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Nov '16
As you know I was hoping for a win for the Trumpster emoticon, I'll use this post as a record to see if in 4 years time, he has kept to his main promises.

1. Build a beautiful 55' high wall and make the mexicans pay for it
2. Drain the swamp, eg Senators limited to 2 terms
3. Increase median Wages above inflation
4. Decrease unemployment rate
5. Decrease government debt currently $19.818 trillion
6. Deport 2 Million people in the first hour of his Precidency
7. Impose 45% tariff on chinese goods
8. Ban muslims from entering the USA
9. Lock Clinton up
10. Personally become one of the 100 richest americans for the first time

#43, Reply to #42

Mar '23
Sorta how Biden delayed the Afghanistan withdrawal that Trump established and delayed by 6 months creating the clusterfuck it became. Trump's biggest faults were Warp Speed and starting that Red Flag bullshit that only created false flags imo as an American. TTP wouldn't have helped Americans only hurt them just like Clinton's NAFTA did further sending more jobs elsewhere. It's easy for you to talk this overseas not seeing what's going on here firsthand.You do know only 35% of Americans hold college degrees so all those jobs leaving hurt common folk here.

zed says:
#44, Reply to #43

Mar '23
that afghanistan withdrawal mess, had very little to do with biden.
It was more to do with the previous 20 years of bush jr,obama,trump. They had 20 years of trying to establish a stable country / governance and it just falls apart 1 day after the US leaves. emoticon Doesnt matter who the president was same thing would of happened.

Trump was never fighting for the 'little guy', I mean seriously I can not believe people would think this, but for some strange reason lots do. This guy that was born into one of the richest families in america, who has never worked a honest day in his life, yet he knows the day to day struggles. Come on seriously people are not that naive are they?
Hes always been about business, and hes pretty open about that, cutting down in regulation.

Like rolling back the dobb-frank act (put in place to help prevent bank collapses because then US tax payers often have to bail them out)

Of course in the last couple of weeks 2 large banks have failed in the US, which will cost the US tax payer, billions. Thanks Trump I guess.
Or cutting back on the safety for train braking.

Of course then you have stuff like the train derailment a couple of weeks ago in ohio carrying petrochemicals. Still at least he saved the train companies a billion dollars, now the US tax payer bears most of the cost, Thanks Trump again I guess.

At least the shareholders are happyemoticon, The tax payers, workers? Well not so much. emoticon

zed says:
#45, Reply to #43

#46, Reply to #45

Mar '23
I believe Clinton signed it in the late 90s but apparently Reagan/Bush admins were readying it much earlier.

zed says:
#47, Reply to #46

Mar '23 *
Here is reagan from his election campaign in 1980, it was one of his major policy points. If not his most important policy.


He talks about a union of US/canada/mexico but we all know the main reason business's want the deal = cheap outsourced labour in mexico

Yes Clinton was ideologically close to reagan and trump, we know he hung around a lot with trump (similar interests)

Mate this is part of the reason why I say the decline of the average americans living standard happened is due to Reagan. It even had a name, Reaganomics. It was policies the helped transfering of wealth from the middleclass and poor to the wealthy (*). You're quite old? perhaps not as old as me but do you remember the 80s?, yuppies, the greed is good mantra, trickledown economics etc, based a lot on ayn rands writings and worshiped in the chicago school of economics.
If you want to blame a president forget trump or clinton or bush, the most important president for the US decline in living standards is due to Reagan

(*)Google reagan and unions, IIRC the air controller unions

BTW Class I was watching 'Perdita Durango (1997)' last night.
For my next history lesson when I get some time, I will talk about the mexican / US border & policy choices and the old 'unintended consequences' effects of those policies

zed says:
#48, Reply to #47

Mar '23
As promised heres the reason why there are so many people from Mexico etc living in the US today. Its basically a lesson of getting self-owned emoticon

US-Mexico border History lesson

Back in the Old times it was easy to cross between the borders, Mexico -> US and back again.

So what would happen is Each year a lot of the young men would leave mexico, go to Califonia/texas and work in the fields for 3 months doing a harvest of somethign, take their wages and go back to mexico, where obviously they felt more comfortable, culture/language etc.

Now what happened is during the 60s some politicians started getting the people, riled up. They are coming here taking our jobs etc (though honestly do you think the average american wants to work in the fields for low pay, So the reasoning was basically BS, but people don't want logic they want emotions)

So what happened is they started clamping down on border crossings, made it much harder to come into the US.

Obviously this decreased the number of mexican's in the USA right?

No mate, since they made it difficult, what ended up happening is once the mexican made it into the US, they didnt want to run the risk of going back to mexico because they might not be able to get back into the US to work again, so they just stayed in the USA for the whole year. Of course they missed their wifes/girlfriends/children after a while so they brought those over to live with them.

so we went from a couple of million in the US for a couple of months a year to >10 million living there the whole year i.e. its hilarious when you think of it, by trying to cut back on the number of mexicans in the USA, they actually caused their numbers to explode

zed says:
#49, Reply to #48

Mar '23
Doing some more digging on a US government web site

The militarization of the border entailed a massive increase in the Border Patrolโ€™s personnel and budget. From 1986 to 2016 the agency went from 3,700 to 20,000 officers and its budget rose from $151 million to $3.6 billion (Massey, Durand, and Malone 2002). Naturally, these resources were initially targeted at the two busiest crossing sectors, a policy that was formalized with the launching of Operation Blockade in El Paso in 1993 and Operation Gatekeeper in San Diego in 1994. Prior to that time, these two sectors together accounted for around three quarters of all undocumented entries, with two thirds coming through California alone (Massey, Durand, and Pren 2016). In the end, this massive militarization did not deter would-be undocumented migrants from heading northward. Instead, it diverted migrants away from militarized segments of the border into the Sonoran Desert towards new crossing sites along the Arizona border, where few Border Patrol agents were stationed. It thus had little effect on the likelihood of apprehension or the odds of gaining entry over a series of attempted crossings (Massey, Durand, and Pren (2014).Although border militarization did not have its intended effects, it did have profound consequences the behavior of undocumented migrants. First, the shift into rugged desert terrain induced them to make greater use of border smugglers while increasing the cost of their services. Even with these inputs, however, the new crossing routes carried a higher risk of injury or death (Massey, Durand, and Pren 2016). Second, the rising costs and risks of clandestine crossing, in turn, caused migrants to minimize border-crossingโ€”not by staying home but by remaining longer in the United States once they had achieved entry, thereby driving down the rate of return migration and increasing the net inflow (Massey, Durand, and Pren 2015). As a result, from 1988 to 2008 the number of undocumented U.S. residents grew from two million to 12 million (Wasem 2011).
Also from reading apparently 66% used to just go to califonia and then back home, but once they made border crossings harder, they started to spread out into other states. I assume because they had to find work for 12 months a year and not just for a vegetable harvest season

emoticonThey would of been better doing literally nothing (and would of saved the US tax payer billions in the process)

zed says:
#38, Reply to #34

Mar '23
Yes its hilarious sometimes its easier to get people on the lesser charges.
The legal system is total BS if you steal billions you most likely won't go to jail (theres been a few exceptions like bernie maldorf but 99% of the time it holds) but rob someone of their watch, 10 years to jail

#40, Reply to #38

Mar '23
We'll see what happens to that FTX guy.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.