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Nov '16
As you know I was hoping for a win for the Trumpster emoticon, I'll use this post as a record to see if in 4 years time, he has kept to his main promises.

1. Build a beautiful 55' high wall and make the mexicans pay for it
2. Drain the swamp, eg Senators limited to 2 terms
3. Increase median Wages above inflation
4. Decrease unemployment rate
5. Decrease government debt currently $19.818 trillion
6. Deport 2 Million people in the first hour of his Precidency
7. Impose 45% tariff on chinese goods
8. Ban muslims from entering the USA
9. Lock Clinton up
10. Personally become one of the 100 richest americans for the first time

peeptoad says:

Jun '17 *
politics suck balls worse than betting on cricket

says the peeptoad who is a moderate, unaffiliated voter emoticon

foz says:
#14, Reply to #10

Jun '17
i'm sick of it. we have a fucking vote every other week over here & the whole country is jaded by it all, which is reflected in the results. it is a godawful mess. people who have nothing are going to vote for uncertainty over more nothing everytime. we had a winner who lost & a loser who won. we're doomed, doomed i tell ye!

peeptoad says:
#15, Reply to #14

Jun '17
at least being doomed is a more or less tangible state of being... emoticon


Jun '17 *
At the time I thought Trump was the lesser of 2 evils but I believe it really made no difference who was selected. He promised to drain the swamp and did...then filled it with even muckier swampier water. Presidents aren't elected, they're selected. Voter hacking is a real thing but not by Russians...the proofs in the Trump pudding, Isreal hacked the elections and I don't vote.

Tommix says:

Jun '17 *
Personally, I have always suspected that there are shitloads of conspiracies trying to mess with my mind, constantly, coming both from the Left and the Right, and also from education, religion, entertainment, the legal establishment, Madison Avenue, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the Fed... you name it. Sometimes certain factions of conspirators find common ground on some issue, and other times they disagree about things... but basically, anything that is allowed to be on the news at all is only there because someone up above us all wants it to be there, to manipulate us into something. I could see how some people thought Trump might have been able to break us all out of the cycle, and end the bullshit and somehow give us sort of a clean slate. But, I don't think he has been able to do it, and I don't think he will be able to do it.

Also... maybe this is just another conspiracy, like a lot of people think, but to me it sounds like scientists are being sincere when they tell us we are in really, really big trouble because of global warming. I personally think Trump and his cabinet are really, really, REALLY screwing up, bigtime, when it come to that issue. They might be screwing up so much that we won't even have much of a future. So, with that in mind... I guess there's no point in worrying too much about anything.

foz says:

Sep '17
whatever you think of the guy, a President making his first speach to the United Nations that threatens to 'totally destroy' an entire nation has balls, however unlikely it is to happen. and i'm pretty sure the UN aren't used to language like 'Rocket Man is on a suicide mission' echoing Boris' Elton pun. Hey kids, politics can be fun!

zed says:
#27, Reply to #25

Sep '17
Not going to happen! Remember Trump is the great guy who has said he's going to keep the USA out of other countries affairs and not be a war monger like Hilary Clinton would of been. For the USA to attack NK would mean Trump has done a flipflop 180, which goes totally against the Trump character we all know and love.

Tromafreak says:

Sep '17

Ballz says:
#28, Reply to #26

Sep '17 *
I wish someone would punch Colbert in the mouth. Anyone who finds his Trump-bashing shtick funny is brain dead. Of course, we already knew that about those celebrities in attendance.

"Trump is a racist, sexist meanie!" *they all clap their flippers in unison*

Tromafreak says:
#29, Reply to #28

Sep '17
They're not even trying to be subtle. It's too constant and in your face to be remotely funny. They just come off as butthurt and desperate little dicklickers.

Tromafreak says:

Oct '17

OnyxHades says:
#31, Reply to #30

Oct '17
Trump is fucking awesome!

#32, Reply to #31

Oct '17
I love the shit storm he caused with his NFL kneeling anthem comments. Multi millionares that get paid to play a gamel for a living, that get slaps on the wrist for beating the hell out of their wives/girlfriends protesting "social injustice" aka having to obey the law and take responsibility for your own choices and shit fail or succeed.

