashepics.com/post/9/105/
II https://trashepics.com/post/9/186/
III https://trashepics.com/post/9/229/
IV https://trashepics.com/post/9/236/

Ballz says:

Feb 2021 *
1. Supervixens (1975): Nudity + FTV + Pleasure = 3
2. Phenomena (1985): Gore = 1

3. Goin' Down the Road (1970): Nudity + FTV = 2

4. Opera (1987): Nudity + Gore = 2
5. Shivers (1975): Nudity = 1

6. Sleepless (2001): Nudity + Gore + Giallo Trifecta 1 = 7
7. Rabid (1977): Nudity + Gore + Video Nasty + Canuxploitation Trifecta 1 = 8

8. Cannibal Girls (1973): Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3
9. Sunday in the Country (1974): Nudity + FTV = 2

10. Prom Night (1980): Nudity + Gore + Drug Use + Video Nasty + Canuxploitation Trifecta 2 = 11

11. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987): Nudity = 1

12. Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975): Nudity + Gore + Rape + Pleasure = 4
13. Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990): Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3

14. Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil (1991): Nudity + Garbage + FTV + Canuxploitation Trifecta 3 = 12
15. Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976): Nudity + Gore + Sexploitation Trifecta 1 = 7

16. Greta Ilsa, the Mad Butcher (1977): Nudity + Gore + Rape = 3

17. Ilsa, the Tigress of Siberia (1977): Nudity + Gore + Pleasure + FTV = 4

18. Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (1980): Nudity + Gore + Hardcore Penetration + FTV + Sexploitation Trifecta 2 = 11

