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Election 2020

Aug '20 *
With the US election on the horizon I figured it would be nice to have a place for CIVIL political discord. That being said feel free to drag your third world non-american politics into the mix as well

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Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '20
I'm astounded by the sheer amount of ignorance in some of these replies. People be spouting off the same dumb unfounded shit that a lot of oblivious Americans are mindlessly spewing out. The same explicitly disproven bullshit that the democrats continue to regurgitate time and time again to brainwash mindless Americans into their agenda to discredit the president because he's working to dismantle their awful socialist endeavors.

Oh, he's racist and sexist! Despite not exhibiting any racist or sexist sentiments during his entire fucking term. And he's in cahoots with Russia, even though he never fucking talks to or about Russia, and imposes sanctions on them. No matter what Trump's policies are, people overlook them in favor of criticizing the man for the, again, BLATANT FALACIES THAT ARE CONSTANTLY BEING DISPROVEN that the liberal media shamelessly shoves down their throats. I wish people would look at facts instead of taking everything CNN tells them at face value.

It's mind-boggling how many people believe whatever they hear just because a guy on tv said it, even if said guy is an incredible twat. End rant.

markus-san says:
#25, Reply to #24

Sep '20 *
Oh, he's racist and sexist! Despite not exhibiting any racist or sexist sentiments during his entire fucking term

Are you kidding me or are you just blind/deaf? You talk about others being ignorant here but some of the things Trump has said, especially about women (and yes during his term), are blatantly sexist and anyone who refuses to acknowledge it is the one being ignorant. Most of the rest of the world (yeah, there is a world outside of the US) can see this, not just some "oblvious Americans" but only Trump supporters think he's some sort of saint.

Box_a_Hair says:
#26, Reply to #25

Sep '20
Yada yada. Show me an example or get off the bandwagon.

Tromafreak says:
#27, Reply to #25

Sep '20 *
As long as there are so many people refusing to acknowledge THIS guy's behavior (and track record), nobody should feel obligated to explain themselves for supporting a President who has merely made a couple tasteless comments. At least he acts like a person (as opposed to a politician/puppet), which seems to be the problem for too many people.


If it's not his lack of filter, or his crudeness, to be fair, it would be Russia even though it was disproven twice. If it wasn't Russia, it would be him calling Mexicans "animals" even though he clearly meant MS-13 gang members. If it wasn't that, it would be him downplaying the virus even though everyone else was too. If he hadn't downplayed the virus at first and gone straight to lockdown mode, he'd be an authoritarian. If it wasn't that... uh... Oh yeah! He totally called the millitary a bunch of losers even though there isn't one shred of evidence to back it up. If it's not true, then, fuck it! He's just mean... and uh, celebrities hate him (starting 4 years ago).

To many people, he can't win beause they don't want him to. And that's obviously the motivation. So, when these same people get all uppity about some comments he may or may not have made, after frantically jumping from one "scandal" to the next, it's hard to not be dismissive. Nobody thinks he's a saint, but those who hate Trump have long outed themselves as being extremely petty, willing to believe anything as long as it's what they want to hear, and only finding things offensive when it's convenient.

markus-san says:
#39, Reply to #27

Sep '20 *
>>has merely made a couple tasteless comments

Be honest here, I think it's more than just a "couple".

>>At least he acts like a person

You mean to say his appeal lies in the fact he acts like any ordinary Joe as opposed to a Political Leader? He is a complete narcissistic who will try to keep hold of power for his own ego no matter what. He's proven it's all about him in various interviews, which I have watched - and yeah that's the impression I come away with and I am definitely not the only one. Pretty much most of my friends and family here in the UK have this view of him. A narcissist, pure and simple. He's even refused today to say that he will hand over power peacefully if he loses. No doubt he will incite riots up and down the country, throwing his toys out of the pram, mark my words. It would not surprise me if that happened at all. And that's not a normal person's behaviour. And it definitely should not be the behaviour of the World's Most Powerful Leader. And hell, my 8 year old son feels angry at him for not believing in climate change and doubting "science". For me personally, climate change deniers are not much worse than Flat Earthers. Science and observation tells us the world is a sphere. Science and observation tells us the world is warming up due to human activity. For the World's Most Powerful Leader to basically say, in his expert opinion, it's a load of horseshit is not healthy for anyone. Especially our kids. Anyway I kind of digress..

As for Biden, I am no fan. The guy looks totally incompetent to run the country. Hell even Kamala Harris would be a better alternative to him. At least she has some backbone. As Box said earlier in the thread, literally anyone. If he was the Democrat's best option for gaining the Presidency then I dispair.

Either way, however the election goes, I think the future is pretty bleak. Not just for Americans but for all of us. And on that optimistic note...

