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Feb '18 *
Ever watch anything that you really didn't like, but almost liked or wanted to like? Movies that maybe had the wrong director or could have used some extra money thrown into it. What had the potential to be great, or at least not a piece of shit?

I saw this one movie from Sub Rosa that was almost kinda sweet, but mostly annoying, Called Ice From The Sun (1999), which was directed by Eric Stanze, who did Scrapbook and I Spit On Your Corpse, I Piss On Your Grave. Ice From The Sun was actually the first Super-8-shot film to get a dvd release. A gory, Horror-Fantasy would-be epic that could have used an extra 100 grand and maybe a better script with some more creative ideas, improving it with more substance. It's still mildly fascinating and a good example of what one can do with a small budget, but all I see is wasted potential with this one.


Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #1

Feb '18
As tedious as it can be (being 2 hours and 15 minutes), I always feel the need to revisit it every now and then. I like it's surreal tone that only something from that era could have.

Tromafreak says:
#26, Reply to #1

Feb '18
Finally finished IT! (1990) after about 6 sittings. I'd say it kinda fits into this category considering the source material was proven to to a lot better than it seemed way later. But yeah. The original movie wasn't all that great, imo.

Tromafreak says:
#28, Reply to #27

Feb '18
I honestly couldn't even tell it was him. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#31, Reply to #29

Feb '18

Tromafreak says:
#18, Reply to #3

Feb '18
I'd recommend Savage Harvest. Not quite as good of a movie as Scrapbook but probably more entertaining.

Martyrs would be my pick for a do over.


Tromafreak says:
#21, Reply to #5

Feb '18
Terminator Salvation and Terminator Genisys had serious potential, but they both botched it with a lack of story (T4), and a lack of grit (T5).

Yeah, I guess that potential for Salvation mostly existed before the changing of the script. I don't see how anything, as it was, that would resemble potential. I thought pretty much everything about it was wrong. Gynysys had potential to be an awesome fan film. Fun moments but did the series no favors and I guess is doomed to be erased much like it attempted to erase the past sequels. Serves it right for having some stupid looking fuck play John Connor, having some non-Kyle Reese motherfucker play Kyle Reese, and having Sarah Connor be a snarky little shit. And I never took to Grampy-Terminator. The excuse given for how old he looks was probably the best possibly one but still hard to swallow for me.

I love the Universal Monster movies, but I thought The Monster Squad was entirely underwhelming.

Well, how old were you when you first saw it? I was 7 or 8 and loved it. It's kind of a kid's movie, isn't it?

Tromafreak says:
#24, Reply to #22

Feb '18
Still, I feel like I could have written better movies than T4 and T5, and I'm a piece of shit!


Tromafreak says:
#16, Reply to #6

Feb '18
Joel D. Wynkoop was really the only thing that made Uh-Oh Show watchable for me.Not Lewis' worst but one would expect more after Blood Feast 2. Funny, I always heard it was gonna be more like his older movies, as if BF2 wasn't. Not quite the case. I don't have high hopes for this new one since there was a co-director.

I loved The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here!, but all the other iMilligans I've seen weren't exactly unwatchable, but not as interesting as they first seemed.

Tromafreak says:
#9, Reply to #7

Feb '18
God Told Me To comes to mind. Seemed like it was going to be better than it ended up being. Not bad, though.

Tromafreak says:
#19, Reply to #8

Feb '18
Yeah. I don't buy that shit about Survival being his second favorite. Directors/actors/bands are known for making it sound like their newest release is the best. It's just goood business. He was probably told to say it was his favorite but talked them down a notch cuz saying that would have been pretty insulting.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.