19. The Pyx (1973): Nudity + Drug Use + FTV = 3

20. Death Weekend (1976): Nudity + Rape + Drug Use + Video Nasty + FTV = 5

21. Corpse Eaters (1974): Nudity + Gore + FTV + Canuxploitation Trifecta 4 = 14

22. Things (1989): Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3
23. Rituals (1977): Gore + FTV = 2

24. Deadly Harvest (1977): FTV + Canuxploitation Trifecta 5 = 14
25. Skip Tracer (1977): Nudity + FTV = 2

26. Pin (1988): Nudity = 1
27. Crime Wave (1985): Nudity + IBQ + FTV + Canuxploitation Trifecta 6 = 18

28. Bad Lieutenant (1992): Nudity + Rape + Drug Use + FTV = 4

29. Bloody Bloody Bible Camp (2012): Nudity + Gore + Drug Use + IBQ + Racism + Retard = 6

30. Blue Thunder (1983): Nudity + FTV = 2

31. Chato's Land (1972): Nudity + Racism + FTV = 3

32. Dead & Buried (1981): Nudity + Gore + Video Nasty = 3

33. Porky's (1981): Nudity + Racism = 2

34. Porky's II: The Next Day (1983): Nudity + Racism = 2

35. Porky's Revenge (1985): Nudity = 1

36. Pimpin' Pee Wee (2009): Nudty + Garbage + FTV = 3

37. Mortal Kombat (2021): Gore + FTV = 2

38. Motel Hell (1980): Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism = 3

39. Deranged (1974): Nudity + Gore = 2

Total: 180

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb 2021 *
Day 1: Demonic Toys (1992) Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3
Day 2:
22 Jump Street (2014) Drug Use = 1
BlacKkKlansman (2018) Racism + FTV + Garbage Point = 3
Day 4: Savage Streets (1984) Nudity + Gore + Rape + Drugs + FTV = 5
Day 5:9
Flesh-Eating Mothers (1988) Gore + Cannibalism + FTV = 3
Evil Ed (1997) Nudity + Gore + Drugs + FTV = 4
Toxic Avenger IV (2000) Nudity + Gore + Drugs + Rape + Cannibalism + Racism + Retards + Bad Qualities = 8
Day 6: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Drug Use = 1
Day 7: Class of Nuke 'em High 2 (1991) Nudity + Gore + Beastiality + Bad Qualities + FTV = 5
Day 8: The Beach Bum (2019) Nudity + Gore + Drug Use = 3
Day 10: Boss Level (2021) Gore + FTV = 2
Day 11: Class of Nuke 'em High 3 (1994) Nudity + Gore + Bad Qualities + FTV = 4
Day 13:
Porky's (1981) Nudity + Racism = 2
Porky's II: The Next Day (1983) Nudity + Racism = 2
Porky's Revenge (1985) Nudity = 1
Zombeavers (2014) Nudity + Gore = 2
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Nudity + Gore + Racism + Cannibalism + Incest + Pleasure = 6
Day 14: The Video Dead (1987) Nudity + Gore + Drug Use = 3
Day 15: Hellmaster (1992) Nudity + Gore + Drug Use + FTV = 4
Day 16: Joker (2019) Gore + Drug Use = 2
Day 17: The Fanatic (2019) Gore + FTV = 2
Day 18: Hell of the Living Dead (1980) Nudity + Gore = 2
Day 19: Zombi 3 (1988) Gore = 1
Day 21: Poolboy: Drowing Out the Fury (2011) Nudity + Gore + Racism + Bad Qualities + Drug Use = 5
Day 22:
Freeway (1996) Gore + Drugs + Racism = 3
Spun (2002) Nudity + Drugs = 2
Black Snake Moan (2006) Nudity + Drugs + Rape = 3
Day 23: Father's Day (2011) Nudity + Gore + Rape + Incest + Bad Qualities = 5
Day 24: Wet Hot American Summer (2001) Drug Use + Bad Qualities = 2
Day 25: Candyman 3 (1999) Nudity + Gore + Drugs + FTV = 4
Day 28: Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Drugs + FTV = 2
Day 29: Pickaxe (2014) Drugs + Nudity + Gore + FTV = 4
Day 31:
Manborg (2011) Gore + Bad Qualities = 2
Killer Sofa (2019) Gore + FTV = 2

Total: 103


Is anyone else doing a round two, or is it just me? Because I think a round two is a great idea.

Day 2:
Zombie 4: After Death (1989) Gore = 1
The Crazies (1973) Incest + Rape + Drugs = 3
Day 3: Death Proof (2007) Gore + Drugs = 2
Day 8: Planet Terror (2007) Gore + Drugs + Bad Qualities = 3

Sometime inbetween...
The Crazies (2010) Gore + Retards = 2
Bad Samaritan (2018) Gore + FTV = 2
FleshEater (1988) Gore + Nudity = 2
Dawn of the Dead (1978) Gore + Nudity + Racism + Video Nasty = 4
Terminator 2 (1992) Gore + Nudity = 2

Day 24: Mortal Kombat (2021) Gore + Cannibalism + FTV = 3
Day 25: Deadpool (2016) Gore + Nudity = 2
Day 26: Deadpool 2 (2018) Gore + Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 4

Total: 30

Tromafreak says:

Feb 2021 *

1. Night Of The Living Babes (1987) - Nudity + SOV + IBQ = 3 Points

2. Jungle Holocaust (1977) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism = 3 Points

3. Criminally Insane (1975) - Gore + Drug Use + Racism + IBQ + Canibalis = 5 Points

4.The Six Thousand Dollar N!gger (1978) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

