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zeds rantos

by zed

Apr 2023
zeds descent into hell: (and loving it)

- So as not to polute the shitbox I will keep my crap here. sometimes it feel like its only my shit in the shoutbox, & I feel I have to post, just to keep it relevant. Otherwise its just gonna be no posts for 5 days and then no one feels like posting.
Im just drinking the 99cent liter wine (they raised the price, it used to be 95 cents and before that I remember 85 cents), soon it will be more than 1 euro for a litre of wine, FFS is there no god)
anyways enuf wine talk.
Anyways I feel good, I showed my daughter rain tonight, well it was fuck all rain. and she was scared, what is this stuff falling out of the sky ( for what its worth I think it only rained 1mm, but for here thats more than normal, normal is zero) , just wait until I show her snow.
I feel good cause the day after tomorrow is may, and thats the month I have to go to ukraine, and fuck am I looking forward to it so much.
I really cant convey why, and if anyone saiz its a way to die then they can fuck off totally cause they do not understand.
My philosophy is one only has one life, there is no afterlife, no matter what ever anyone tells you or what you read, thus this is it. So fucking make the most of it. Each day is special, each day is a gift.
Life itself is a fuckin gift, and as being one so lucky to be gifted this, it would be terrible to waste it.
One thing is certain is , I will die sometime in the future, thus live the best Life I can live.
Here I was thinking about my best days & for some fucking reason both days came back to dogs giving birth in my room the previous night. I think I can just compredhed a good start to the day. I dont even like dogs. Every moment is a gift. Think of that when you are lying on your deathbed in a hospital cunts.
truth be told I am scared. hell 3 kiwis have died there already, which I can believe, as we are nutcases in case you dont understand, why thats nuts its cause thats prolly 2000% higher than the number of people for the USA that have died per population, but I have no idea, look up the figures).
Im part yank myself, I think I'm 1/16 yank (since my grandfath from WW2 is from the US),
I will need to do a DNA test, we have to anyways, to see what my daughter is, She look like me, but her mother, I have no idea, I guess from eastern europe.

Box_a_Hair says:

Apr 2023
Inflation is a bitch. I remember when I worked at the "99 Cents Only" store and they were considering changing their name because at least half of their products cost well over that amount. Even at walmart, many $1 items have gone up 25% in price, and I'll blame sleepy Joe for that.

I'm still not sure why going into a war zone is something you view as a positive experience, what with all your "live life to the fullest" sentiments. Is it some kind of bucket list thing? You want to scratch off the "Go to War" item from your TODO list? My TODO list is much more mundane and meandering than that, with stuff like "finish watching this show" or "jerk off today". Sometimes when I'm feeling really ambitious, I tell myself to write a story, and a month later, I'll have the opening paragraph. Life is beautiful, but it often isn't productive.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Apr 2023
I set myself a goal like maturation because I know I can do it. I can go above and beyond on that goal. What does Kelloggs have to do with it? emoticon

My actual goals tend to be short coding projects here on TE. I've set myself bigger coding projects that I'm slowly chipping away at, even though it's taking me years.

Writing goals are inconsistent. I set my sights on fan fiction, but just typing that makes me roll my eyes and question why I bother. So I'm trying to trick myself into writing a fanfic and then changing it up enough that it's "original". I'll never learn.

Why some a joint in Albania? Why not just smoke a joint in every country you visit?

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #7

May 2023
doctor had also come to believe that sexโ€”including masturbationโ€”was detrimental to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Kellogg cataloged 39 different symptoms liable to affect a chronic masturbator, including general infirmity, defective development, mood swings, fickleness, bashfulness, boldness, bad posture, stiff joints, fondness for spicy foods, acne, palpitations, and epilepsy.

That's some funny shit. I hear all the time now how sex is good for you physically and mentally. Spiritually, we're all damned, but it's exercise. Even staring at boobs is apparently good for you. And that whole bit about mood swings is off. Jerking off centers me. I need it to stay level headed, but maybe that's his argument, that it becomes a necessary habit to regulate one's behavior.

Perhaps his aversion stems from something else. Maybe he was impotent and wanted others to feel his frustration.



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