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Feb '23 *

We live in a world subject to constant change. Every second of every minute of every hour, changes take place. These changes are perhaps invisible to us because our level of awareness is limited. Take for example how the things we do and say to the people we meet, all these things affect our lives, influence our destinies... And yet there seems to be some kind of fantastic order to the whole thing. We never know how or when we will meet a person who will become a catalyst, or who will lead us to one. What is a catalyst? Well, in this case, a catalyst is a person who will bring about change. They could be good or bad... but there will be changes. You can meet one almost anywhere in your everyday life. In the supermarket, drug store, anywhere. Even riding down the Florida turnpike. A pretty girl with a problem. Who could resist? Certainly not Herschell... --Brad F. Grinter

Welcome to the 2023 Trash Challlenge!

As always, it'll be one point for every trashy quality below. It doesn't have to be a significant amount of anything. As long as it's there.




Hardcore Penetration


Drug Use


Intentionally Bad Qualities

Video Nasties - Any movie to ever appear on this list.

SOV - Anything shot-on-video from the 80's and 90's, or beyond, if you know of anything.



Racism - One point for racist characters, or any type of blatant racism expressed.

Retards - Any characters who appears to be mentally handicapped is good for a point.

Garbage Point - One point earned if you genuinely hate the movie and have a difficult time making it through.

FTV (First Time Viewing)

Pleasure Point - One point earned for each orgasm you provide for yourself whilst viewing a trash epic.

And then, there's the Trifectas. Instead of using directors and series, the Trash Challenge trifectas are all about the classic Exploitation sub genres.

Sexploitation, Blaxploitation, Drugsploitation, Hixploitation, Hippiesploitation, Nazisploitation, Bikersploitation, Canuxploitation, Ozploitation, Nunsploitation, Bruceploitation, Fowlsploitation, Rape/Revenge, Lezbo-Vamp, Women In Prison, Jungle Cannibal Epics, Mondo/Shockumentaries, Nudie Cuties/Nudist Camp, Giallos, J-Sploitation/Pink, Hong Kong CAT:III, Throwbacks

3 in a row from any of the above sploitations will count as a trifecta. A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

Single Trifecta - 5 points

Double Trifecta - 7 points

Triple Trifecta - 9 points


Films must run no less than 40 minutes to count.

This challenge will be for the month of March.

Good fucking luck!


I https://trashepics.com/post/9/105/
II https://trashepics.com/post/9/186/
III https://trashepics.com/post/9/229/
IV https://trashepics.com/post/9/236/
V https://trashepics.com/post/9/247/
VI https://trashepics.com/post/9/254/

zed says:

Mar '23 *
5/10 M3GAN (2022) Gore 1 pt
Some surprisngly bad acting but went quick so entertaining I guess

3/10 The Infernal Rapist (1988) Nudity, Gore, Rape, Drug Use, Necrophilia, +1 point = 6 pts for being near the top for Trashy , not sure if it was SOV, really bad anyways (but ratio looked like no SOV)
I can't think I've seen a film with such an ugly cast, oddly 2 of the reviews on IMDB praise the women, WTF they must of indulged in quanties of drugs like the ppl in this film took, the flirting scene in the hair salon almost made me wanna look away. The only semi decent looking person was the gay man at the start who you guessed it, got killed and then fucked up the ass by el gato

5/10 Master III Toulons Revenge (1991) Nudity, Gore, Naziploitation 2 pts
Whenever someone saiz why drugs are , I just tell them richard lynch, It made his carrer. One of the best films in this terrible series

3/10 Killer (1990) Nudity, Gore, (though about a rapist we dont see any, so point = 2 pts)
The movie Night Killer can be summed up with the fact the whole film takes place during the day, this level of attention to detail lay them in good steed for the follow up film,Troll 2

5/10 Predator 2 (1990)Nudity (minor), Gore (minor), I did watch this years ago, so not technically a FTV= 1 pt
I didnt realize that LA was such a war zone, sure it was moreso in the 80s but not on this hilarious level, god bless leaded gasoline

4/10 The Punisher (1989)Nudity (very minor, though we see dolphs ass twice), Gore (very minor) = 1 pt
Dolph is like a big casper van dien in this, fitting in this piece of trash. I think the reason dolph never became a big star like others is the lack of accent, even when hes groaning in pain, I could imagine how much better it would of been with an arnie accented groan, though the swedish version

4/10 Female Inquisitor (1987)Nudity, Gore, Rape, pinko, Drugs = 4 pts
Well we do see a spurting penis at the end in the climax, I'm guessing it was a stunt penis as the fluid looked a bit fake. Though I wouldnt be surprised if some of the sex was real

6/10 Linkeroever (2008)Nudity, Gore = 2 pt
Pretty hard to understand with the flemish, the last 5 minutes didnt really wrap things up, I might have to check out the wiki

4/10 Lucifers Women (1974)Nudity, Drug use, (minor gore/degradation) Rasploitation = 2 pts
Just a reason to make a softcore film, though tried some different things and decently made