5. Heaven Is Only In Hell (1994) - Gore + SOV + FTV = 3 Points

6. Lady Exterminator (1977) - Rape + Gore + Garbage + FTV = 4 Points

7. Escape From Hell (1980) - Nudity + Rape +Racism = 3 Points

8. House Of Whipcord (1974) - Nudity + 1 Point

9. Sweet Sugar (1972) - Nudity + Drugs + Cannibalism + Racism + WIP Trifecta = 9 Points

10. Death Drug (1978) - Drugs = 1 Point

11. Blood Freak (1972) - Gore + Nudity + Drugs = 3 Points

12. Lunatic Frog Women (1982) - Nudity + Gore + FTV = Points

13. Young Playthings (1972) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

14. Nightmare In A Damaged Brain (1981) - Nudity + Gore + VN + Drugs + Cannibalism = 5 Points

15. Becky (2020) - Gore + FTV = 2 Points

16. The Toxic Avenger (1984) - Nudity + Gore + Racism + IBQ + Drugs = 5 Points

17. The Black 6 (1973) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

18. Red Heat (1985) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

19. Hell of The Living Dead (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism = 3 Points

20. Bad Boy Bubby (1993) - Nudity + Rape + Incest + Retard = 4 Points

21. Cannibal Terror (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + Rape = 4 Points

22. Massacre In Dinosaur Valley (1985) - Nudity + Gore + Racism + Cannibalism + Jungle Trifecta = 9 Points

23. 2001 Maniacs (2005) - Nudity + Gore + Racism + Cannibalism + garbage = 5 points

24. Convent Of Sinners (1986) - Nudity + Incest + Rape + FTV = 4 Points

25. Kill That Bitch (2014) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

26. Sweet And Savage (1983) - Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3 Points

27. Caged Women (1982) - Nudity + Racism + Drugs = 3 Points

28. Brutes And Savages (1978) - Nudity + Gore + Beastiality + FTV = 4 Points

29. Mondo Cane (1962) - Nudity + Mondo Trifecta = 6 Points

30. Riot In A Women's Prison (1974) - Nudity + Drugs + Double WIP Trifecta = 9 Points

31. This Violent World (1976) - Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3 Points

32. Hitch Hike To Hell (1977) - Nudity + Rape = 2 Points

33. Mondo Cane 2 (1964) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

34. Inhumainties (1989) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + FTV + Double Mondo Trifecta = 11 Points

35. Inhumanities II (1989) - SOV + Gore + FTV = 3 Points

36. Scum Of The Earth (1974) - Nudity + Rape = 2 Points

37. Savage Man, Savage Beast (1975) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + FTV = 4 Points

38. Sadomania (1981) - Nudity + Drugs + Rape + Beastiality = 4 Points

39. Secret Rites (1971) - Nudity + FTV + Triple Mondo Trifecta = 11 Points

40. Tarzoon: Shame Of The Jungle (1975) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Cannibalism + Beastiality + FTV = 6 Points

41. I Drink Your Blood (1970) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs = 3 Points

42. Up In Smoke (1978) - Drugs - 1 Point

43. Women's Prison Massacre (1983) - Nudity + Gore + Rape = 3 Points

44. The Gruesome Death Of Tommy Pistol (2010) - Nudity + Gore + SOV + IBQ = 4 Points

45. Fritz The Cat (1972) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

46. Escape From Hellhole (1983) - Rape + Racism + Triple WIP Trifecta = 11 Points

47. I Spit On Your Grave (1978) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Retard + VN = 5 Points

48. Cheech And Chong's Next Movie (1980) - Nudity + Drugs = 2 Points

49. Unwilling Lovers (1977) - Nudity + Rape + Retard + Necro + Hardcore

50. The Stoned Age (1994) - Nudity + Drug Use = 2 Points

51. Burial Ground (1981) - Nudity + Gore + Incest = 3 Points

52. Bloodsucking Freaks (1976) - Nudity + Gore + Necro + Cannibalism = 4 Points

53. Assholes (2017) - Nudity + IBQ + Drug Use + FTV = 4 Points

54. Cannibal Holocaust 2 (1985) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism = 3 Points

55. Stuck On You! (1982) - Nudity + IBQ + Garbage = 3 Points

56. Primitives (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + FTV = 4 Points

57. Cannibal Holocaust (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Cannibalism + VN + Double Jungle Trifecta = 12 Points

58. Faces Of Death (1978) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + VN = 4 Points

59. Faces Of Death IV (1990) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

60. Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams (1981) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

