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Nov '16
I started watching Batman vs. Superman last night, and it was so bad, I turned it off barely 10 minutes in. Then I got to thinking how much I fucking HATE Zack Snyder.

Fuck that guy!

Ballz says:

Nov '16
The only movie I've ever mildly enjoyed by Zack Snyder is the Dawn of the Dead remake. Going by trailers alone, his movies seem to just get worse as he goes. The CGI overload doesn't help at all.

Anyway, I think of all celebrities, I hate Whoopi Goldberg the most. It's not just that she comes off as an elitist bitch when she starts talking politics. I feel that way with many celebrities lately, but their good movies can help me look past it usually. I find her to be highly annoying in any role she's ever played. Her voice, her "acting", even her face just irritate me to no end. When's she fucking off to Canada? She's been promising that since at least 2004.


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