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Jul 2019
As you know, I've been working on a lot of stuff lately, and you'll be seeing those changes in seemingly random increments. Posts are now able to be categorized under as many boards as you want, and that required me to go through EVERY post and manually set them. That means I had to go back in time, to the very first posts of Trash Epics. In doing so, I saw all that potential we had, and all those users who were once very active, only to see our userbase dissipate over petty squabbles.

I'm not going to lie about my feelings. No one here will ever understand how hard this has been on me. I've put so much of my life into this site, only to see 90% of its userbase turn their backs on it in favor of social media conglomerates, or even internet abstinence.

I went into this with the best of intentions, trying to provide an ideal place for horror boarders and trash fanatics even before the fall of imdb, sacrificing some of the best years of my life trying to make this place something that people could be happy to be a part of. I look back on the people who used to post here, and I miss them. They were all so enthusiastic to be a part of this at one point, but now where are they?

I've tried to reach out to a few of them, only to get no response. I miss the likes of shaza123, slasherfan85, moffat, RedHawk10, skeelo, sethyeah, FarmerVincent, deadandburied81, iceflamez, BarkingBaphomet, psychotronicbeatnik, Shadow-345, and countless others. And dare I say, I even miss Tromafreak.

I think about these things more than I care to admit. I feel hurt about it more than anything. I thought of these people as friends. I thought we had something special going here, taking a stand against the moral bankruptcies of so many other mass social media platforms that only care about fans and making money, only to find these people turn their backs on everything I tried to accomplish here, without any word as to why they're doing it.

I know a lot of it stemmed from politics. I was pro-Trump in the election era, but I never thought I'd lose so many friends because of it. Sure, people will tell you that they're not real friends if they abandon you over opinions like this, but it doesn't make it any less devastating. I've lost these so-called "friends" because I thought I had common sense, but in retrospect, I know I should have kept quiet about certain things, whether I believed them or not.

People you've been close to for years can be so willing to throw you away because you believe in something that they don't, and I guess it hits me so hard because I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't throw away my friends because they don't share the same political or religious beliefs as me. I'm 30 years old, and I feel so stupid sometimes for believing that people can legitimately care about things that are different than they are.

Trash Epics was never about making money. It's a passion project and outlet for movies first and foremost. Why so many people had to take offense to that is beyond me, but a majority of them left without a word. I'll never know why our most confided users left us, because they do so abruptly, as if we ought to know better.

Again, this is why I feel stupid, because I don't know why. Life is hard enough trying to make ends meet. I know I play the poor white trash card a lot, because I'm generally uneducated and spend far too much of my time making next to nothing, yet somehow, I seem to offend people enough that they want nothing to do with me. It's hard to wrap my head around, and that's why it eats away at my soul so much. I suppose everyone has their issues, and I'm not seeing the big picture, but so much of my life is overwhelmed with regret, because I know that somewhere down the line, I know I fucked it all up. For the life of me, I'm just too dumb to know how.

I've had about a hundred ounces of beer tonight and it isn't helping. I had a dream last night that took me back to my teen years when I had ambitions and enthusiasm, ready to make my imprint of sleaze and self-confidence in the world, but I lose more and more of that every day. I don't have the passion for anything, because most of my life is caught in the grind of working one job one day, and going to sleep early so I can make it to the next job on the day after. It gets to me, and while I try to utilize the rest of my time in working on site updates, I feel like it doesn't matter what I do. I never seem to get anything done. Markus must think I'm a real tool for failing so hard on these challenges, and he wouldn't be wrong. I drain all my energies for a cause that less and less people seem to believe in, and it's discouraging, but it's all I have, and I can't quit. The moment I give up on this site is the moment I die.

I thank God for those here who haven't given up on it yet. No matter how many bugs and server errors they've seen over the years. I just wish others could have had more faith in this place, and faith in me. As much as I want to hate some of them for leaving, I'm really only mad at myself for fucking it all up, and I wish things could be different.