61. Night Of 1,000 Cats (1972) - Nudity = 1 Point

62. Gator Bait (1973) - Nudity + Incest + Retard = 3 Points

63. Vampire Trailer Park (1991) - IBQ + SOV + FTV = 3 Points

64. Wicked Games (1994) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + SOV = 4 Points

65. L.A. AIDS Jabber (1994) - SOV + FTV = 2 Points

66. Devil Snow (1991) - Gore + Cannibalism + Drugs SOV + FTV = 4 Points

67. Midget Santas Are Our Superiors (2002) - Gore + SOV + IBQ + Garbage + FTV = 5 Points

68. The Hitchhikers (1972) - Nudity + Drug Use + Rape = 3 Points

69. Summer's End: The Legend Of Samhain (2002) - FTV + Nudity + Drugs + SOV + Garbage = 5 Points

70. Kidnapped Coed (1976) - Rape + Racism = 2 Points

71. Class Reunion Massacre (1978) - Gore = 1 Point

72. The Hideous Bog Monster (2021) - Nudity + Gore + IBQ + FTV + Garbage + FTV = 6 Points

73 Return Of The Living Dead Part II (1988) - Gore + Drugs = 2 Point

74. The Mad Butcher (1971) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

75. Camp Blood (2000) - Gore + SOV = 2 Points

76. Sleepaway Camp (1984) - Gore + Nudity + Drugs = 3 Points

Total: 293 Points

OnyxHades says:

Feb 2021 *

1. Dead and Buried (1981) - Nudity + Gore + Video Nasties = 3 points
2. Nightmare AKA Nightmares in a Damaged Brain (1981) Video Nasties + Nudity + Gore + Drug Use + Cannibalism = 5 points
3. Burial Ground (1981) Nudity + Incest + Gore = 3 points
4. The Haunted (1991) Rape = 1 point
5. Harpoon (2019) FTV + Gore + Drug Use = 3 points
6. Antropophagus (1980) Video Nasties + Gore + Cannibalism = 3 points
7. Demonia (1990) Gore + Nudity = 2 points
8. Dark Waters (1993) FTV + Gore + Cannibalism = 4 points
9. The Other Hell (1981) Nudity + Gore + Nun Trifecta = 7 points
10. Boarding School (2018) FTV + Retard + Gore = 3 points
11. Thir13en Ghosts (2001) Gore + Nudity = 2 points
12. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) Gore = 1 point
13. Beloved (1998) Racism + Gore + Nudity + Rape = 4 points
14. Waxwork (1988) Gore = 1 point
15. Oculus (2013) Gore = 1 point
16. Beyond the Darkness (1979) Nudity + Gore + Necrophilia + Cannibalism + Drug Use = 5 points
17. Island of Death (1976) Video Nasty + Nudity + Gore + Racism + Beastiality + Rape + Incest + Drug Use =8
18. Interior (2014) FTV + Drug Use = 2 points
19. Flesh - Eating Mothers (1988) Gore + Drug Use + Cannibalism = 3 points
20. Aenigma (1987) Gore + Nudity = 2 points
21. Toxic Zombies (1980) Video Nasties + FTV + Drug Use = 3 points

Total Points: 65

markus-san says:

Feb 2021 *
Late Phases (2014) - Gore + FTV = 2 points
Nabeor (2005) - Nudity + Gore + Necrophilia + FTV = 4 points
Miss Violence (2013) - Nudity + Rape + Incest + FTV = 4 points
The Dark and the Wicked (2020) - Gore + FTV = 2 points
Violation (2020) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Incest + FTV = 5 points
Dead Silence (2007) - Gore + FTV = 2 points
The Queen of Black Magic (2019) - Gore + FTV = 2 points
Night of the Demons (1988) - Nudity + Gore + Racism + FTV = 4 points
Mortal Kombat (2021) - Gore + FTV = 2 points
Re-Animator (1985) - Nudity +Gore = 2 points

Total = 29

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #5

Feb 2021
Sure... sounds legit.

