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Feb '18 *
Ever watch anything that you really didn't like, but almost liked or wanted to like? Movies that maybe had the wrong director or could have used some extra money thrown into it. What had the potential to be great, or at least not a piece of shit?

I saw this one movie from Sub Rosa that was almost kinda sweet, but mostly annoying, Called Ice From The Sun (1999), which was directed by Eric Stanze, who did Scrapbook and I Spit On Your Corpse, I Piss On Your Grave. Ice From The Sun was actually the first Super-8-shot film to get a dvd release. A gory, Horror-Fantasy would-be epic that could have used an extra 100 grand and maybe a better script with some more creative ideas, improving it with more substance. It's still mildly fascinating and a good example of what one can do with a small budget, but all I see is wasted potential with this one.


OnyxHades says:

Feb '18 *
Very interesting topic. Iā€™m having trouble thinking of a movie or movies I feel this way about. Iā€™m going to think about it. Iā€™m also going to have to watch the movie you mentioned. Sounds like something I would like.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #1

Feb '18
As tedious as it can be (being 2 hours and 15 minutes), I always feel the need to revisit it every now and then. I like it's surreal tone that only something from that era could have.

Tromafreak says:
#26, Reply to #1

Feb '18
Finally finished IT! (1990) after about 6 sittings. I'd say it kinda fits into this category considering the source material was proven to to a lot better than it seemed way later. But yeah. The original movie wasn't all that great, imo.

OnyxHades says:
#27, Reply to #26

Feb '18
I tried telling ya. I really think it's mainly enjoyed by Tim Curry fans. While I have to admit the new one is much better, I fucking adore Tim Curry. If he wasn't in the original, I'd probably give it a 3.

Tromafreak says:
#28, Reply to #27

Feb '18
I honestly couldn't even tell it was him. emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#29, Reply to #28

Feb '18

Tromafreak says:
#31, Reply to #29

Feb '18


Feb '18
TrashHouse (2005), with kind of a psychological horror in the Matrix plot, came out as pretty terrible micro budget cack. i'd love to see it remade with a bit of capital and maybe a new director and/or script doctor.

BloodWank says:

Feb '18
Ice From The Sun is a good pick. I liked it but I've not seen it in a decade odd and its not great, right? Info dump opening, bunch of rad killings, sorta lame climax? Would be cool if someone gave Eric Stanze a big hump of money to remake it. I dug Scrapbook and I Piss on Your Grave, I Spit on Your Corpse. Not seen Ratlines or Savage Harvest.

Martyrs would be my pick for a do over. The essential structucture and idea of it is great, I'd just love to see a philosophically competent and/or genuinely brutally violent rendition.

Tromafreak says:
#18, Reply to #3

Feb '18
I'd recommend Savage Harvest. Not quite as good of a movie as Scrapbook but probably more entertaining.

Martyrs would be my pick for a do over.


Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '18
I don't know what kind of sadistic fuck makes a 3 and a half minute trailer, loaded with text nonetheless, but the movie looks kind of interesting. Too bad it sucks, but I still might watch it. emoticon

The most recent example for me is Suicide Squad. It was my most anticipated movie of 2016, but it turned out to be generic, superhero Hollywood fluff, with a contrived and completely flawed premise. It also showed us that a once great filmmaker named David Ayer would completely sell-out to make such drivel.

Terminator Salvation and Terminator Genisys had serious potential, but they both botched it with a lack of story (T4), and a lack of grit (T5).

I guess I also feel the same way about RZ's Halloween. I followed the production of that movie, and he made all the right choices. He filmed in the same neighborhood, and he added so many amazing actors to that movie... but his vision was aimless. Even more so for his second movie...

Your Highness is another shitty movie that had the right ingredients. Danny McBride and James Franco in an R-rated medieval fantasy? How do they fuck that up?! Quest for Egg Salad is a better movie than this, and it had no budget.

I also thought The Darkness (2016) stunk. I still kinda like Greg McClean, but this movie is garbage. Even with Kevin Bacon and Lucy Fry, it's just annoying and boring.

I love the Universal Monster movies, but I thought The Monster Squad was entirely underwhelming. Hell, they didn't even have the invisible man! (Did they?) It was a bit too kiddie-oriented for me, I guess.