In a perfect world, Trash Epics would have been the ideal horror board replacement. Instead, I see the likes of that godawful IMDB2, moviechat, filmboards, and even facebook getting it right where I couldn't. Sometimes, you have to bite the bullet and cut your losses. The days of the horror board are dead, people are sheep, and we can only ever work toward something new. These days, I guess I'm working only to keep myself distracted from my own thoughts, but they always bleed through, especially after a drink or six. Maybe I'm just not drinking enough, because I can't seem to drown these sorrows out. I wish I could reinvigorate audiences with something new and unique, but I haven't thought of it yet, and I'm not sure I ever will.

zed says:

Jul 2019 *
Just keep plugging away mate, have you tried reddit.
I think what you need to do is focus more on creating the best horror/trash film database, give ppl a reason to come to this site, they come enuf then perhaps they will stay perhaps ask questions about films in the database, chat whatever.

WRT politics, now as is prolly very apparent to all here, I'm extreme left, nearly anarchist but ppl should support whoever they want, I dont give a monkeys, sure trump is justifiably a terrible human and a total incompetent idiot but he has his good points, He amuses me tremendously, even now 2 years later I still laugh when I think trump is the US president. Like look at this from today, hes standing in front of the president seal, with a two headed eagle carrying golf clubs. OK this aint something trump done himself but its still hilarious

Ballz says:

Jul 2019 *
If I remember correctly, someone (don't remember who) on here a while back said they'd spoken to Shaza and apparently she doesn't really follow horror anymore. Not a prerequisite to participate on here, but it probably helps in maintaining one's interest. Plus, weren't she and Troma a thing at one point? I never knew any of the details, but I've always assumed part of why she left was because he got together with Onyx.

As for Skeelo, I think I follow him on Twitter. If it's the same guy, he's active on other film sites. I exchange comments with him once in a while and I could bring up Trash Epics to him if you want.

No clue about everyone else and I don't know what to tell you when it comes to convincing them to give this place another chance. I don't have anymore answers than you do, but I wish you wouldn't blame yourself like this. You're a good guy, and smart, and talented as fuck. Far more talented than me. You code websites, you write screenplays and novels, you film shorts, you record music. I believe you'll figure out a way to get us past this slump too.

Gymnopedie says:
#4, Reply to #2

Jul 2019
I know that deadandburied81, Peeptoad, Smerd and psychotronicbeatnik left cause of politics. Foz is very active on Letterboxd (hourly) these days. Strange with Redhawk - back in the day he was one of the most active users here.

Ballz says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jul 2019
I don't use Letterboxd for much other than the diary feature, but I can understand why Foz likes it so much. I do miss him though.

It sucks that politics got in the way of discussing movies. I wish people weren't so intolerant (and that goes both ways along the political spectrum), but that's just the way it is these days. No independent thought. emoticon

Gymnopedie says:
#7, Reply to #5

Jul 2019
emoticon Thankfully, I am not American, so I am not belonging to any of those parties, at least that is what I tell people when the ask emoticon.

You are right. I wish they would have expressed their feelings instead of just walking out. I am sure we could have all come to a compromise. Speaking of tolerance - I do remember Johan posting an anti-Trump post once on that thread, and Onyx deleted it. emoticon Boy, Johan was pissed. Strange the way things changed.

Foz asked me months back did I know of any good film sites. I recomended him Letterboxd. I regret telling Foz about Letterboxd if I had known he was going to leave us for it.

markus-san says:
#8, Reply to #2

Jul 2019 *
Plus, weren't she and Troma a thing at one point? I never knew any of the details, but I've always assumed part of why she left was because he got together with Onyx.

They are friends on FB so I don't know, could've been part of the reason at the time but she never told me that was the case. Shaza is engaged now, I am sure she spends a lot of her time with her fiance and is busy with work so I think she is just not able to give much of her time to watching movies these last few years. It's still a shame, she was a valuable contributor to discussions on the horror board back in the day.

Box_a_Hair says:
#11, Reply to #8

Jul 2019
I'm fairly certain that Troma and shaza parted ways in a rather amicable way, before Onyx came into the picture. That's what I was led to believe, anyway. Shortly after this, she did veer away from the internet altogether, so I assume there must have been some awkwardness between the two.

I did notice Onyx becoming very scrupulous about anything regarding shaza, which led to me making what I thought was an innocent jab about it at the time, only to have her quit TE for several months before returning. The woman has major insecurities, which have often stressed troma out to the point where he himself was having anxiety attacks. Not a particularly healthy relationship, if you ask me, but what do I know?

