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Election 2020

Aug '20 *
With the US election on the horizon I figured it would be nice to have a place for CIVIL political discord. That being said feel free to drag your third world non-american politics into the mix as well

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '20
I find it hilarious how little the democrats are trying this year. Why bother with Sleepy Joe? Literally anyone would be a better candidate.

Box_a_Hair says:
#13, Reply to #12

Sep '20
GOP? You misspelled "democrats".

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '20
I'm astounded by the sheer amount of ignorance in some of these replies. People be spouting off the same dumb unfounded shit that a lot of oblivious Americans are mindlessly spewing out. The same explicitly disproven bullshit that the democrats continue to regurgitate time and time again to brainwash mindless Americans into their agenda to discredit the president because he's working to dismantle their awful socialist endeavors.

Oh, he's racist and sexist! Despite not exhibiting any racist or sexist sentiments during his entire fucking term. And he's in cahoots with Russia, even though he never fucking talks to or about Russia, and imposes sanctions on them. No matter what Trump's policies are, people overlook them in favor of criticizing the man for the, again, BLATANT FALACIES THAT ARE CONSTANTLY BEING DISPROVEN that the liberal media shamelessly shoves down their throats. I wish people would look at facts instead of taking everything CNN tells them at face value.

It's mind-boggling how many people believe whatever they hear just because a guy on tv said it, even if said guy is an incredible twat. End rant.

Box_a_Hair says:
#26, Reply to #25

Sep '20
Yada yada. Show me an example or get off the bandwagon.

Box_a_Hair says:
#54, Reply to #53

Sep '20
Can't wait to watch this stupid debate tonight...

Box_a_Hair says:
#56, Reply to #55

Sep '20
He's bullying an incompetent fool who shouldn't be in this position to begin with, so I agree that it is sad. Trump didn't even have to try.

Box_a_Hair says:
#60, Reply to #58

Oct '20
Yes, you can add der to your ignore list, but like it or not, he is very informed on politics.

Initially, I voted for Trump because Hilary was (still is) a truly despicable person, but over the last few years, Trump has done a lot of good for the country that the press willingly ignores in favor of bashing him every chance they can. The left has dedicated their entire strategy into demeaning the president at every opportunity that they completely forgot to pick worthwhile candidate.

Third parties tend to have better solutions than either primary party, but to vote for one is to throw your vote away, because American politics really are black and white.

Box_a_Hair says:
#63, Reply to #61

Oct '20
The "news" that makes you feel this way is completely doctored bullshit that's constantly perpetuated by his opposition to put him in a bad light. Notice how none of the news you hear has anything to do with his policies? That's because they want to distract you from what he's actually doing by making you focus on the garbage.

Personally, I think covid is overhyped. Not to say that I know a lot of people, but I've never met anyone who's had it in all these months of it being a dire crisis, and nearly everyone I see in public doesn't understand how to wear their mask properly or at all.

The BLM movement is a tactic pushed by the left, and it's always the big liberal cities that are destroying themselves. The footage of Floyd was deliberately cut to show him in a sympathetic light, but the full footage shows that he was extremely uncooperative and rambunctious, but the quotes and footage of these things are presented by dishonest media outlets to inspire outrage that they can blame on someone else.

For instance, one interview had footage of Trump saying something that others interpreted as him condoning white supremecy I believe it was. Of course, they didn't show the rest of the footage, which IMMEDIATELY after they cut off had him say something along the lines of "Now let me make this clear, I absolutely do NOT condone white supremecy!"

You never hear the full story from the media in the U.S., and that's why people are constantly getting the wrong impression. The truth is out there. People just ignore it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#67, Reply to #66

Oct '20
Despite this DIRECT QUOTE from YEARS AGO, you know that some people will still claim that he hasn't condemned white supremacy. Like I said, the truth is there, and people will ignore it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#70, Reply to #69

Oct '20
He's probably just annoyed that him saying something isn't enough for people to believe that he's said it. Let me ask you a question markus. Do you condemn white supremacy?

Box_a_Hair says:
#102, Reply to #87

Oct '20
Why bother? You'll never do it...

Box_a_Hair says:
#68, Reply to #64

Oct '20
Indoctrinated, huh? I wonder how that would happen when most everybody I associate with are anti-Trumpers. Shouldn't that put me on the other side?

Box_a_Hair says:
#73, Reply to #72

Oct '20
If Hilary was president, I would be living in Canada. She couldn't give a straight answer for what her stance was on anything.

One country's politics shouldn't necessitate any other country. The problem in this situation is that Obama made us too dependent on other countries and would cave to anything they asked of him. We shouldn't be dependent on another country and other countries shouldn't be dependent on us. One of Trump's mottos was "America first", which meant to ween off of our dependency on trade with other countries. Sure, trade is a good thing, but it wasn't the best thing for our economy when we were giving a lot of jobs to other nations.

Box_a_Hair says:
#75, Reply to #74

Oct '20
Very sorry to hear that, Vince. There was a period in U.S. where everything was being labeled as a covid death, and it felt very contrived to me. I hope you have enough booze to get you through that loss.

Box_a_Hair says:
#77, Reply to #76

Oct '20
I respect that you don't like Trump if you're at least able to admit that he is right about some things. That's what I call being reasonable. A lot of statistics have been claiming since the start that survival/recovery rates are quite high and that this is comparable to the flu at best, but it's a relatively new thing, so people will freak the fuck out because of it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#106, Reply to #105

Oct '20
When I had a beard, a co-worker would always call me Master Obi-Wan. I guess from a distance, I might have bore a resemblance to the episode 3 version of him.

Box_a_Hair says:
#125, Reply to #114

Nov '20
Jimb says it well. We have a few outrageously political cities that we need to keep in check, so the system is more weighted along the merit of the state and its population. It ain't the majority, but it's the proportionate representation. I don't want California telling me what to do.

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '20
America has reached a new low. The country would rather have an oblivious puppet in office simply because the tv says he's better than the other guy. Facts and testimonials are swept under the rug because Biden is not Trump, therefore he is good, even if he's mentally incompetent.

I've been trying to be objective about this, but it's quite a bizarre circumstance. On one hand, we wont read about Trump's negativies in the news anymore. Scratch that. The democrats have legitimately wasted the last 4 years trying to stop him that they haven't given any thought to any political issues. When they fail to get shit done, they'll blame their lack of incentive on Trump and his hinderance to their "progressive" America.

But the best thing I can think of after all this mess is that Trump is a smart guy. Yes, HE IS, and fuck you if you don't understand that. I'm sure he anticipated the stupidity of the common man and worked it into his plan to make life more difficult for the democrats. This includes people he's put into positions of power as well as the laws he's enacted. Biden will probably struggle to understand what any of these laws mean and they'll waste their time trying to undo them and re-implement their bogus agendas...

One thing I fear is that democratic leaders don't understand money. They don't care if they put us another 8 trillion dollars in debt, because they can always print more money, right? emoticon They'll spend money they don't have to create more agencies we don't need, et cetera, et cetera...

I wouldn't be surprised if Corona virus suddenly disappears. The mail in election is done, so we can put this virus away until another conservative threatens the sheep of America.

Box_a_Hair says:
#144, Reply to #143

Nov '20
Are you kidding me? I can't wait to see him fuck up his lines and say more stupid shit like he has in every interview. He wont be there for long though. Harris will take over shortly after and she'll probably be the boring one.

Box_a_Hair says:
#149, Reply to #144

Nov '20


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.