Battle for the Planet of the Apes was a big step-down for me. Sure, it had Roddy McDowall, but it seemed like a bizarre step in the wrong direction for me. Sure, it bears resemblance to the newer movies like Dawn, but it just feels too much like the Mad Max 3 of the series, and that's not a good thing. Also, Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes remake was a horrendous turd, even with a good cast like that. He stuck closer to the novel, which the original novelist apparently admitted to being a terrible book.

Also, Cannonball Run II was awful, and the first was great.

Interstellar is when Christopher Nolan showed us that Matthew McConaughey wont make his movie alright alright alright. This one AND Dunkirk were lame.

sfpx says:
#11, Reply to #5

Feb '18
The Monster Squad is one of those movies you gotta see as a kid. Maybe you did. Dunno why I'm assuming you didn't, come to think of it, lol.

Box_a_Hair says:
#12, Reply to #11

Feb '18
You're not wrong. I saw it as an adult, so I missed the nostalgia effect.

Znep27 says:
#13, Reply to #12

Feb '18
I also saw it as an adult and thought it was lame. The Goonies is also one that somehow managed to slip by me as a kid. Nobody can believe I've never seen it. Sometimes I feel like I should, but why bother at this point?

Box_a_Hair says:
#14, Reply to #13

Feb '18
I do have a lot of nostalgia for The Goonies, but it is in fact a much better movie. It's a fun adventure with excellent characters, booby-traps, pirates, monsters, gangsters, and Cyndi Lauper music videos.

Alright. I convinced myself to watch it on right now. It's a 5/5 movie.

sfpx says:
#15, Reply to #13

Feb '18
The Goonies was like, the most amazing thing as a kid. It truly felt...magical, in a way. I watched it semi-recently, and even with rose-tinted glasses, it's kinda ho-hum. You definitely wouldn't see the appeal now.

#23, Reply to #13

Feb '18
i only first saw the Goones maybe three years ago and loved it.

but i also still think Monster Squad is great, so

Tromafreak says:
#21, Reply to #5

Feb '18
Terminator Salvation and Terminator Genisys had serious potential, but they both botched it with a lack of story (T4), and a lack of grit (T5).

Yeah, I guess that potential for Salvation mostly existed before the changing of the script. I don't see how anything, as it was, that would resemble potential. I thought pretty much everything about it was wrong. Gynysys had potential to be an awesome fan film. Fun moments but did the series no favors and I guess is doomed to be erased much like it attempted to erase the past sequels. Serves it right for having some stupid looking fuck play John Connor, having some non-Kyle Reese motherfucker play Kyle Reese, and having Sarah Connor be a snarky little shit. And I never took to Grampy-Terminator. The excuse given for how old he looks was probably the best possibly one but still hard to swallow for me.

I love the Universal Monster movies, but I thought The Monster Squad was entirely underwhelming.

Well, how old were you when you first saw it? I was 7 or 8 and loved it. It's kind of a kid's movie, isn't it?

Box_a_Hair says:
#22, Reply to #21

Feb '18
I was too old when I saw Monster Squad. It had no charm for me.

When T4 was in production, I was following any news I could about it, and McG seemed like he had all the right ideas. The trailer with the Nine Inch Nails song was excellent, and the movie... pointless. He wanted to make one movie, but ended up making another, and like the character of Marcus, they inadvertantly stripped out all the story. I still wish they would have gone with any of the original, darker ideas they had, but either way, that canon is wiped out. James Cameron is coming back to make the Terminator great again.

The casting for John Connor was perfect in T4, but Bale didn't have enough to work with. Literally. He demanded they write him a bigger part, and he helped fuck up that movie by making him the main star. The casting in T5 was a bit off. Jason Clarke is alright as an actor, but he wasn't a fit for JC, even though he has the same initials. Emilia looked the part, but she was too moody. Probably her attempt at making the role her own? It's hard to follow in Linda Hamilton's footsteps. Of course, I absolutely despise Jai Courtney atrocious rendition of one of my favorite film characters EVER, but Hollywood loves doing that.

Of course, I have no beef with Arnold in Genysis. They can give him a shit script to work with, but he'll always know how to play the T-800 to a Tee (and eight hundred times), and he can make anything watchable. Like that turkey I watched last month, "Killing Gunther".

Still, I feel like I could have written better movies than T4 and T5, and I'm a piece of shit!

Tromafreak says:
#24, Reply to #22

Feb '18
Still, I feel like I could have written better movies than T4 and T5, and I'm a piece of shit!



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