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Sep '17 *

I was waiting on Matheny to reclaim her place as host, but doesn't look like that's going to happen. So, here goes...

Welcome to the 2017 October Challenge. And for many of us, this is the first one away from the IMDb Horror board, which means it's no longer required to save your progress. So, fuck that no life having little cocksucker that used to make it necessary to delete the OP. Seriously. Kill yourself, whoever you were.

So, the rules, as I remember. To complete this challenge, one must watch at least 31 Horror films in the month of October. At least 16 of which shall be first time viewings. All are welcome to watch and list as many as possible.

No TV shows, no Documentaries. Horror films only.

If you're not positive as to whether or not a movie is of the Horror genre, just use your own judgement. If you feel like there's a little Horror in there, then it counts.

I'm gonna go with 45 minutes minimum for a movie to count.

Challenge begins when October begins, and ends with October ends.

No, wait! if I remember correctly, the challenge usually runs until 6 AM November 1st. So, for anyone wanting to have an all night Halloween marathon, there ya go!

If anyone has any questions or comments... https://trashepics.com/post/9/161/

Remember to list the number of movies/FTVs at the bottom, or it will not be counted in the results thread.

This is the year of trash. And this will no doubt prove to be the trashiest October Challenge of them all!

And this is where you make your spot. Have fun!

iceflamez says:
#140, Reply to #139

Oct '17
You bet dude, i was having the time of my life with that flick, i don't buy into the paranormal BS yet in the way they played the supernatural/occult card they actually convinced me. If it wasn't for that horrendous, cgi-ridden climax i would have rated it with a 8/10, still a solid 7/10 would watch again and turn it off before the special guest at the end appears.

foz says:
#141, Reply to #140

Oct '17
haha, with you on 'guest' n cgi ending, spoilt it a bit. oddly enough it reminded me of The Borderlands with the rural Britishness n isolation madness stuff going on.

you've piqued my curiosity by giving Sublime a nine. i blind bought it few years back and don't recall it being that great... but i don't remember much outside the setup n torture so may have been drunk. gonna watch it again.

iceflamez says:
#142, Reply to #141

Oct '17
Sublime is very nuanced you have to actually pay attention, this is why the rewatch worked great for me, the first time around i had this false preconception it's going to be a typical hospital horror flick (the cover gave me that impression), but it goes way deeper, such a fantastic dark psychological piece.

iceflamez says:
#143, Reply to #141

Oct '17 *
The torture scene is symbolic, now English is not my first language so i actually had to enable the subtitles to make sure i don't miss anything and that scene was one of the highlights of the film (not referring to the torture itself but what it means in the context of the movie, George's subconscious)

foz says:
#144, Reply to #143

Oct '17
English isn't my mother tongue either! tho i'd like to think i'm adept in speaking, hearing & understanding, i be shit at spelling n grammar etc. anyway will def rewatch Sublime. see you've seen Pathology aswell, i didn't care much for it but mrs foz likes. i suspect for that Hero dude tho....

peeptoad says:

Sep '17 *
good bye TE

OnyxHades says:
#24, Reply to #16

Oct '17

peeptoad says:
#40, Reply to #24

Oct '17
menacing kitties... emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#42, Reply to #40

Oct '17

peeptoad says:
#43, Reply to #42

Oct '17
I pity the tip of that person's index finger...

OnyxHades says:
#44, Reply to #43

Oct '17

Tromafreak says:

Sep '17 *

1. Salรฒ, Or The 120 Days Of Sodom (1975) - FTV - 5/10

2. Gerald's Game (2017) - FTV - 6/10

3. The Embalmer (1965) - FTV - 4/10

4. Evil Clutch (1988) - RE - 4/10

5. Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter (1974) - FTV - 5/10

6. The Eerie Midnight Horror show (1974) - FTV - 4/10

7. Easter Bunny Bloodbath (2010) - FTV - 5/10

8. Subspecies (1991) - RE - 5/10

9. Meet the Hollowheads (1989) - FTV - 5/10

10. Horror Island (1941) - FTV - 4/10

11. Demon With Child (1975) - FTV - 5/10

12. TerrorVision (1986) - FTV - 5/10

13. House (1985) - FTV - 5/10

14. Leatherface: TCM III (1990) - RE - 5/10

15. Uncle Was A Vampire (1959) - FTV - 4/10

16. The Appointment (1981) - FTV - 7/10

17. The Toxic Avenger Part II (1989) - RE - 4/10

18. The Toxic Avenger Part III (1989) - RE - 4/10

19. All The Kind Strangers (1974) - FTV - 5/10

20. TCM: The Beginning (2006) - RE - 6/10

21. Dig Two Graves (2014) - FTV - 5/10

22. Bloodstone: Subspecies II (1993) - RE - 5/10

23. Exorcist III (1990) - FTV - 4/10

24. The Naked Witch (1961) - FTV - 3/10

25. Night Of Dark Shadows (1971) - RE - 7/10

26. The Graveyard Story (1991) - FTV - 4/10

27. C.H.U.D. (1984) - FTV - 4/10

28. Last Bride Of Salem (1974) - FTV - 5/10

29. Bloodlust: Subspecies III (1994) - RE - 7/10

30. Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town (1989) - FTV - 3/10

31. It Stains The Sands Red (2016) - FTV - 6/10


32. The Spider Woman Strikes Back! (1946) - FTV - 4/10

33. Bloodstorm: Subspecies IV (1998) - RE - 5/10

34. Captive WIld Woman (1943) - FTV - 4/10

35. Amityville: The Awakening (2017) - FTV - 5/10

36. Amityville 3D (1983) - RE - 5/10

37. Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes (1989) - RE - 4/10

38. Messiah Of Evil (1973) - RE - 8/10

39. Rings (2017) - FTV - 4/10

40. Murder At Dawn (1932) - FTV - 5/10

41. Blood And Lace (1971) - FTV - 7/10

42. The Haunting Of Julia (1977) - FTV - 7/10

43. Dust Devil (1992) - RE - 6/10

44. The Gingerdead Man (2005) - FTV - 3/10

45. Thankskilling (2009) - FTV - 5/10

46. Thankskilling 3 (2012) - FTV - 1/10

47. The Headless Eyes (1971) - RE - 3/10

48. Jack Frost (1997) - FTV - 3/10

49. Gingerdead Man 2 (2008) - FTV - 2/10

50. Halloween III (1982) - RE - 5/10

51. The Ghost (1963) - FTV - 6/10

52. Cry Of The Banshee (1970) - FTV - 5/10

53. Cult Of Chucky (2017) - FTV - 6/10

54. Slime City (1987) - RE - 5/10

55. Henry: POASK (1986) - RE - 9/10

56. Cannibal: The Musical (1993) - RE - 10/10

57. Blood Of The Tribades (2016) - FTV - 8/10

58. Demons 2 (1986) - FTV - 6/10

59. The Babysitter (2017) - FTV - 6/10

60. Vampyres (1974) - RE - 8/10

61. Byleth (Il demone dell'incesto) (1972) - FTV - 5/10

62. I Spit Chew On Your Grave (2009) - RE - 5/10

63. Necronos (2010) - RE - 7/10

64. Gingerdead Man 3 (2011) - FTV - 2/10

65. Children Of The Night (1991) - FTV - 5/10

66. 1922 (2017) - FTV - 8/10

67. Slime City Massacre (2010) - RE - 5/10

68. The Haunting Of Seacliff Inn (1994) - FTV - 5/10

69. The Legacy (1978) - RE - 6/10

70. The Iron Rose (1973) - RE - 7/10

71. Symptoms (1974) RE - 5/10

72. Basket Case (1982) - RE - 8/10

73. Isle Of The Dead (1945) - RE - 7/10

74. The Witches Of Pendle (1977) - FTV - 5/10

75. Dark Angel: The Ascent (1994) - FTV - 6/10

76. Cabin Fever 2 (2009) - RE - 5/10

77. Hollywood's New Blood (1988) - FTV - 3/10

78. House Of The Dead (1978) - FTV - 5/10

79. The Whip And The Body (1963) - RE - 8/10

80. Murder Syndrome (1981) - FTV - 7/10

81. The Hearse (1980) - FTV - 5/10

82. Stones Of Death (1988) - FTV - 4/10

83. The Ape (1940) - RE - 5/10

84. The Gorilla (1939) - RE - 5/10

85. The Beast Of Yucca Flats (1961) - RE - 3/10

86. The Houses October Built (2014) - FTV - 6/10

87. Andy Warhol's Frankenstein (1973) - RE - 9/10

88. The Ape Man (1943) - FTV - 3/10

89. Quarantine (2008) - FTV - 5/10

90. Deadly Dreams (1988) - FTV - 4/10

91. Return Of The Family Man (1989) - RE - 3/10

92. Demon Warrior (1988) - FTV - 4/10

93. Andy Warhol's Dracula (1973) - RE - 8/10

94. Inner Demons (2014) - FTV - 5/10

95. Dominique (1979) - FTV - 6/10

96. Demons 3: The Ogre (1989) - FTV - 4/10

97. Kill Baby Kill (1966) - RE - 7/10

98. Can't Take It Back (2017) - FTV - 4/10

99. Gallery Of Horror (1967) - RE - 6/10

100. Don't Knock Twice (2016) - FTV - 5/10

FTV's: 62

Total: 100

Current Favorite FTV: Blood Of The Tribades emoticon


OnyxHades says:
#25, Reply to #18

Oct '17 *
I feel like that is a glimpse into his future emoticon.

Tromafreak says:
#31, Reply to #25

Oct '17
Depends on how the next election goes, I would imagine...

OnyxHades says:
#32, Reply to #31

Oct '17

peeptoad says:
#41, Reply to #18

Oct '17
what's that clip from, Troma?

Smerd says:
#45, Reply to #41

Oct '17
Basket Case 2, I think, I sometimes confuse things in it with part 3.

peeptoad says:
#49, Reply to #45

Oct '17
Ah, thanks, smerd... must wstch those sequels one day. ;)

Gymnopedie says:
#86, Reply to #18

Oct '17
Are you sure you don't mean The Appointment (1981) ? emoticon If so it is a terrific movie.

Tromafreak says:
#87, Reply to #86

Oct '17
Oh, right! I don't know why the fuck I keep calling it that. emoticon

Yeah! Beautiful movie. I love British Horrors like that. emoticon


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