Gymnopedie says:
#13, Reply to #11

Jul 2019
She left for a few months over an innocent joke? A bit over-the-top, if you ask me. I definitely got that impression from her.

Gymnopedie says:

Jul 2019 *
It sucks, I really wish that Smerd, Peeptoad, Psychotronicbeatnik, Foz, Nicko and deadandburied81 would come back. They were such knowledgeable posters. I have no idea what to tell you. You are a cool guy, so keep at it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #3

Jul 2019
deadandburied81 was incredibly shallow. As soon as he found out that Troma was a Trump supporter, that intolerant bastard told him off and quit altogether, as if his political opinion somehow made Troma's taste in movies obsolete. I'll never understand how someone could justify that sort of behavior, because there's no justification for it. It's absolutely asinine.

I also know that Nicko lurks here, and has been lurking here for months. I really want him to sign in and talk to us, but something I can't quite comprehend is keeping him from doing this. We have a "Forgot Password" feature, and we have a contact page, so I can only assume it's by by choice that he doesn't return in full swing.

Strolling down memory lane of all those old posts just brought back memories of better times. I didn't mean to get all down and out about it, but it's hard not to do that when you see how so many people have given up on you. Especially people you thought you saw eye to eye with.

I'll never really know why Troma and Onyx left. Part of me still wants to tell them to go fuck themselves, but another part of me misses their contributions either way. He screwed me over in a lot of ways on here such as hindering our growth, mucking up post/board categories, and letting Onyx's paranoia get in the way of everything, but I honestly thought of him as one of my best friends, which is why I never let these things bother me. I thought we did see eye to eye on many things, be it b-movies, weed, and political opinions, but none of it seemed to matter.

And don't even get me started on Johan. That fucker clearly had no idea why he was taking issues with anyone. sfpx was his best friend on here, and he even broke it off with him for no apparent reason. Talk about a two-faced twat, right there...

I do miss foz, though. I thought he would have been on here through thick and thin, but like many others, I couldn't hold his interest. Fingers crossed that we can return to enough glory that he wants to come back.

I'll dig myself out of this slump shortly. Depression comes and goes through a revolving door these days, but I'll distract myself with these site projects like I always do, and hope that some of them will make enough of a difference.

Gymnopedie says:
#9, Reply to #6

Jul 2019
I was under the impression that Nicko quit because he felt that we were indifferent to his circumstances. He had a fight with Johan and left. I think he still interacts with Markus on another board. Maybe Markus could talk to him about coming back? I see Nicko is very active on IMDBv2.

Johan is an idiot. Always getting everything wrong. I remember he sent messages to a lot of people here back last year about how he thought Troma was actually Victory, and that Onyx was only looking for attention. He always hated Troma with a passion. What self-respecting man in his 40s collect barbie dolls, and he-man toys? That is Johan.

Onyx let her paranoia get out of hand.At one stage she and Troma thought I was Victory once because I sent her a PM. I mean what kind of bullshit is that? And then banning decent regular people from here like AlamoScout, Wolmas, and I am not terribly sure that Jessica did all the things that Troma accused her of. God forbid the guy is not a mod of a forum

Box_a_Hair says:
#10, Reply to #9

Jul 2019
I don't particularly care if a grown man collects toys or not. Some collectibles can be very cool, though I definitely don't think barbies or he-man figures would ever be cool. Does he really collect barbies?! If so, I'd attribute that to his unhealthy obsession with feminism, in which he only ever seems to watch movies that prominently feature women. Young women.

I'm 98% certain that jessica was a troll. Probably not even a woman. She'd often ruin the integrity of threads with misdirected jokes, misspellings, and intentional ignorance. The loss of her contributions didn't bother me one bit.

I also definitely recall them having doubts about you, which I found rather preposterous, as you exhibited no signs of misconduct or suspicious behavior, ever, IMO. This sort of thing was commonplace, though, and led to them ostracizing nearly every new register out of fear of some subliminal persecution, but again... I let it slide because I liked having them around. One of my many shortcomings, I suppose...