Amon_101 says:

Feb 2021 *
1. Jungle (2017) Nudity, gore, drug use, FTV = 4 points.
2. See No Evil (2006) Nudity, gore, drug use, retard, FTV = 5 points
3. Silent but Deadly (2011) Nudity, gore, drug use, retard, FTV = 5 points.
4. Chiller (1985) IBQ (no soul qualifies), FTV = 2 points.
5. Cool Air (2006) Retard, FTV = 2 points.
6. Three Golden Serpents (Island of Lost Girls) (1969) Nudity, drug use, FTV =3 points.
6. Ninja Cheerleaders (2008) Nudity, PP (×2) = 3 points.
Total = 24

ZombieCPA says:

Feb 2021 *
40 - FTV
45 - Nudity
35 - Gore
2 - SOV
22 - Rape
2 - Hardcore Penetration
2 - Incest
10 - Drug Use
1 - Pleasure
3 - Cannibalism
1 - Intentionally Bad Qualities
3 - Video Nasty
5 - Beastiality
4 - Necrophilia
6 - Racism
1 - Retards
0 - Garbage
105 - Trifeca
Total = 287 Points

Brett_Lives says:

Feb 2021 *
Savage Streets (1984) Nudity, Rape, Drug Use, FTV = 4 points
The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave (1971) Nudity, Gore, FTV = 3 points
What Have You Done to Solange? (1972) Nudity, FTV = 2 points
The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972) Nudity, Retards, FTV = 3 points

The El Duce Tapes (2019) Nudity, Drug Use, Hardcore Penetration, FTV = 4 points

Points: 21
Trifectas: Giallo

ZombieCPA says:

Mar 2021 *
1) The Scarehouse (2014) (canuxploitation 1) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Total Points = 4

2) Hobo with a Shotgun (2011) (canuxploitation 2) - Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Total Points = 3

3) Matinee (1989) (canuxploitation 3) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Trifeca 5 points, Total Points = 8

4) Watchers (1988) (canuxploitation 4) - FTV, Gore, Total Points = 2

5) Class of 1984 (1982) (canuxploitation 5) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Drug Use, Racism, Total Points = 6

6) Cannibal Girls (1973) (canuxploitation 6) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Cannibalism, Trifeca 7 points, Total Points = 11

7) Ghost Keeper (1982) (canuxploitation 7) - FTV, Gore, Total Points = 2

8) Corrupted (1973) (canuxploitation 8) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Total Points = 3

9) House of Many Sorrows (2020) (canuxploitation 9) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Trifeca 9 points, Total Points = 13

10) Bat Pussy (1971) (sexploitation 1) - FTV, Nudity, Hardcore Penetration, Total Points = 3

11) Rolls-Royce Baby (1975) (sexploitation 2) - FTV, Nudity, Total Points = 2

12) The Girls of the Golden Saloon (1975) (sexploitation 3) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Trifeca 5 points, Total Points = 8

13) 8MM (1999) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Drug Use, Total Points = 5

14) Ninja Zombie (1992) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, SOV, Total Points = 4

15) Dead Snow (2009) (Nazisploitation 1) - Gore, Total Points = 1

16) Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014) (Nazisploitation 2) - Gore, Necrophilia, Total Points = 2

17) The Cut-Throats (1971) (Nazisploitation 3) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Trifeca 5 points, Total Points = 9

18) Necropolis (1986) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Total Points = 3

19) The Hand That Feeds the Dead (1974) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Total Points = 4

20) Nekromantik (1987) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Necrophilia, Total Points = 4

21) Nekromantik 2 (1991) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Necrophilia, Total Points = 4

22) Schramm (1993) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Total Points = 3

23) Hard Rock Zombies (1985) (Nazisploitation 4) - Nudity, Gore, Cannibalism, Total Points = 3

24) Angel of Death (1987) (Nazisploitation 5) - FTV, Gore, Total Points = 2

25) She Devils of the SS (1973) (Nazisploitation 6) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Trifeca 7 points, Total Points = 10

26) Monkey Shines (1988) - Nudity, Gore, Total Points = 2

27) Werewolf Woman (1976) (Rape/Revenge 1) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Video Nasty, Total Points = 5

28) Mad Foxes (1981) (Rape/Revenge 2) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Video Nasty, Total Points = 5

29) Savage Streets (1984) (Rape/Revenge 3) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Trifeca 5 points, Total Points = 9

30) The Night of the Strangler (1972) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Racism, Total Points = 4

31) Night Train Murders (1975) (Rape/Revenge 4) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Drug Use, Video Nasty, Total Points = 6

32) 'Gator Bait (1973) (Rape/Revenge 5) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Incest, Total Points = 4

