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Nov 2016
As you know I was hoping for a win for the Trumpster emoticon, I'll use this post as a record to see if in 4 years time, he has kept to his main promises.

1. Build a beautiful 55' high wall and make the mexicans pay for it
2. Drain the swamp, eg Senators limited to 2 terms
3. Increase median Wages above inflation
4. Decrease unemployment rate
5. Decrease government debt currently $19.818 trillion
6. Deport 2 Million people in the first hour of his Precidency
7. Impose 45% tariff on chinese goods
8. Ban muslims from entering the USA
9. Lock Clinton up
10. Personally become one of the 100 richest americans for the first time

foz says:

Feb 2017
Well, he managed to instigate no.8, at least temprarily. He does seem to be bringing a smile to most of the Western world, for reasons on both ends of the spectrum

Here's his actual words dubbed over a dude pretending to be drunk


& in the interests of equality, here's CassetteBoy ripping this piss outta Cameron. May has not provided enough ammo as yet...


foz says:

Jun 2017
so how's The Donald doing?


foz says:
#12, Reply to #11

Jun 2017
haha, well put. let me just say the vid doesn't represent my views & the guy is a character, he rants hate on eveyone equally mostly politicians, but also God n other stuff. i just thought it was funny

with you in that as i don't live in the US i can't pass judgement on how DT is running the place. Our media is as bias as any other when it comes to representing...well, anything.

foz says:
#14, Reply to #10

Jun 2017
i'm sick of it. we have a fucking vote every other week over here & the whole country is jaded by it all, which is reflected in the results. it is a godawful mess. people who have nothing are going to vote for uncertainty over more nothing everytime. we had a winner who lost & a loser who won. we're doomed, doomed i tell ye!

foz says:

Sep 2017
whatever you think of the guy, a President making his first speach to the United Nations that threatens to 'totally destroy' an entire nation has balls, however unlikely it is to happen. and i'm pretty sure the UN aren't used to language like 'Rocket Man is on a suicide mission' echoing Boris' Elton pun. Hey kids, politics can be fun!

@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.