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Election 2020

Aug '20 *
With the US election on the horizon I figured it would be nice to have a place for CIVIL political discord. That being said feel free to drag your third world non-american politics into the mix as well

Tromafreak says:
#202, Reply to #201

Dec '20 *
I don't recall Trump ever saying anything that would give anyone the idea that he wants to be a dictator, or anything other than President for 8 years. Most things like that that people believe are more based on claims other people make, or, once again, the narrative pushed so blatantly on the mainstream, left-leaning news, which have been completely discredited by now. It's always "don't listen to him, listen to us, we'll tell you what he really means". And yes. He says things that sounds like they could mean something similar to what you're referring to, but the man is sarcastic as fuck, He makes snide comments directed towards the very people lying about him. He just takes the piss a bit. But one thing I've noticed that most Trump-haters share in common is that they all seem to be seriously lacking in sense of humor. Guess that's mainly a Liberal thing, tbh. But if they're constantly looking for dirt on him at the same time, they're bound to come up with something they consider fucked up like that. Of course if old man Biden was showing actual authoritarian tendencies, the same people would be all like "just sit down and shut up, racist. This is for our own good".

You make a lot of sense in that second paragraph. I dont know. If a realistic third option ever presented itself, the 2 parties would probably freak out and eat them alive to be honest, LoL. I'm sure plenty of people in power on both sides don't want that for many reasons. Despite the fact that he's officially a Republican, some consider Trump the closest thing to a third (or different) option we've had in forever, which might further explain this smear campaign from hell. He's tried to break that vicious circle, to be something else. To not just dick around with the economy, but finally fucking fix it like everyone else said they'd do but never got around to. Not just say he'll fix the immigration system like everyone else said they'd do, but actually do it. Not saying he's done a perfect job as President but he promised something different and he kept his word. I just think that "something different" doesn't work for certain people in the government, and for the last 4 years, they've been proving to him and the people who voted for him that THEY are the real President and always have been. They just want Biden in because he's fucking 700 years old and easy to control.

Democrats definitely aren't the only ones that have had it out for Trump. Plenty of Republicans in power hate him too. Mouthy motherfucker's probably been making enemies out of these people left and right, and probably has a lot of dirt on them by now, which might be yet another reason why the media has been used so constantly to convince half the country of so much stupid shit: To make sure that if he ever starts naming names, very few will listen. Just a theory. I've just never seen anything quite like this and have yet to see it all justified. But if one is simply not open to the fact that Trump's enemies might be the ones lying, then, these wild tales of him being on par with Hitler would probably be pretty easy to swallow, especailly if one didn't like him to begin with, and, for some reason, isn't open to fact checking.

I'm all for more options as most of us are. The do-nothing Republican party isn't fantastic by any means, but many of us see them as so much more realistic than the only other option that they look pretty great in comparison. It actually seems as if there are 4 main parties instead of 2 at this point: Republicans, Trump supporters, traditional Democrats, and far left wacko marxist cunts who probably consider themselves the true moderates by now. I'll admit, the normal Democrats kinda get a bad name because of them. I'll definitely take a self-righteous, humorless hypocrite over a constitution-hating, censorship-embracing lunatic any day. Unless this cheating thing is allowed to become a regular occurence, the Democratic party will probably collapse at some point due to the far left's inability to remember to take their fucking meds.

markus-san says:
#203, Reply to #202

Dec '20 *
I think people only believe it's sarcasm because Trump says it is. It's doesn't come across as sarcasm to me at all - At least not in the way I, as a Brit is used to it (and we practically invented this form of "humour"). Usually when Trump faces backlash for saying something dumb, he'll say he was being sarcastic - like the time he suggested injecting yourself with disinfectant was a possible cure for covid-19. I mean why would you make a "sarcastic" joke about that in the first place, at a time of crisis. To lighten the mood? Sorry but I don't get the "sarcastic as fuck" thing at all. A John Cleese or a Bill Murray, he most certainly ain't.