3/10 Erotic of the Living Dead (1980)Nudity, Gore, penetration = 3 pts
about a third of the film was just sex, prolly would of been more but he got his nob bitten off

4/10 Primal Rage (1988)Gore 1ptQuite entertaining had a very italian gore feel

7/10 of Passion (1978)Nudity, little bit of gore 1 pt
Nice slow burning film as with many japanese films

6/10 Black Moon (1975)Nudity (child), maybe some death death 1 pt
More of just the director throwing stuff onto the canvas, but more than decently made, some of the cinematography was brilliant

3/10 The Horrible Sexy Vampire (1971)Nudity 1pt
Fuck the blond guy does the both fists into his eyes and rub them like he can't believe what hes seeing, I've only seen that done so well in cartoons

5/10 You're not my Mother (2021)Gore 1pt (minor)
slow as

5/10 Blue Eyes of the Broken (2022) Gore,death, giallo, Nudity 3 pts
I lost track of all the women killed, its like now who the fucks this lady again. One of naschys better films.

4/10 The Comic (1985) Nudity, Drugs 2 pts
Really bad reviews on IMDB but wasn't that bad TBH

3/10 Hitcher in the Dark (1989) Nudity, Gore, 2 pts (there were drugs involved but it was used for stupifying)
Like the other italian film here, there was no hitching at night, only during the day (Hitcher in the day sounds just as bad so why not go with it?). Loses a point for the lame ending

6/10 The Isla of Dr. Moreau (1977)Retards 1 pt
Nothing can compare with Brando's enterance in the remake, truly one of cinema's finest points, but still this is a much better film

4/10 House of Belles (1979)Gore, Rape 2 pts
Milligan would be one of the most unique directors ever, you can always see its one of his films (His most famous film, the rats are coming ... is his worse so if thats all you've seen, check out something better like 'the wierdo'). This one had no plot though

3/10 Malabimba (1979)Nudity, Penetration, Nunsploitation 2 pts
Filmed very well but no real story, I was waiting for the guy to shag his daughter part but it never happened

7/10 Perdita Durango (1997)Nudity, Rape, Gore, Drugs 4 ptsรlex de la Iglesia would make my top 100 directors, most of his films are a good blend of comedy & whatever genre (action/horror)

3/10 Killer Barbys (1996)Nudity, Gore 2 pts (some minor dwarfspoiltation) Im watching this and going fuck this is incompetently made, the best part was the hilarious dubbing (very chopsocky worthy).
afterwards I go on IMDB and see it was made by Jesus, I had no idea whilst watching, for one he doesnt do his trademark boob zoom. Ha ha, his last major film, good to see he remained talentless up till the day he died. One has to admires the masters dedication.

5/10 Tenderness of the wolves (1973)Nudity, Cannabilism = 1 pt (some blood but no real gore) Based on a true story about a german cannibal, that killed ~20 kids/men usually by biting into their neck.
Would not get made today, Im sure some of the actors are under 18 that we see the dicks of, and being kissed by the dude.
You can see fassbinder had a hand in this film, it feels like more one of his than uli lummels (who actually aint a bad director, not like his reputation)

2/10 Cannibal Terror (1980)Nudity, Cannabilism, Gore, Rape = 3 pts Holy shit, instant classic. I like BA_Harrison's (from the imdb board) review of it, Its hard to believe its not a jesus film, though the lack of zooms, shows it prolly aint. But fuck the incompetence is near his level, though this is entertaining from how bad it is, where most of the masters films are just dull. Apparently this was shown at cannes, where the audience laughed throughout. Also I read the master was the writer, so that explains part of its quality. Music is great as well. This is going in my top 100 list, question is what film do I remove. This is the film that made james nesbitt a star. This has been on my to watch lost for at least a decade, the wait was worth it.

4/10 The Island(1980)Nudity, Gore = 2 pts For a hollywood big budget, pure trash. The kung-fu scene is like what the fuck were they thinking, one of the best things I've seen. Michael caine with gun at the end made rambo look like a pussy

points = 53
+ 0 trifectas
+ 25 FTV
= 78 points

Tromafreak says:
#19, Reply to #16

Mar '23
Not sure how many points you think you have, but animal deaths definitely aren't worth any. emoticon

And the exploitation sub genres aren't good for any either, at least not for individual movies. They're to be put towards trifectas. Although at least you actually know what an exploitation movie is, unlike some of these cunts.

zed says:
#20, Reply to #19

Mar '23
OK I'll change those later

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '23
What was the verdict on the blasphemy point again? Discontinued because it was hard to define?

Tromafreak says:
#22, Reply to #21

Mar '23
Discontinued for personal reasons.

Box_a_Hair says:
#23, Reply to #22

Mar '23
Now I'm even more confused!

Tromafreak says:
#24, Reply to #23

Mar '23
Don't worry about it. Just watch some retard scat porn or something.

Box_a_Hair says:
#25, Reply to #24

Mar '23
Maybe I'll have to watch some nunsploitation to get my fill of blasphemy then...


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.