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Feb '21 *

Well, it's about that time again. Trash Epics' signature movie challenge is about to have a fifth go around. That means it's time to start preparing for an offensive, so bad, it's good, exploitation clusterfuck of a March. What are we into these days? Giallos? Cannibal epics? Shockumentaries? Sick, Japanese gorefests? You name it and it counts, because the Trash Challenge is back!

As always, it'll be one point for every trashy quality below. It doesn't have to be a significant amount of anything. As long as it exists.




Hardcore Penetration


Drug Use


Intentionally Bad Qualities

Video Nasties - Any movie to ever appear on this list.

SOV - Anything shot-on-video from the 80's and 90's, or beyond, if you know of anything.



Racism - One point for racist characters, or any type of blatant racism expressed.

Retards - Any characters who appears to be mentally handicapped is good for a point.

Garbage Point - One point earned if you genuinely hate the movie and have a difficult time making it through.

FTV (First Time Viewing)


Pleasure Point - One point earned for each orgasm you provide for yourself whilst viewing a trash epic.

And then, there's the Trifectas. Instead of using directors and series, the Trash Challenge trifectas are all about the old Exploitation sub genres.

Sexploitation, Blaxploitation, Hixploitation, Nazisploitation, Bikersploitation, Canuxploitation, Ozploitation, Nunsploitation, Rape/Revenge, Lezbo-Vamp, Women In Prison, Jungle Cannibal Epics, Mondo/Shockumentaries, Nudie Cuties, Giallos, Throwbacks

3 in a row from any of the above sploitations will count as a trifecta.

A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

Single Trifecta - 5 points

Double Trifecta - 7 points

Triple Trifecta - 9 points


Films must run no less than 40 minutes to count.

This challenge will be for the month of March.

Good fucking luck!

I https://trashepics.com/post/9/105/
II https://trashepics.com/post/9/186/
III https://trashepics.com/post/9/229/
IV https://trashepics.com/post/9/236/

Tromafreak says:

Feb '21 *

1. Night Of The Living Babes (1987) - Nudity + SOV + IBQ = 3 Points

2. Jungle Holocaust (1977) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism = 3 Points

3. Criminally Insane (1975) - Gore + Drug Use + Racism + IBQ + Canibalis = 5 Points

4.The Six Thousand Dollar N!gger (1978) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

5. Heaven Is Only In Hell (1994) - Gore + SOV + FTV = 3 Points

6. Lady Exterminator (1977) - Rape + Gore + Garbage + FTV = 4 Points

7. Escape From Hell (1980) - Nudity + Rape +Racism = 3 Points

8. House Of Whipcord (1974) - Nudity + 1 Point

9. Sweet Sugar (1972) - Nudity + Drugs + Cannibalism + Racism + WIP Trifecta = 9 Points

10. Death Drug (1978) - Drugs = 1 Point

11. Blood Freak (1972) - Gore + Nudity + Drugs = 3 Points

12. Lunatic Frog Women (1982) - Nudity + Gore + FTV = Points

13. Young Playthings (1972) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

14. Nightmare In A Damaged Brain (1981) - Nudity + Gore + VN + Drugs + Cannibalism = 5 Points

15. Becky (2020) - Gore + FTV = 2 Points

16. The Toxic Avenger (1984) - Nudity + Gore + Racism + IBQ + Drugs = 5 Points

17. The Black 6 (1973) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

18. Red Heat (1985) - Nudity + FTV = 2 Points

19. Hell of The Living Dead (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism = 3 Points

20. Bad Boy Bubby (1993) - Nudity + Rape + Incest + Retard = 4 Points

21. Cannibal Terror (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + Rape = 4 Points

22. Massacre In Dinosaur Valley (1985) - Nudity + Gore + Racism + Cannibalism + Jungle Trifecta = 9 Points

23. 2001 Maniacs (2005) - Nudity + Gore + Racism + Cannibalism + garbage = 5 points