Tromafreak says:
#43, Reply to #39

Sep '20 *
Maybe "a couple" is downplaying if we're reaching this hard, cuz I saw your list you provided. Looks like he's mostly making smart ass comments about people like Rosie O'Donnell, Bette Midler and Cher, mixed with random remarks about random female celebrities, some of which are pretty funny. Sorry, don't care about the elites. Crooks like Hillary, Pelosi and pedo Joe are more known for talking down to "the little people". But who cares? Trump said some actress has a fat ass!

IF he's a bit of a pig, fine. Not saying that's a good thing, but to focus on that is to lose sight of what's actually important. Getting the economy back on track, bringing back jobs, making the middle class something respectable again, speaking out against BLM and Antifa unlike the dems who lie for them. And unlike anyone else in our lifetime, he's not actually starting new wars, but trying like hell to end the old ones, which is probably the root of a lot of the frantic smearing. The man is simply not playing ball with the establishment, therefore, his flaws are being shouted about over and over from the roof tops. Not to mention exaggerated, if not made up completely in some cases, all to make sure this never happens again. Anyway, keeping feminists happy isn't on his agenda, as if that was ever an option.

Some of the appeal lies in the fact that he acts like an ordinary Joe as opposed to a Political PUPPET. Lots and lots of puppets came before him. If they hadn't been, they probably would have gotten the smear treatment just the same, but maybe the country wouldn't have gotten in the shape it did to the point that voters eventually turned to an imperfect guy like Trump, who they know isn't just trying to get rich. People took a chance on him for a reason. It was never "hey, wouldn't it be fun to have a Billionare celeb as President?".

Maybe he shows narcissistic qualities, but as far as I know, neither of us are in the position to give an official diagnosis. If he was a full blown narcissist, he wouldn't be the first politician/President. I'd say historically, most of them have been, and that goes for anywhere in the world. And nowadays, these would-be leaders are more like professional election winners than anything else. So, Trump skipped the "I'm a sweetheart and a perfect little Angel" part of the process. I say good. People are getting tired of that shit.

And I don't have much to add to the whole climate change debate. All I know is that it's mostly the left that goes on about it. I get that that doesn't automatically make it horseshit, though.

DerTables says:
#36, Reply to #25

Sep '20
Proof? Preferably not from an annonymous source.

markus-san says:
#38, Reply to #36

Sep '20 *

Of course you will say this was all in jest / merely insults but try to find a list of men that have received similar abuse, about their bodies, etc. It's pure sexism and you know it but refuse to acknowledge it. Proof enough for you or maybe you feel Trump's Twitter / own mouth is an anonymous source?

Oh and btw you picked me up for not knowing how to quote properly, well do check your spellings from time to time, if you want to be pedantic about it.

DerTables says:
#47, Reply to #38

Sep '20
So your link ends before his enoguration... which was the entire point. As for my spelling, yes I am not good at it. This is not news. And why would I want to get pandemic about it?

markus-san says:
#49, Reply to #47

Sep '20
Still, it's proof of his sexism. He wouldn't suddenly change his attitude at the exact point of his inauguration.


Sep '20
It's nothing like the IMDB politics board of 4 years ago but still a lot of fun to read. I remember posting I'm with her...only to upset folks I was referring to Jill Stein! This country deserves a legitimate 3rd party imo. I consider myself a Libertarian but would never vote for the clown that party is endorsing.

DerTables says:
#52, Reply to #51

Sep '20
Jojo is insain. I miss the days of Johnston and Paul.

Box_a_Hair says:
#54, Reply to #53

Sep '20
Can't wait to watch this stupid debate tonight...

ZombieCPA says:

Sep '20
Trump was an embarrassment tonight. Pathetic bully.

Box_a_Hair says:
#56, Reply to #55

Sep '20
He's bullying an incompetent fool who shouldn't be in this position to begin with, so I agree that it is sad. Trump didn't even have to try.

Oct '20
Comment Deleted

Johan_WoW says:

Oct '20
I have no desire to really get into a political debate as I'm not an American so I don't really care as long as whoever gets chosen doesn't affect my life badly.

I heard people say they voted republican because they disliked Hilary and the other way around. But this seems again to become a battle of Ok let's vote for the lesser evil. is there somewhere written that you have to vote either democrat or republican? I guess it's just history but why is the majority so convinced a third party can't be good? Because it would be a lost vote, a protest vote? Would they make even a bigger mess, well that's hard to say when you are never given a chance. I find this voting system is too black and white. Would such a situation happen in my country both democrats and republican would get a serious beating in the next election.

"Political discussions can, of course, become heated. If you disagree with someone or don't like the content of their posts, simply add the user to your ignore list."

@Box does that apply to your moronic brother-in-law too?

Ballz says:
#59, Reply to #58

Oct '20 *
"Because it would be a lost vote, a protest vote?"

Pretty much. And for a lot of people, it's black and white. They have a you're either with us or against us mentality.

Johan_WoW says:
#62, Reply to #59

Oct '20
Which makes me think it's pretty much a vicious circle. I find it a sad mentality but of course I'm not an American.

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@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.