Gymnopedie says:
#12, Reply to #10

Jul 2019
He most definitely does, he once shared a link of a blog or something (i think) of his. It was basically a site where he listed all his hobbies/writings with photos of his collections. He had Formula One car models (i didn't mind that) and his DVD collection. He then had photos of these Barbie-type dolls, and he had them paired together with titles such as "sisters" and "best friends". It was all very odd and inappropriate for someone of his age. It is a damn shame I lost that link.

Gymnopedie says:
#14, Reply to #6

Jul 2019
You are right. I was surprised by Foz leaving. He always seemed like a guy that would stay around no matter how bad things got. He never gave a reason for leaving, he just would mention activity on Trashepics here now and again.

Peeptoad, Smerd and Psychotronicbeatnik I miss the most. They were they most knowledgeable. Smerd left with Peep, and Psycho left shortly after. I think Peep at the time was annoyed. They seem to post a lot on ICM forum.

deadandburied81 was very good friends with Troma, I recall. He was always a big fan of Troma's sock TheMulletKid. His departure was dissapointing cause he never really discussed his issues - just left.

While Jessica could be very immature and annoying. Behind all that bluster, she seemed very enthusiastic about Trashepics. She certainly didn't help herself copying Mullet Kids act, and she could be quite nasty at times, but I don't believe she was a troll - in the true sense of the word. I think she did share a photo of herself here a number of years back, on a beach, IIRC.

Gymnopedie says:
#17, Reply to #6

Aug 2019
I do miss foz, though. I thought he would have been on here through thick and thin, but like many others, I couldn't hold his interest. Fingers crossed that we can return to enough glory that he wants to come back.

I tried to lure Foz back. I sent Foz a message on Letterboxd about returning to Trashepics, he logged on and never replied to me. I take it he is gone now.

Ballz says:
#18, Reply to #17

Aug 2019 *
We haven't exactly given him much reason to return. If things ever pick up again, maybe he'll have a change of heart.

Gymnopedie says:
#19, Reply to #18

Aug 2019
I know how you feel. Everytime I try to persuade people to come back, it feels half-hearted - even thou I try my best, they simply have made up their minds, and are not to be turned. I just logged onto ICM today and I couldn't believe the amount of (ex) posters here who are so active over there. Peeptoad, Pschobeatnik, Redhawk10 to name a few... and guess what!? All partaking in current challenges! Redhawk10 competed in last years Oct. Challenge, but not here - even thou he was one of the most active users here in our early days. What are we doing wrong? I can't put my finger on it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#20, Reply to #19

Aug 2019
Well, I'm doing my best to update this place. Been working on this markup stuff a lot, and I know it's kind of buggy, but I'm working out a lot of those issues every day. I know I need to improve the site's compatibility with mac computers, but I don't have one, so I can't debug any of those issues. emoticon

I also provided some alternate skins for people who prefer the look of imdb, freeforums, or facebook, but in the end, I know it's all about content. Every once in a while, we'll get a good topic that prompts a decent discususion, but it doesn't happen very often. I haven't been watching a lot of movies lately, but the era of challenges is upon us, so I hope we all get excited enough to ramble on some of those.

Gymnopedie says:
#21, Reply to #20

Aug 2019
You done a good job with these updates. I like the new layout when you reply/create a thread - I really do. It has grown on me a lot.

You are absolutely right. It is all about content. For example, what is ICM offering Peeptoad, Pschobeatnik and Redhawk10 that we are not?

We try our best. I try to attract new users. I know with Filmboards, it is full of trolls, but I got a fair few to join, but they never did anything with their accounts.

Sometimes I think of these things. I wonder if the IMDb boards was still around today would people have stayed with T.E? I am inclined to think yes. IMDb was a strong factor in the sucess of T.E cause that was where all the potential users were at, they were all in the one place, and not scattered like today, plus any users who were not active at that time - we could easily remind them.

Box_a_Hair says:
#22, Reply to #21

Aug 2019
I've heard about ICM before, but I never actually went there. I just checked it out and it's kind of an eyesore. Too much text and everything is so small and compact. Not sure why people prefer the generic familiarity of pre-made forum templates like, but I'm done trying understand them.

Besides, I'm all about upgrading stuff and adding new features, not limited to just message boards.



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