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Election 2020

Aug '20 *
With the US election on the horizon I figured it would be nice to have a place for CIVIL political discord. That being said feel free to drag your third world non-american politics into the mix as well

DerTables says:
#44, Reply to #40

Sep '20
I was actually just pointing out your hypocrocy. How do you not see that everything you just said applies to yourself. I think the dems were right in 2016, as far as Obama should be able to nominate a justice. Unfortunetly the Dems didn't have the votes in the senate to confirm him. I also think the republicans are right to do the same this time, but the difference is we have the senate.

Ballz says:
#16, Reply to #12

Sep '20 *
"I am a political moderate, but the GOP is a bunch of slime balls with no ethics or morals. They hate America and only love power."

From the way you talk on here, you don't sound very moderate. emoticon Also, you're insane if you believe the Democrats aren't a bunch of slime balls with no ethics or morals. Do you really think Joe Biden and his puppet masters aren't only after power? Or the Clintons or Sanders or Pelosi or any of the other politicians idolized by brainwashed leftists?

I suppose in return you'd call me brainwashed for supporting Trump, but at least I'm not delusional enough to believe he doesn't love power. I disagree with the notion he hates America though. At least he isn't selling us out to China. *cue muh Russia defense*

I'm no fan of the GOP at large. It's simply that in these times, I'll take them over your bat shit crazy party.

peeptoad says:
#17, Reply to #16

Sep '20 *
The GOP is fine (generally speaking if you live in hell)... it's Trump who is the problem. A more narcissistic, sexist, bigoted, and power-mongering individual never existed. His tax cuts only help the wealthy elite, his knowledge of science non-existent, and his spread of propaganda over social media is horrifying. Plus he's jamming his cock into Putin's asshole at every opportunity.
The Dems are no better, but at least they aren't flagrantly insulting the other side and cock-knocking the enemy at every turn. They are definitely the lesser of about 3 million evils here.
Ever since I registered to vote back in 1992 I have been "unaffiliated" and this is why. There is no viable alternative anymore. In less than a decade I wont even be a US resident anymore. Rock! emoticon Better times await...

DerTables says:
#20, Reply to #17

Sep '20
Sexist? He has a record number of women in cabinet positions. Bigotted? He secured perminent funding for HBCU's and brought minority unemployement to its lowest point in history. Tax cuts only helped the wealthy? I'm middle class and they helped the shit out of me. Jammed his cock into Putin's asshole? He has imposed the strictest sanctions on Russia since the cold war. Dems aren't flagreantly insulting the other side? The head Dem, Nancy Pelosi, litterally called all Trump supporters enemies of the state. Cock-knocking? I simply have never heard that term and am interested in what it means.

ZombieCPA says:
#30, Reply to #20

Sep '20
This is more perverse than sexiest but:

"I'll tell you the funniest is that I'll go backstage before a show and everyone's getting dressed," Trump told Stern. "No men are anywhere, and I'm allowed to go in, because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. ... 'Is everyone OK?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody OK?' And you see these incredible-looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that."

DerTables says:
#34, Reply to #30

Sep '20 *
You're right that's not sexist, yet you are using it as quasi-proof of your sexist clame. That is perverse.

ZombieCPA says:
#41, Reply to #34

Sep '20
Huh? Why do you keep digging a bigger hole with stupid comments?

DerTables says:
#45, Reply to #41

Sep '20
You clearly don't know the deffinition of perverse.

peeptoad says:
#50, Reply to #20

Sep '20 *
Just stirring the proverbial pot!! ;) I thought that's what you guys wanted... I know my Trump supporting friends love fighting, so...

#28, Reply to #17

Sep '20
Always liked you and your opinion, btw NPR is no better than any of the others imo. Just more of the same divide and conquer. That wall isn't there to keep others out, it's to keep us penned in. Just hope you ain't goin to Canada, E.U. or Australia cause that would be not in your best interest imo. Can't fn believe the Kentucky Derby was in September this year....WTF?!

ZombieCPA says:
#31, Reply to #16

Sep '20
I believe in a lot of conservative values that the GOP now longer follows: balanced budget, free trade, and strong Christian values and morals. The current GOP is not Christians but a bunch of Pharisees. They speak as though they are Christian, but their acts are not.

I believe that the right to vote in sacred in our democracy. This is not Conservative or Liberal but an American value. Trump spent millions trying to detect voter fraud in the 2016 election. Where is the report on the 2016 voter fraud? It never came out because voter fraud is rare. The Republicans are attacking early voting only because fewer Republicans vote early.

I am done with this subject. Proven my point. Game, set, and match. Tired of listening to the brainwashed who think Fox News is "fair and balanced".

DerTables says:
#37, Reply to #31

Sep '20 *
You want a balanced budget, but are infavor of the party who spends way more money. You want free trade, but support a cannidate beholdent to the Ukraine and China and a party who is moving swiftly away from capitalism. You believe in strong Christian values, but are infavor of a pro-choice cannidate who couldn't even bring himself to say "endowed by our creator". Game, set, brain dead. You haven't proven anything other than the fact that you are a moron.

markus-san says:
#42, Reply to #37

Sep '20 *
>>You haven't proven anything other than the fact that you are a moron.

Asks for "CIVIL political discord", yet is the first to hurl abuse at someone that holds different political views.

DerTables says:
#46, Reply to #42

Sep '20
You know there are timestamps on posts right? I'm not even close to being the first.

Cornpop says:
#48, Reply to #46

Sep '20
Yes I did see the one calling you stupid and brainwashed and Fox news watchin' too!

ZombieCPA says:

Sep '20 *
The anti-American Trump supporters trying to prevent American citizens their right to vote.


DerTables says:
#19, Reply to #18

Sep '20
I see a group of pro American people using their first amendment rights. They didn't stop anyone or threaten anyone, they simply showed their support for the President. Did you even watch the video or just mindlessly share it?

ZombieCPA says:
#32, Reply to #19

Sep '20
There is no First Amendment Right to block the entrance to a polling station. If is called voter intimidation and suppression.

DerTables says:
#35, Reply to #32

Sep '20
You would have to be intimidating and suppressing for it to be such. There is a freedom of speach and assembly btw.

DerTables says:
#21, Reply to #18

Sep '20
Also way to not acknoledge my complete rebuttle of your previous lies.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.