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Jan 2018
And everything that comes under the umbrella of paranormal like ghosts, extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects, unexplained phenomena, psychic abilities, conspiracy theories, haunted houses, demons, cryptids etc.. ?

I for one believe in all this stuff. I have a rather large collection of books from everything to U.F.Os/alien abductions to unexplained phenomena to conspiracy theories. A lot of people out there are (rightfully) sceptical, and might consider those who do believe to be weirdo's or something emoticon However, I really am fascinated by it all, and I feel there is just to many stories/reports/evidence out there for it to be all made up in my opinion.

As the tagline for The X-Files goes: "The Truth is Out There" ....

Anyone a believer?

Box_a_Hair says:

Jan 2018
Extraterrestrials really ought to exist, in a universe as endless as this one is. Man would be mighty arrogant to believe he's the only sentient life form out there. I figure space travel and the great distances would be the only real issue here, and that's why it's mostly sci-fi at this point, but there's always the theory that we're the aliens on this planet, brought here eons ago. Or maybe Jesus was an alien, or concieved via alien tech. emoticon

Ghosts? I don't have much belief in that. As a kid, I was horrified by The Amityville Horror, and figured that ghosts are real, because my family always felt that the house we lived in back in the day was haunted, because a kid who lived there died, and some creepy things happened, but in retrospect, I figure we all had an over-active imagination, and I don't believe in ghosts, per se, but I still wouldn't be comfortably in an abandoned, creepy house. I might trick myself into believing in something... emoticon

Box_a_Hair says:
#29, Reply to #14

Jan 2018
Don't leave us hanging, Red. To what extent?!

Box_a_Hair says:
#33, Reply to #32

Jan 2018
Is there a story to this that might be told? emoticon



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