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Feb '18 *
The Crime Challenge will be the monthly challenge for this February. Any movie or show that focuses on crime on either side of the law counts. The points are run time based. Since the month has already started, the challenge is starting now. I hope you'll join in.

Any questions or comments regarding the challenge belong here.

Make your spot on the progress thread: https://trashepics.com/post/8/38/


markus-san says:

Feb '18
The Silence of the Lambs is more of a crime movie, than a horror movie. Fact!

markus-san says:
#5, Reply to #4

Feb '18 *
Sure it has a few horror elements (mostly psychological, and perhaps the finale), but Buffalo Bill doesn't actually stalk and kill people during the movie and it's more about the investigation and discovering the whereabouts of the serial killer than outright horror. Never understood people that think otherwise really..

And Se7en has more murders but the fact they are not shown in any graphic detail stops it from being an outright horror again. The only scene I would consider close to being horror-esque is that famous jump scare.. I guess it inspired Saw in some ways, but the difference between Se7en and Saw is Saw is more focused on the actual horror and scares, and less on the police investigation.


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