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Jan '18
And everything that comes under the umbrella of paranormal like ghosts, extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects, unexplained phenomena, psychic abilities, conspiracy theories, haunted houses, demons, cryptids etc.. ?

I for one believe in all this stuff. I have a rather large collection of books from everything to U.F.Os/alien abductions to unexplained phenomena to conspiracy theories. A lot of people out there are (rightfully) sceptical, and might consider those who do believe to be weirdo's or something emoticon However, I really am fascinated by it all, and I feel there is just to many stories/reports/evidence out there for it to be all made up in my opinion.

As the tagline for The X-Files goes: "The Truth is Out There" ....

Anyone a believer?

Tromafreak says:
#26, Reply to #25

Jan '18
I like cats.

OnyxHades says:
#27, Reply to #26

Jan '18
How? Rare, medium, or well done?


Tromafreak says:
#28, Reply to #27

Jan '18

RedHawk10 says:

Jan '18
Yes, but not in the way a lot of people do.

Box_a_Hair says:
#29, Reply to #14

Jan '18
Don't leave us hanging, Red. To what extent?!

RedHawk10 says:
#31, Reply to #29

Jan '18
Kinda hard to explain. I'm not religious at all, but I think the likelihood of some sort of spiritual continuation after death is very possible. I'm not sure I believe any of the typical "paranormal/ghost sighting" stuff has any truth to it though.

Could be wrong though.

zed says:

Jan '18
I love that sort of stuff ( paranormal and related stuff).
I don't believe in it as theres been no credible evidence in it

Obviously theres some stuff that we can say with near certainty that doesnt exist
Bigfoot, ghosts, ouija boards, dowsing etc

Heres a very nice podcast for those interested

the only stuff that is possible are some of the conspiracy stuff. UFO's are possible, though UFO's with aliens is extremely unlikely

NoseOfNicko says:

Jan '18
I believe in extraterrestrial life and I (want to) believe in ghosts because the idea of eternal nothingness after death is fucking terrifying to me.

Znep27 says:
#22, Reply to #21

Jan '18
I think that is exactly why so many people believe in an afterlife. Even though there's no logic to it, they are so afraid of death that they will believe any crazy thing that will help them sleep better at night. That's why when they see stupid shit like a shadow that vaguely resembles a human face, they will insist it's a ghost when it's clearly just a fucking shadow. Every video I've ever seen that supposedly proves the existence of ghosts is laughable.

somesunnyday says:
#24, Reply to #21

Jan '18
Isn't eternal nothingness peace though? If there is eternal nothingness (and I hope there is), you won't know anything about it. No pain, no suffering, no anxiety or dread, just....nothing. Sounds like bliss to me.

zed says:
#35, Reply to #21

Feb '18
The likelyhood of an afterlife though is pretty great.
We're gonna exist in some great quantum computer, thats unless we manage to kill ourselves off first

somesunnyday says:

Jan '18
I'm not a believer but I love watching or reading anything about the paranormal to the point of being obsessed. I will never be a believer until a ghost taps me on the shoulder or an alien probes my ass. I just simply have never witnessed anything remotely paranormal.

Amon_101 says:

Jan '18
I have a ghost or a poltergeist that has been following me around since the 90s. So yeah, I do believe in the paranormal.

Box_a_Hair says:
#33, Reply to #32

Jan '18
Is there a story to this that might be told? emoticon

Amon_101 says:
#34, Reply to #33

Jan '18
Well... Late 90's I was renting a house, and I could always hear voices out in the living room when in the bedroom, but I could only almost make out what was being said. Things would end up in places they had no business being.
And one night, I was lying in bed, and suddenly there was a sound like a 2X4 being hit against a metal pipe. Exact same interval between whacks. So I finally said "Do you mind? I'm trying to get some sleep!" and it stopped right then. I said "Thank you" and then tried to get to sleep.
I then moved in to my brother's house for a while, and while back in the computer room, one of the cats was playing with something on the floor. Turned out it was the front wheels of a model airplane that sat on the top shelf, the had not been moved. And the wheels had to be unscrewed for them to end up on the floor. Plus more of things winding up in weird places, but that could have been the cats or my brother screwing with me.
Then the next place I lived I had and end table, and I went to pull the drawer open, and the handle came off in my hand. It was unscrewed from the drawer, but it had to be unscrewed from the inside.
Not much in this current place, just a couple of light bulbs being burnt out. And swapping places in the 4 light setup of the overhead lights. I suppose it could be some odd electrical fluke.


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