Tromafreak says:
#204, Reply to #203

Dec '20
I wasn't at all basing that statement on him ever claiming to be sarcastic. I, as a person who can hear and have a sense of humor, detect sarcasm at some point just about every time I hear him speak. Like a person, as opposed to a traditional, phony politician, reciting lines from a carefully-prepared script along with some hollow slogans. We're not talking about Trump giving excuses to avoid TDS-fueled backlash. Was referring to people actually thinking Trump is trying to become a dictator. Because #1 simple statements are purposely being taken out of context by "journalists" to fool the masses, and #2 A large portion of masses has no sense of humor.

markus-san says:
#193, Reply to #191

Dec '20
Well he won't even listen to his own Attorney General, so what hope is there that he'll stop any time soon. Clearly he's having a mental breakdown, evidenced by this 46 minute 'It's statistically impossible that I lost' rant. And I see that at the same time Trump is apparently discussing pardons for his family for.. whatever crime they might be guilty of?!. Hmmm...

ZombieCPA says:

Dec '20 *
Trump and the Fascist Right continue their attempt at a coupand overturn the results of the 2020 elections were President-elect Biden wonby over 7 million votes, won the Electoral College by 74 representatives, andwon the Popular Vote by 4.4%. They continueto the listen to the Ministry of Truth (aka Newsmax) and other fake mediasources which portray the election as โ€œriggedโ€ even though there is no evidenceto support it. Trump is violating 18 U.S. code 2385 by trying to coerce statesto ignore their own state election laws and follow the will of the people whenrewarding their representatives to the Electoral College. The Republicans aretrying to disenfranchise 81 million Americans who decided to vote the authoritariandictator out of power. Not even Barr the head of The Ministry of Love isn't defending Trump at this point in time.

Dec '20
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Dec '20
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Box_a_Hair says:

Dec '20
Biden/Harris has been named person of the year. That's right, two entities have merged into a single person to be given the title of "person of the year" by the most reputable source of all time: the media.

And the best part is that neither one of 'him' have been transparent about anything at all this entire year. These bold and courageous leaders plead the fifth when asked about their political plans. They wont let anyone stand in the way of their serving the public trust. Especially Americans!

As the blatant inconsistencies build regarding the "election" results, true leaders need not abide by the laws that let them come to power. No, a true leader usurps the system that has existed successfully for centuries, because that's what honest elected officials do. True leaders who know not their whereabouts or agenda, but rather what's best for you. The American public that funds the government so it can continue telling you how to live your life.

Don't let your stupid thoughts cloud your judgment when it comes to knowing who to vote for. Vote for the good guys. Biden/Harris. After all, he won Time Magazine's People of the Us Weekly Award because of all those innumerably countless good things they did for you that we just discussed in great depth and detail. You know the ones I'm talking about.

Trump is bad. It's about time that racist old white guy gets out of the office. Now we have a patriot in the office with absolutely no history of racism at all, and since Time named him and Harris as one entity, he's part black now and his average age is younger than Trump, and he identifies as neither a man nor woman because male + female = less sexist than Trump's cabinet of racist old white guy's squared. That's math. And science.

Biden/Harris cabinet is so much more diverse, which means that white people, regardless of their origins and racial sentiment, will finally feel the wrath of racism, because Black Lives Matter, and if you disagree with that, then you ain't black. Biden/Harris isn't a racist old white guy at all. He's a role model, on account of everything he's done for humanity.

ZombieCPA says:

Dec '20
Crooked Don now wants to lock up Republicans who don't agreeto his fascist overturn of the vote of We the People. Anyone who still supportsTrump is anti-American, loves fascism, and wants to disenfranchise millions ofvoters. Trump and his supporters need to move to North Korea and see whatliving under an authoritarian dictatorship is really like.


