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Election 2020

Aug '20 *
With the US election on the horizon I figured it would be nice to have a place for CIVIL political discord. That being said feel free to drag your third world non-american politics into the mix as well

markus-san says:
#9, Reply to #4

Sep '20 *
Trump on COVID-19: "It's just a cold. It will go away as if by miracle."

Trump on Climate Change: "It will get cooler."

Trump on science: "I don't think science knows actually".

Enough of this clown. I hope he doesn't get a 2nd term but something tells me he's probably going to.

markus-san says:
#42, Reply to #37

Sep '20 *
>>You haven't proven anything other than the fact that you are a moron.

Asks for "CIVIL political discord", yet is the first to hurl abuse at someone that holds different political views.

markus-san says:
#25, Reply to #24

Sep '20 *
Oh, he's racist and sexist! Despite not exhibiting any racist or sexist sentiments during his entire fucking term

Are you kidding me or are you just blind/deaf? You talk about others being ignorant here but some of the things Trump has said, especially about women (and yes during his term), are blatantly sexist and anyone who refuses to acknowledge it is the one being ignorant. Most of the rest of the world (yeah, there is a world outside of the US) can see this, not just some "oblvious Americans" but only Trump supporters think he's some sort of saint.

markus-san says:
#39, Reply to #27

Sep '20 *
>>has merely made a couple tasteless comments

Be honest here, I think it's more than just a "couple".

>>At least he acts like a person

You mean to say his appeal lies in the fact he acts like any ordinary Joe as opposed to a Political Leader? He is a complete narcissistic who will try to keep hold of power for his own ego no matter what. He's proven it's all about him in various interviews, which I have watched - and yeah that's the impression I come away with and I am definitely not the only one. Pretty much most of my friends and family here in the UK have this view of him. A narcissist, pure and simple. He's even refused today to say that he will hand over power peacefully if he loses. No doubt he will incite riots up and down the country, throwing his toys out of the pram, mark my words. It would not surprise me if that happened at all. And that's not a normal person's behaviour. And it definitely should not be the behaviour of the World's Most Powerful Leader. And hell, my 8 year old son feels angry at him for not believing in climate change and doubting "science". For me personally, climate change deniers are not much worse than Flat Earthers. Science and observation tells us the world is a sphere. Science and observation tells us the world is warming up due to human activity. For the World's Most Powerful Leader to basically say, in his expert opinion, it's a load of horseshit is not healthy for anyone. Especially our kids. Anyway I kind of digress..

As for Biden, I am no fan. The guy looks totally incompetent to run the country. Hell even Kamala Harris would be a better alternative to him. At least she has some backbone. As Box said earlier in the thread, literally anyone. If he was the Democrat's best option for gaining the Presidency then I dispair.

Either way, however the election goes, I think the future is pretty bleak. Not just for Americans but for all of us. And on that optimistic note...

markus-san says:
#38, Reply to #36

Sep '20 *

Of course you will say this was all in jest / merely insults but try to find a list of men that have received similar abuse, about their bodies, etc. It's pure sexism and you know it but refuse to acknowledge it. Proof enough for you or maybe you feel Trump's Twitter / own mouth is an anonymous source?

Oh and btw you picked me up for not knowing how to quote properly, well do check your spellings from time to time, if you want to be pedantic about it.

markus-san says:
#49, Reply to #47

Sep '20
Still, it's proof of his sexism. He wouldn't suddenly change his attitude at the exact point of his inauguration.

markus-san says:
#65, Reply to #63

Oct '20 *
Yeah except he refuses to condemn white supremecy. We don't need doctored footage to know that. It happened on live TV in front of millions of Americans and people around the world. One minute he's heard of the Proud Boys, the next minute he hasn't. Funny that. That's evidence of bullshit straight from Trump himself. And that's not the first time he's said one thing and then another. Maybe he is actually more senile than Biden...

Yeah there is nothing "doctored" about the footage we see of him in the UK or the rest of the world (except maybe China). It's all there for everyone to see, plain and clear. The news we hear and read about has nothing to do with his home policies because America's home politicies are not really relevant to us here in the UK, in the same way that UK policies are of little or no interest to news outlets or American people over there. We hear about the things that are important to the rest of the world, like his refusal to acknowledge climate change and his "science doesn't really know does it but Trump does" rhetoric. He's a laughing stock around the world. I don't know any non-American personally who doesn't think that.

