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The Best Bands

May '18
Who do you think the best bands are? Of all time, or of the moment. I think the chemistry of a band is important to consider, because it's kind of like a machine. If all the pieces fit together, the groove is gonna be there, and it'll be music to your ears.

Also worth considering is a band's longevity, and how much shitty material they've put out. That's why I wouldn't put a band like Pink Floyd on this list, because they released an album full of animal tracks. FUCK... THAT...

My picks:

Creedence Clearwater Revival may be the best band ever. They fuckin' rocked, and only made a finite number of albums, but EVERY track is great. The same can be said about Led Zeppelin. Those guys never had any dud tracks. Or at least a mere handful of mediocre ones at best.

The Rolling Stones never disappoint me, either. They've released a lot more material, which gives them more room for error for the harsh critics, but I tend to like all their tracks. They have so many goddamn hits! The Beatles got a little more druggie/weird with some tracks, but they're otherwise almost on par.

Another thing about these bands is that they didn't change their core lineup much, if at all. It's all about that chemistry, and these are generic examples, but I still fucking love these bands. There are probably a few other great examples out there, but I can't think of them right now.

sfpx says:

May '18
I can only say who my favorites are.

The Ramones, Black Sabbath, The Stooges, Mudhoney, Black Flag, Saint Vitus, The Jesus Lizard, Motรถrhead, Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Blue ร–yster Cult, Poison Idea, Cathedral, Tad, X, Voivod, Joy Division, Venom, Bathory, Pentagram, Big Black, Sonic Youth, L7, Burzum, Flipper, Bad Brains, NoMeansNo, The Freeze, Husker Du, Misfits, Hellhammer, Bauhaus, Melvins, The Accรผsed, Godflesh, Pussy Galore, Scratch Acid, Electric Wizard, T.S.O.L., Cows, Butthole Surfers, Ministry, Talking Heads, Buzzcocks, Brainbombs, Dead Moon, Fugazi, Seaweed, W.A.S.P....and like hundreds more.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

May '18
There's a few on there I like, almost enough to say they're the "best", but even as great as Sabbath, Maiden, Metallica, and The Ramones are, they still have a small few stinkers that taint their discography. However, you may be right about The Stooges. They only had 4 albums, and they're all great.

sfpx says:
#3, Reply to #2

May '18
I don't really see it as a downside when a longtime band happens to release a stinker here and there, I mean it's kinda inevitable. As long as they've got more good albums than bad, it's fine by me.

I don't even like anything by Metallica past the Black Album, but the first five albums is enough for me to call 'em one of the greats.

You liked The Stooges' "The Weirdness?" Awesome! We're probably in the minority on that one!

Box_a_Hair says:
#16, Reply to #3

May '18
My point for the thread is which bands just don't have stinkers, and are all solid. I'll agree that Metallica up to the Black album is great, but then what do they do? Cover albums, St. Anger, etc...

The Weirdness is kinda stupid, but it really never bothered me. I think they're all pretty fun tracks. "My Idea of Fun", "Passing Cloud", "Trollin"...

Johan_WoW says:
#47, Reply to #1

Jun '18 *
Since music is your passion just wondering what you think of something like 'Pas de Deux':



sfpx says:
#48, Reply to #47

Jun '18 *
Eh, it was OK. The songs on the '82 album were definitely better, in my opinion.

These guys are Belgian and from the same time frame, I dig this a lot more: https://youtu.be/3JcqA-Tv0uE

Znep27 says:

May '18
There are a lot of bands that I absolutely love but who have had at least a couple of sub-par albums. These ones I'd say have really never disappointed.

Alice Donut
The Dead Milkmen
Death Angel
The Dickies
Faith No More
Ghost (though they have a new album in 2 days, so we'll see.)
The Jesus Lizard
Mekong Delta
Mr. Bungle
Symphony X

sfpx says:
#5, Reply to #4

May '18
Can't believe I forgot Faith No More. Do you like the Chuck Mosley albums too?

Znep27 says:
#6, Reply to #5

May '18
Not as much, but yes.

NoseOfNicko says:
#28, Reply to #4

May '18
Ghost (though they have a new album in 2 days, so we'll see.)

Listening to it tonight.

Znep27 says:
#29, Reply to #28

May '18
I've heard two songs from it. I love Rats, Dance Macabre not so much.

NoseOfNicko says:
#30, Reply to #29

May '18 *
On first listen I like it, itโ€™s good, but itโ€™s easily their softest/poppiest album (which doesnโ€™t bother me at all but might bother others). It doesnโ€™t have many actual riffs and has quite a few โ€œballadicโ€ moments. The melodic guitar parts are really memorable and my favorite thing about it. Even the weak songs atleast have great melodic guitar parts. Iโ€™d give it a soft 7/10 at the moment.

Znep27 says:
#31, Reply to #30

Jun '18
I've listened to it twice now. I'd say it's my least favorite of their albums, but I do like it overall. I just don't care that much for See the Light or Dance Macabre. Rats and Pro Memoria are my favorites.

NoseOfNicko says:
#32, Reply to #31

Jun '18 *
Glad you like it. Just bought the Limited Deluxe Edition CD. The cover art is awesome (one of the best cover arts Iโ€™ve seen in a while) and itโ€™s made even more awesome by being in 3D lenticular!

What is your favorite Ghost album? Mine is the first. Probably because it was the first I heard. I heard it back when it came out.

Znep27 says:
#33, Reply to #32

Jun '18 *
I just found out the deluxe edition has two bonus tracks, so I guess I should get that.

My favorite is their first, followed by Meliora.

NoseOfNicko says:
#34, Reply to #33

Jun '18
The 2 bonus tracks are covers. Itโ€™s a Sin is a Pet Shop Boys song and Avalanche is a Leonard Cohen song. Like both songs so gonna give them a listen for sure.

Yeah Meliora is almost as good as the first.

markus-san says:
#44, Reply to #31

Jun '18
The riff at the end of Rats is too short.

Znep27 says:
#46, Reply to #44

Jun '18
That's true. It really leaves you wanting more.

markus-san says:
#45, Reply to #30

Jun '18
It doesnโ€™t have many actual riffs

Right, the best riff is about 15 seonds long at the end of Rats and should be at least a minute.

zed says:

May '18
Whats the Pink Floyd album full of animal tracks? 'Animals' Thats one of their best albums


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.