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Nov '16
I started watching Batman vs. Superman last night, and it was so bad, I turned it off barely 10 minutes in. Then I got to thinking how much I fucking HATE Zack Snyder.

Fuck that guy!

Tromafreak says:

Nov '16
image That obnoxious piece of shit, Matthew Lillard. what an asshole this guy must be. There's just no way he's THAT good at playing an arrogant, loudmouth douchebag. That's gotta just be the way he is. And if it's not, fuck him, anyway, for making the worst horror movie ever made, also the most annoying. He was even unlikable in Serial Mom, for fuck's sake. There's just no reason to open your mouth that wide when talking. Hopefully, he'll come down with testicular cancer, soon.

Oh, and Nancy Grace. I'll assume no explanation is needed. image

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #1

Nov '16
Matthew Lillard was at the convention recently (TX Frightmare), and he seemed full of smiles, very nice, and had a long line of people. I didn't meet him, but he left a good impression with me. To each his own.

Tromafreak says:
#16, Reply to #5

Nov '17
Yeah. Fuck him and that other cunt. emoticon

Ballz says:

Nov '16
The only movie I've ever mildly enjoyed by Zack Snyder is the Dawn of the Dead remake. Going by trailers alone, his movies seem to just get worse as he goes. The CGI overload doesn't help at all.

Anyway, I think of all celebrities, I hate Whoopi Goldberg the most. It's not just that she comes off as an elitist bitch when she starts talking politics. I feel that way with many celebrities lately, but their good movies can help me look past it usually. I find her to be highly annoying in any role she's ever played. Her voice, her "acting", even her face just irritate me to no end. When's she fucking off to Canada? She's been promising that since at least 2004.

zed says:

Nov '16
Watched Blow Out 1981 the last couple of days, entertaining enuf film (I see it now has a horror tag since 24 hours)
So many errors in that film, but the one that irritated me the most was very minor, its daylight, suns high in the sky, the dude leads the woman away ~5km on the metro, perhaps 1/2 hr maximum and the next scene its pitch back!

We see this all the time in american small town horrors, dude jumps into the car, daylight 'im just going to the shop' (buy groceries in shop still daylight) next scene he returns to the house and its pitch black

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Nov '16
Blow Out is a great film. One of my favorite De Palma movies. I've never seen the movie it's based on though, "Blow Up".

Is this on-topic in anyway?

zed says:
#8, Reply to #4

Nov '16
yes its on topic, you asked what do you hate, and I was pointing out I hate the terrible timing continuality some films mistake, de palma is a good filmmaker so why make such a basic error

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Nov '16
"WHO", not "What".

So I guess you hate Brian De Palma... some of the time? emoticon

zed says:
#10, Reply to #9

Nov '16
Sorry lack of sleep, past few days.
Person? A few of the Irish actors iritate me, eg Liam Neeson, colin farrell

OnyxHades says:

Nov '16
I hate Matthew McConaughey. Always have, always will. I can't stand how smug he seems, and he looks like he smells bad. Not happy we share the same birthday either lol.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Nov '16
Ha! I actually think he's pretty great in certain movies. "Killer Joe" is amazing, and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4" is amazing...ly bad. "True Detective" was also really good, and I hope they do a season 3.

I'll agree that he does seem really cocky in real life. He always thought he was better than us, but now that he got an Oscar, he thinks he's even better-er than us. Fuck him.

OnyxHades says:
#11, Reply to #7

Nov '16


Nov '16
Trolls, Katie Hopkins, Trump and the stupid cat that lives on his head; my mum, David Cameron, George "twatface" Osborne, Ian "I'm a fuckwit" Duncan Smith. Any reality star period. Piers Morgan. James Corden... the list GOES on.

Probably would be easier to list those I DON'T hate emoticon

slasherfan85 says:

Feb '17
Meryl Streep. I think she is overrated as an actress. Not every one of her performances deserves an academy award.

Tromafreak says:
#18, Reply to #13

Nov '17
I read somewhere her neighbors call her "Nazi lady". emoticon

Feb '17
Comment Deleted

Feb '17
Comment Deleted

jimb14red says:

Nov '17
I am in the minority. I loved Batman and Superman. So underrtaed. I really like Snyder. The only movie of his I don't like is Dawn of the Dead which seems to be the opposite of everyone else.

I hate a lot of other directors though like Michael Bay, Bret Ratner, McG, Spike Lee, Len Wiseman, Stephen Sommers, and probably a bunch more I am forgetting.

BloodWank says:

Nov '17
If I remember right Snyder got very peeved at the negative responses to Man of Steel and Batman vs. Superman and has done a bunch of incoherent and tone deaf explaining of them. Artists engaging with criticism should probably just do it via their art I think. Unless they're really smart and witty they only make things worse.

Who do I hate? Well, the usual like Bono and Bob Geldoff and Chris Martin and Phil Anselmo and Gene Simmons and Katie Hopkins and Nigel Farage and Jeremy Hunt and Jared Leto and Adam Sandler and so forth. At a serious level Hunt is the worst, the NHS crisis being a literal matter of life and death for a lot of people. On a less serious level, Adam Sandler. I find his antics charmless, creepy and unpleasant and he seems to have been the pioneer of the modern style of grown adults acting like handicapped children for "comedy" purposes. He puts me in mind of a non porn and not awesome Zebedy Colt.


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