Whether to Kneel or link arms, whether to kneel before or during the anthem, maybe we'll stay in the tunnel until the anthem is over...then you've got Steeler Alejandro Villanueva who came onto the field with hand over heart while the rest of the team lurked in tunnel per Coach Tomlin's orders.

His jersey becomes #1 seller. Rothlisberger says he wishes he would of went out and did the same. Coach Tomlin is mad and butt hurt cause the whole thing made him look like a little bitch. Villanueva comes out with a statement (crafted by team lawyers/diversity outreach/agents if I ever heard one) that he got confused and did not really mean to step out onto the field..emoticon

I saw on CBS news an interview with some black folk in a diner. One guy said it was just a diversion tactic by Trump. And it is was I'm sure! I just never figured out what for. Best part is even though a lot in the media have figured out it was a diversion, they STILL fell for it so hard. They cannot help themselves. Lead story all over for 2 nights. emoticon

#33, Reply to #31

Oct '17
The only thing I wish Trump had done different is instead of calling them sons a bitches, he should have called them sons of motherless goats. I really do, just to have all the puckered sphincters in the media huffing WHAT?!
and up the bizarreness.



Mar '23
This post is a Trash Epics classic...glad a robot was around for me to find it. I find it hilarious NY might actually indict him soon. They couldn't indict on all the other charges they wanted so they're going after this bs...sorta reminds one of Al Capone! The only thing I can agree totally with in this thread is Jwow saying Trump isn't half as bad as Baby Bush Jr, which he wasn't.

markus-san says:
#35, Reply to #34

Mar '23 *
It's classic because zed actually remembered to use capitals throughout his post and replies.

#36, Reply to #35

Mar '23
LOL...that and he didn't post any links to MSNBC clips!

zed says:
#39, Reply to #36

Mar '23
Have I ever, I've never watched that channel or cnn or fox etc.

Btw so what do you think about all the emails/group chats etc coming out now from the fox news courtcase from sean hannity, tucker carlson, rupert murdoch etc all writing to each other (which they haven't denied) along the lines of

there is no evidence that the election was stolen and the only people people saying this are nutcases, but we have to go along with the lie in case our 'especially dumb' viewers switch over to newsmax.
Yet at the same time they were on TV talking about a stolen election.

Has fox news even reported on these messages? I doubt it

Hard to see them win the case, but then again defamation is extremely hard to prove, and they have a lot of high paid lawyers, so who knows, Law is just so corrupt.

Speaking of election corruption, What do you think of the confession from a couple of days ago

I wonder how things would be in US society now if reagan didnt win. His win of course led to the policies which created the 80s yuppies, 'greed is good' 'trickle down economics' i.e. the transfer of wealth from the middle & lower class to the richest.

Then again clinton was similar (though not as extreme) so maybe it was inevitable

#41, Reply to #39

Mar '23
Didn't vote for Trump and was a critic of the things he did. His worst offense was talking and tweeting stupid shit. I laugh at all the Trump Derangement Syndrome though. He was nominated for a Nobel Peace prize and people talked about him starting a WW and nuclear annihilation!...who has us on the brink of that now? I predict he'll win in 2024 cause "they" love the fact the people are so divided and want that to continue cause as long as we're fighting with each other, "they" don't have to worry about us looking at them. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

zed says:
#42, Reply to #41

Mar '23
Well one could argue what his worst thing. I assume putting his personal interests ahead of the USA's interests would be prolly number 1.
Scrapping the TPP would of been near the worst from a US POV as it was very favorable for the US. For all his talk about getting tough on China, why did trump scrap the TPP, You know the TPP, the deal put together to counter China's growing influence in the World/Pacific, China hated this deal and cheered when the US withdrew from it. Why did trump scrap the deal? Reason cause obama signed it. Seems a bit petty doesn't it.
With Trump ignore what he saiz, take notice what he does.

Nobel peace prize, well the peace prize is a joke, obama won it for doing nothing, kissinger won it for being one of the worst pieces of shit in humanity, and for nominations well the bar is much lower than that. eg hitler was nominated in 1939. emoticon


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