Box_a_Hair says:
#212, Reply to #211

Dec '20
emoticon You sure are a funny guy, zombie. Your reverse spin on reality is not only misguided, but it genuinely puts a smile on my face. I'm glad we have patriots such as yourself who twist the facts in an effort to break them, but the facts are still facts. Democrats supported North Korea and gave them the nukes years ago, but go ahead and compare Trump to NK if you want, even though he's the guy who put them in their place and finally got them to stop threatening to destroy us every day.

I mean, what kind of asshole uses diplomacy to negotiate peace with other countries? Plural, as in he's negotiated peace between multiple nations, that narcissist... And what kind of jerk gathers up a fuck-ton of evidence to prove how blatantly rigged this election was with all those millions of fraudulent and dead people votes? I'm glad they ignored this overwhelming amount of evidence in favor of the guy who wants to let China move in through the back door so we can fast-track our transition to socialism into full-blown communism. That's what we all need in our lives. Fuck capitalism, am I right?

ZombieCPA says:
#213, Reply to #212

Dec '20 *
I will be blatantly honest. Your problem is a problem of 40% of America. You are so stupid that you get brainwashed by the right wing media.The biggest threat to our democratic republic is the neo-fascists who have taken control of the GOP. This is the first time in my lifetime that we have the party who lost the Presidential election try to find ways to disenfranchise millions of voters in order to hold onto power. Trump has spent the entire year brainwashing his followers to seed doubt in their mind about the election results. You right wing numbnuts believe in all the bull shit conspiracy theories like the โ€œdeep stateโ€. Trump was able to channel all the hysteria within the ring wing crazies in order to win in 2016. Basically, he parroted asthe crazy conspiracy theories on Newsmax, Fox News, Breitbart, etc. into a winning campaign based on lies. Unfortunately, there is 40% of the American public who are too stupid to figure this out. Basically, you have the elitist Republicans who are finding the easiest people tomanipulate through the use of fake patriotism and fake Christianity.

I agree with a lot of old Republican beliefs that have been abandoned. Fiscal responsibility is important. There needs to be sharp budget cuts, including military spending, and tax increases to end the massive budget deficits. The current administration runs the largest deficits in history. Fiscal responsibility was abandoned by the GOP under George W. Bush to fight the โ€œWar on Terrorโ€. Trillions of dollars spent to blow up a bunch of tents in the Middle East in order to get vengeance for the death of 3,000 people. Has the โ€œWar on Terrorโ€ made the United States safer? No. Their belief in capitalism has been replaced with protectionism. Their belief in democracy has been abandoned this year as they try to disenfranchise millionsto keep Trump in power. The Democrats are not great, but at least they believe in voterโ€™s rights and democracy. As the GOP finds themselves more and more of a minority party, they continue to try to find ways to make it harder for people to vote who donโ€™t vote for Republicans. The attack on mail-in voting was because they knew that more people voting Democratic would vote if it was made easier to vote. At this point I find it impossible to vote for any Republicans since my top issue is voterโ€™s rights and making it easy for all adult US Citizens to vote. I donโ€™t buy into the fake voter fraud claims that have been repudiated by the courts and the top election officials in the โ€œdisputedโ€ states. Most ofthese โ€œdisputedโ€ states are run by Republicans.

I do not like BLM. Overall, the Democratic Party is far from communism. I donโ€™t see any Democrats threatening to take away property or nationalizing businesses in the United States. They are also far from socialism. Bernie Sanders is a socialist, but he isnโ€™t a Democrat. AOC is also a borderlinesocialist and I donโ€™t like her. Slave reparations and forgiving college debtare two things I canโ€™t get behind. $15 minimum wage is higher that I believe itshould be. It needs to be raised to around $10, but people need to be motivated to move up in the world.

Obamacare has helped my family tremendously. My mother-in-law would be dead without it. She has cancer and Obamacare has ended the lifetime maximum limits on coverage. I also went on unemployment for a couple months in 2016 because the company I worked for was having problems. Obamacare allowed me to get on my wifeโ€™s insurance as I looked for a job as opposed to bestuck with high COBRA premiums.