33) 'Gator Bait 2: Cajun Justice (1988) (Rape/Revenge 6) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Trifeca 7 points, Total Points = 11

34) Rocktober Blood (1984) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Total Points = 4

35) A Real Young Girl (1976) (sexploitation 4) - FTV, Nudity, Beastiality, Total Points = 3

35) Dirty O'Neil (1974) (sexploitation 5) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Racism, Total Points = 4

37) Four Dimensions of Greta (1972) (sexploitation 6) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Trifeca 7 points, Total Points = 10

38) Tarzun and the Valley of Lust (1970) (sexploitation 7) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Beastiality, Total Points = 4

39) Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle (sexploitation 8) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Cannibalism, Beastiality, Total Points = 6

40) La bella e la bestia (1977) (sexploitation 9) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Incest, Beastiality, Trifeca 9 points, Total Points = 14

41) Erotic Campus: Rape Reception (1977) (sexploitation 10) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Beastiality, Total Points = 4

42) Score (1974) (sexploitation 11) - Nudity, Hardcore Penetration, Drug Use, Pleasure, Total Points = 4

43) Sugar Cookies (1973) (sexploitation 12) - Nudity, Gore, Trifeca 11 points, Total Points = 13

44) The Toy Box (1971) (sexploitation 13) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Necrophilia, Total Points = 4

45) The Big Bird Cage (1972) (sexploitation 14) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Racism, Total Points = 5

46) The Pig Keeper's Daughter (1972) (sexploitation 15) - Nudity, Trifeca 13 points, Total Points = 14

47) Prison Girls (1972) (sexploitation 16) - Nudity, Rape, Drug Use, Total Points = 3

48) Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade (1978) (sexploitation 17) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Total Points = 4

49) Night Call Nurses (1972) (sexploitation 18) - FTV, Nudity, Drug Use, Racism, Trifeca 15 points, Total Points = 19

50) Nudist Colony of the Dead (1991) - Nudity, Gore, SOV, Intentionally Bad Qualities, Racism, Retards, Total Points = 6

Total March = 287 Points


51) ClownTown (2016) () - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Total Points = 4

52) House of 1000 Corpses (2003) () - Nudity, Gore, Cannibalism, Retards, Total Points = 4

53) The Devil's Rejects (2005) () - Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Retards, Total Points = 4

54) 3 from Hell (2019) () - Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Total Points = 3

55) 31 (2016) () - Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Cannibalism, Total Points = 4

56) Creepshow (2.1) (2021) () - FTV, Gore, Racism, Total Points = 3

57) Tag (2015) () - Gore, Total Points = 1

58) Creepshow (2.2) (2021) () - FTV, Gore, Total Points = 2

Total = 312 Points

Tromafreak says:

Apr 2021
Well, seemingly nobody wanting to do another challenge this month. How does everyone feel about extending this one through April?

OnyxHades says:
#12, Reply to #11

Apr 2021
I'd like to keep going with it. I've got some movies I want to watch.

Ballz says:
#13, Reply to #11

Apr 2021
Sounds good. I'll have to find a new subgenre to watch. Aboot had enough of Canada.

Box_a_Hair says:
#14, Reply to #11

Apr 2021
You know I'm down. Didn't get my fill of filth last month, and I'm still watching trash regardless.

Tromafreak says:

Aug 2021 *
Oh, right... The results!

Zombie _CPA - 312 Points
Tromafreak - 293 Points
Ballz - 180 Points
Box-A-Hair - 133 Points
OnyxHades - 65 Points
Markus-San - 29 Points
Amon-101 - 24 Points
Brett_Lives - 21 Points

Thanks for participating, everyone. If anyone has anything profound to say about any of this year's trash viewings, please let us know. I watched a Llama get beheaded in some shockumentary I can't remember the title of...

Box_a_Hair says:
#16, Reply to #15

Aug 2021
Nothing terribly profound to say, but I think next year will be a lot easier for me now that I'm finally aware of a well known app called Tubi. They have plenty of video nasties and other Italian trash and low budget crap.



@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.