24. Convent Of Sinners (1986) - Nudity + Incest + Rape + FTV = 4 Points

25. Kill That Bitch (2014) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

26. Sweet And Savage (1983) - Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3 Points

27. Caged Women (1982) - Nudity + Racism + Drugs = 3 Points

28. Brutes And Savages (1978) - Nudity + Gore + Beastiality + FTV = 4 Points

29. Mondo Cane (1962) - Nudity + Mondo Trifecta = 6 Points

30. Riot In A Women's Prison (1974) - Nudity + Drugs + Double WIP Trifecta = 9 Points

31. This Violent World (1976) - Nudity + Gore + FTV = 3 Points

32. Hitch Hike To Hell (1977) - Nudity + Rape = 2 Points

33. Mondo Cane 2 (1964) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

34. Inhumainties (1989) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + FTV + Double Mondo Trifecta = 11 Points

35. Inhumanities II (1989) - SOV + Gore + FTV = 3 Points

36. Scum Of The Earth (1974) - Nudity + Rape = 2 Points

37. Savage Man, Savage Beast (1975) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + FTV = 4 Points

38. Sadomania (1981) - Nudity + Drugs + Rape + Beastiality = 4 Points

39. Secret Rites (1971) - Nudity + FTV + Triple Mondo Trifecta = 11 Points

40. Tarzoon: Shame Of The Jungle (1975) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Cannibalism + Beastiality + FTV = 6 Points

41. I Drink Your Blood (1970) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs = 3 Points

42. Up In Smoke (1978) - Drugs - 1 Point

43. Women's Prison Massacre (1983) - Nudity + Gore + Rape = 3 Points

44. The Gruesome Death Of Tommy Pistol (2010) - Nudity + Gore + SOV + IBQ = 4 Points

45. Fritz The Cat (1972) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

46. Escape From Hellhole (1983) - Rape + Racism + Triple WIP Trifecta = 11 Points

47. I Spit On Your Grave (1978) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Retard + VN = 5 Points

48. Cheech And Chong's Next Movie (1980) - Nudity + Drugs = 2 Points

49. Unwilling Lovers (1977) - Nudity + Rape + Retard + Necro + Hardcore

50. The Stoned Age (1994) - Nudity + Drug Use = 2 Points

51. Burial Ground (1981) - Nudity + Gore + Incest = 3 Points

52. Bloodsucking Freaks (1976) - Nudity + Gore + Necro + Cannibalism = 4 Points

53. Assholes (2017) - Nudity + IBQ + Drug Use + FTV = 4 Points

54. Cannibal Holocaust 2 (1985) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism = 3 Points

55. Stuck On You! (1982) - Nudity + IBQ + Garbage = 3 Points

56. Primitives (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + FTV = 4 Points

57. Cannibal Holocaust (1980) - Nudity + Gore + Rape + Cannibalism + VN + Double Jungle Trifecta = 12 Points

58. Faces Of Death (1978) - Nudity + Gore + Cannibalism + VN = 4 Points

59. Faces Of Death IV (1990) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

60. Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams (1981) - Nudity + Drugs + Racism = 3 Points

61. Night Of 1,000 Cats (1972) - Nudity = 1 Point

62. Gator Bait (1973) - Nudity + Incest + Retard = 3 Points

63. Vampire Trailer Park (1991) - IBQ + SOV + FTV = 3 Points

64. Wicked Games (1994) - Nudity + Gore + Drugs + SOV = 4 Points

65. L.A. AIDS Jabber (1994) - SOV + FTV = 2 Points

66. Devil Snow (1991) - Gore + Cannibalism + Drugs SOV + FTV = 4 Points

67. Midget Santas Are Our Superiors (2002) - Gore + SOV + IBQ + Garbage + FTV = 5 Points

68. The Hitchhikers (1972) - Nudity + Drug Use + Rape = 3 Points

69. Summer's End: The Legend Of Samhain (2002) - FTV + Nudity + Drugs + SOV + Garbage = 5 Points

70. Kidnapped Coed (1976) - Rape + Racism = 2 Points

71. Class Reunion Massacre (1978) - Gore = 1 Point

72. The Hideous Bog Monster (2021) - Nudity + Gore + IBQ + FTV + Garbage + FTV = 6 Points

73 Return Of The Living Dead Part II (1988) - Gore + Drugs = 2 Point

74. The Mad Butcher (1971) - Nudity + Gore = 2 Points

75. Camp Blood (2000) - Gore + SOV = 2 Points

76. Sleepaway Camp (1984) - Gore + Nudity + Drugs = 3 Points

Total: 293 Points

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #5

Feb '21
Sure... sounds legit.

Tromafreak says:

Apr '21
Well, seemingly nobody wanting to do another challenge this month. How does everyone feel about extending this one through April?

Tromafreak says:

Aug '21 *
Oh, right... The results!

Zombie _CPA - 312 Points
Tromafreak - 293 Points
Ballz - 180 Points
Box-A-Hair - 133 Points
OnyxHades - 65 Points
Markus-San - 29 Points
Amon-101 - 24 Points
Brett_Lives - 21 Points

Thanks for participating, everyone. If anyone has anything profound to say about any of this year's trash viewings, please let us know. I watched a Llama get beheaded in some shockumentary I can't remember the title of...


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