ZombieCPA says:
#214, Reply to #213

Dec '20
All the GOP War on Science is extremely bat shit crazy. Wearing a mask isn't going cause you harm, but it could keep someone else from getting sick. Using less fossil fuels has a good chance to help the environment. It might cost you a little now, but even if the scientistsare wrong, all it does is help conserve more oil for future generations. God made us keeper of the Earth. It is our job to conserve it for the future.

Box_a_Hair says:
#215, Reply to #213

Dec '20
Points of merit:

"The Democrats are not great"

"AOC is also a borderlinesocialist and I donโ€™t like her."

Yeah, you have some of the right ideas toward the bottom of that rant, but why are you hating on Bush? Don't you know he's a RINO?

And I've said it before and I'll say it again. You don't have to watch FOX or any other "right-wing" news media to tell you that CNN and MSN and every other left-wing media outlet is all about smear tactics and twisting the narrative. I've seen one too many "horror stories" by them that have turned out to be completely inaccurate accounts of the actual events. They have no credibility and they've proven that on their own, without the help of an opposing media. In fact, if people turned off the goddamn news, there would be a lot less false information out there, regarding either side.

Sure, Obama may have inadvertantly done some good for a few people, so be it. I'm sure he's done other okay things, but in mine and half the country's eyes, he's done more questionable things than good things. If you want to continue denying that Trump has done anything good for the country, then that's an opinion you can keep warm and cozy up your ass, because it ain't everyone's opinion.

And stop calling me stupid, you cunt.

markus-san says:
#216, Reply to #212

Dec '20 *
What fuck-ton of evidence? If there was a fuck-ton of evidence then why have the courts been throwing it out left, right and center? Or are all the courts corrupt too? I guess they must be if it doesn't suit Trump or his supporters. It is NOT a fact that the election was rigged at all. What is a fact, that is becoming clearer by the day, is that Biden won - whether that be by 7 million votes or by 1 million votes, or by 74 electoral votes or by 38 electoral votes. Whatever. He still friggin' won. And at least Mitch McConnell has finally seen sense, although no doubt he will face the wrath of Trump. Get over it people, although judging by the fact this thread is still a sticky means it ain't going away anytime soon.

Box_a_Hair says:
#217, Reply to #216

Dec '20
Hi. I'm markus, and American politics don't affect me at all. I sure do like to chime in on them though. I side with the democrats because they're not shady at all. Trump = Bad

markus-san says:
#218, Reply to #217

Dec '20
Good to see you addressed the issue of no evidence, because well, there isn't any. And good to finally know this is or was an Americans-only discussion thread. I will certainly bear that in mind going forward. And you're quite right, what Trump did or didn't do, does or doesn't do only affects America and Americans and not the rest of the world at all. It's none of our business. Well I do hope you will relay this to Johan too the next time he chimes in.


Box_a_Hair says:
#219, Reply to #218

Dec '20
Why bother with evidence? Your mind was made up long before this thread came about, and everyone knows that when someone thinks something, it becomes the indisputable truth. Besides, I'm not a democrat, which means I'm against democrats, so anything I say is inadmissable due to my differing political opinion.

Yeah, I'm all for letting this thread die. Gotta get used to things dying, like my freedom and whatnot.

image When people wonder where it all went wrong, I'll point to 2020 and say "I warned him."

ZombieCPA says:
#220, Reply to #219

Dec '20 *
If you stop posting bullshit like "millions of fraudulent and dead people votes," "full-blown communism," "freedom is dying", etc., then maybe I would take you seriously. You still support Trump who is trying to steal the election by disenfranchisingmillions of voters. He has been laughed out of court and even a lot of fellow Republicans are saying that all this fake voter fraud is bullshit.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.