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Sep 2017 *

I was waiting on Matheny to reclaim her place as host, but doesn't look like that's going to happen. So, here goes...

Welcome to the 2017 October Challenge. And for many of us, this is the first one away from the IMDb Horror board, which means it's no longer required to save your progress. So, fuck that no life having little cocksucker that used to make it necessary to delete the OP. Seriously. Kill yourself, whoever you were.

So, the rules, as I remember. To complete this challenge, one must watch at least 31 Horror films in the month of October. At least 16 of which shall be first time viewings. All are welcome to watch and list as many as possible.

No TV shows, no Documentaries. Horror films only.

If you're not positive as to whether or not a movie is of the Horror genre, just use your own judgement. If you feel like there's a little Horror in there, then it counts.

I'm gonna go with 45 minutes minimum for a movie to count.

Challenge begins when October begins, and ends with October ends.

No, wait! if I remember correctly, the challenge usually runs until 6 AM November 1st. So, for anyone wanting to have an all night Halloween marathon, there ya go!

If anyone has any questions or comments... https://trashepics.com/post/9/161/

Remember to list the number of movies/FTVs at the bottom, or it will not be counted in the results thread.

This is the year of trash. And this will no doubt prove to be the trashiest October Challenge of them all!

And this is where you make your spot. Have fun!

iceflamez says:
#110, Reply to #5

Oct 2017
I too rated A Dark Song with 7/10, would have given it a 8/10 but that horrendous cgi-ridden ending was a deal breaker.

iceflamez says:
#104, Reply to #7

Oct 2017
Congrats for the challenge Gym, wanna switch lives by any chance? If i manage to watch 2 movies a day it counts as a miracle for me!

iceflamez says:
#107, Reply to #106

Oct 2017
When you say Foz you mean Ice, right ? ;)

iceflamez says:
#109, Reply to #108

Oct 2017
No worries dude! All is good so far, heading now to watch Dumplings then off to bed! Keep us updated with your progress, i am taking notes :)

iceflamez says:

Sep 2017 *
Movies Counter : 25

Best Horrorthon Watch : Sublime (2007) 9/10

Worst Horrorthon Watch : The Monster Project (2017) 2/10

FTVs Counter : 18

1) Valentine (2001) 3/10 - Generic, bland and predictable didn't even qualify for light, passable entertainment.


2) Lake Mungo (2008) 6/10 - Very effective pseudo-documentary style flick, quite an unnerving watch throughout, culminates to one of the most chilling scenes i have ever seen.


3) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) 6/10 - Watched it for the first time when i was 10 so it was completely erased from my memory. No doubt it's a classic and progenitor of modern day horror, remarkable effort for the budget they had.


4) KM 31: Kilรณmetro 31 (2006) 4/10 - Mexican supernatural horror film, very typical stuff, mostly forgettable experience.


5) The Thing (1982) 6/10 - Impressive to look at and i would have rated higher if the characters/story weren't as underdeveloped.


6) Livid (2011) 5/10 - Some nice visuals here and there, semi-decent gore, story was kinda messy and the acting indifferent. It entertained.


7) Stigmata (1999) 3,5/10 - Tedious watch, had i not been a completist chances are i would have turned it off.


8) Dumplings (2004) 4/10 - Worked much better as a short.


9) Die Prรคsenz (2014) 3/10 - German FF flick; sheer stupidity and loud noises, such is the price for trying to uncover a hidden gem.


10) Berberian Sound Studio (2012) 4/10 - Impeccable sound design and interesting, claustrophobic setting, but the actual movie didn't work for me mainly the storyline was monotonous and cyclical.


11) Mute Witness (1995) 4/10 - Strong start and pretty engaging up to halfway but after the second half it dwindled into cheesiness and borderline comedy after a certain point and by that time it lost a lot of steam and almost all of my interest.


12) Mister Corbett's Ghost (1987) 6/10 - An atmospheric period piece ghost story about the burden of guilt. Would definitely rewatch again.


13) Creep 2 (2017) 6/10 - Not as good as the the first one but still a pretty unsettling watch. Great acting from Mark Duplass.


14) Gerald's Game (2017) 8/10 - An outstanding movie all around, great writing, acting, inspired cinematography, mesmerizing to watch from start to finish. Flanagan's best yet.


15) Super Dark Times (2017) 6/10 - Beautifully shot managed to convey the early 90s essence on screen with an excellent sound design. Will benefit after a rewatch, still a very interesting watch.


16) It Comes at Night (2017) 4/10 - Overrated. This movie culminates to nothingness, mostly waste of time, would never rewatch again.


17) The Triangle (2016) 3/10 - Great potential early on but as the movie progresses the quality steadily declines to the point that it turns into colossal waste of time, a very frustrating watch.


18) The Monster Project (2017) 2/10 - Truly atrocious, worst watch for this month. Absolutely hated it, especially the 2nd half, some of the worst shit i have ever endured in a film.


ReWatches Counter : 7

1) The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) 7/10 - 2nd best Exorcism movie i have seen so far after The Exorcist.


2) A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) 8/10 - Might be the best psychological horror/drama from South Korea that i have ever seen.


3) Madhouse (2004) 6/10 - Pretty solid horror flick albeit predictable, still quite enjoyable.


4) The Skeleton Key (2005) 8/10 - It's extremely rare for me to be thoroughly entertained by a supernatural Horror flick. This one was a shinning exception.


5) The Borderlands (2013) 6/10 - It's always a pleasant surprise to end up watching a solid movie when you are expecting a dud. Above average FF flick, quite entertaining and better than what i anticipated, even as a rewatch.


6) Sublime (2007) 9/10 - The rewatch did wonders, i re-appreciate this film on a whole new level. A surreal, twisted nightmare and ultimately devastating film. I kept checking for the remaining duration because i didn't want it to end. One of my all-time best watches.


7) Pathology (2008) 7/10 - Very enjoyable medical horror albeit a little over the top (and by little i mean a lot).


iceflamez says:
#140, Reply to #139

Oct 2017
You bet dude, i was having the time of my life with that flick, i don't buy into the paranormal BS yet in the way they played the supernatural/occult card they actually convinced me. If it wasn't for that horrendous, cgi-ridden climax i would have rated it with a 8/10, still a solid 7/10 would watch again and turn it off before the special guest at the end appears.

iceflamez says:
#142, Reply to #141

Oct 2017
Sublime is very nuanced you have to actually pay attention, this is why the rewatch worked great for me, the first time around i had this false preconception it's going to be a typical hospital horror flick (the cover gave me that impression), but it goes way deeper, such a fantastic dark psychological piece.

iceflamez says:
#143, Reply to #141

Oct 2017 *
The torture scene is symbolic, now English is not my first language so i actually had to enable the subtitles to make sure i don't miss anything and that scene was one of the highlights of the film (not referring to the torture itself but what it means in the context of the movie, George's subconscious)

@ am
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