And yeah of course Covid is "over-hyped". Forget the 210,000+ Americans who have died from it. If Trump says it's nothing to worry about, then surely it's nothing to worry about. Tell that to the families of those who have suffered and died...

As I was saying to Troma, here is what will most likely happen during and after the Election. Biden will win. Trump will throw his toys out the pram and claim fraud / unfair voting and incite riots up and down the country. America will descend into further chaos. He's a megalomaniac and will do anything to hold onto power.

markus-san says:
#69, Reply to #66

Oct '20
OK he just doesn't want to do it again when directly asked to, and during an important campaign debate. Fair enough...

markus-san says:
#87, Reply to #70

Oct '20
I do. Why, are you going to ask me again?

markus-san says:
#84, Reply to #71

Oct '20
I guess most people missed him doing it during the debate. Maybe with all the talking over each other, and constant interruptions, it was hard to make it out.
Maybe when he said "Stand back and Stand by", he meant to say "Stand back and Stand down" and it just came out wrong. But it sounded to me like he was telling them to "stand by" because... "somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left"... Doesn't sound like condemnation to me and it turns out the Proud Boys felt exulted by his comments anyway.

You're right, he doesn't need to keep doing it if he has done it enough times already. But the point is is that during this first important debate in the run up to the Election, in front of the American people and the rest of the world, I think this was the right moment to do it and the right time to totally put it to bed. But he didn't... he just opted for causing more controversy.

markus-san says:
#81, Reply to #77

Oct '20 *
It's not the friggin' flu. My sister caught it in May and she still suffers symptoms: Loss of smell which has never fully recovered, and a cough that keeps coming and going. She is 39 and healthy. Her boyfriend got it too and they both said it's far worse than any flu they've had previously. You don't run out of breath getting from the bed to the bathroom with flu. It's happened to a lot of other people. I doubt Boris Johnson or Donald Trump would've ended up in hospital for a few days, the former in intensive care, if it was merely a bout of the flu.

markus-san says:
#85, Reply to #83

Oct '20
According to data, the mortality rate for influenza is usually around 0.1%. The mortality rate for Covid-19 is 3-4%.

Anyway, let's see how this all plays out over the coming winter and come back to this in Spring 2021.

markus-san says:
#93, Reply to #88

Oct '20
I was going by data provided by the WHO but I guess, after Trump denounced them, their organisation and data is irrelevant.

markus-san says:
#96, Reply to #94

Oct '20
I am glad you changed it from "condensing" to condescending. I really didn't want to be known as a condensing cunt.

markus-san says:
#105, Reply to #99

Oct '20 *

markus-san says:

Nov '20 *
Trump is going to lose - Obviously it must be fraud because like American Presidential elections have had a long history of it emoticon

markus-san says:
#113, Reply to #111

Nov '20 *
China, Russia, whoever, it is quite obvious something must be amiss. Perhaps China purposely released this virus all along, knowing that if it reached the US it would jeopordize Trump's election campaign. It couldn't possibly be the majority of the American people, many voting early, who have actually had enough of Trump. And clearly if Trump was winning, it wouldn't be fraud.

markus-san says:
#117, Reply to #116

Nov '20
Possibly so but to me, and probably to most of the rest of the world, Trump comes across as a more sore loser than Biden. Losing is damaging his inflated ego and naturally fraud or "scheming" in certain states must be to blame, not his waning popularity.

markus-san says:
#126, Reply to #122

Nov '20
Fair point. The postal votes came in early, so in theory at least, they should be counted early.

markus-san says:
#127, Reply to #118

Nov '20 *
Look at one of his latest tweets: "I easily WIN the Presidency of the United States with LEGAL VOTES CAST." (with it's childish tone, I imagine him sticking his tongue out here). And yet he offers zero evidence of fraud, it's just a hunch because let's face it, he can't face the fact that he might have to admit defeat to "Sleepy Joe". Was never going to happen, whether all the votes were LEGAL or not.


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