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Apr 2023
This is some funny shit. And when I say funny, I mean facepalmingly stupid. They partnered with some trans guy/girl/thing and they're getting a lot of backlash for it. Because bud is a man's drink! No beers for queers!

On one hand, they should have known rednecks would take offense, but on the other hand... who gives a fuck? It's still the same old shit I never bought even when I drank like a fish.

Tromafreak says:

Apr 2023
it's just another example of a company pandering to the cult of wokeness, yet again, confirming, in their minds that they're right about everything and everyone else are "bigots who need to educate themselves".

Znep27 says:

Apr 2023
They did know that Bud Light drinkers would revolt. This isn't about selling beer. It's about spreading "the message."

I have no idea how we let transmania take over the country so quickly. If you told anyone in 2015 what it would be like today, they'd have called you crazy.

I used to have no problem with trans people. I just said let them live their lives. But that's no longer enough. If a man tells you he's a woman, you have to literally BELIEVE that he is a woman. If you believe in the basic fundamentals of biology that everyone has known since the beginning of mankind, not only are you wrong, but you are also a terrible person who must be shunned from society.

Nevermind the fact their entire ideology makes absolutely no sense. How can a person insist that they are a woman when they can't even tell you what a woman is? But somehow this tiny minority of mentally ill people has convinced the world that we must now allow men to dominate women's sports because they feel like women. We must let male serial rapists into women's prisons based on their word that they are women. We must pump hormones into children because they feel uncomfortable in their bodies. I'm a bigot if I refuse to date woman with a penis. That's a female penis, and a straight man should want to suck it!

All of this nonsense is being pushed by the mainstream media, even the fucking government. And we're just supposed to shut up and take it. If you disagree, fuck you, you hateful bigot!

Tommix says:
#3, Reply to #2

Apr 2023
The South Park guys, Trey and Matt had a second TV show they briefly had on the air for a few episodes, back around the year 2000. I was called That's My Bush!, God help us. (God help us was not part of the name of the show). Anyway, I just remember one episode where at the beginning of a scene, they opened the scene as if they were cutting in on the middle of an ongoing conversation between two characters, and one of the characters was saying to the other "I guess that's why I've always had a problem with Eskimos!" or something very close to that. It was just so ridiculous and preposterous. I thought it was meant to mock the way PC culture is always coming with some new random cause of the day that "people need to be educated about," whereas it is probably really just some kind of distraction from whatever unholy crime is being perpetrated on us all by some faction or other of the elite.

OK... I hope this post makes sense. It makes perfect sense to me, but of course, I may be utterly mad. Hard to say.

Apr 2023
Comment Deleted

Znep27 says:
#5, Reply to #4

Apr 2023
I considered myself a democrat until about 2016. The way everyone started freaking out about Trump caused them all to show their true colors. They went in hard on the identity politics, and censorship, and political correctness, and really drove me away. I'm still not a republican, but I can't have anything to do with the current left. They absolutely sicken me.

The trans issue has gotten completely out of hand. The way they keep pushing something, that is obviously a lie, as a fact is getting scary. Even scientists have gotten in on this. People who are supposed to be the seekers of absolute truth are telling us that people can just be whatever gender they say they are. When your best answer to "what is a woman?" is "anybody who says they are a woman" then you're clearly talking out of your ass. We can't trust anyone anymore.

I'm constantly seeing J.K. Rowling of all people, being called a hateful piece of shit. And I'm wondering if the people who say this are completely brainwashed, or if they just didn't even read what she said, and are just taking Twitter's word for it. J.K. Rowling is as progressive as they come. She has no hate for trans people whatsoever. She just thinks it is unfair to allow people who grew up as males, and have a clear biological advantage, to compete in women's sports. And to allow dangerous male criminals who all of the sudden decided they were actually women, to be let into women's prisons. How is that hate? She's sticking up for actual women by using common sense, and that somehow makes her a hatemonger?

She has fuck you money, so she can say this stuff and not have to worry even if she never works again. But there have been so many instances of other celebrities simple questioning the trans agenda, and then they have to come out the next day and apologize. And the apologies all sound the same, using the same language. They always mention that they have now "educated" themselves. And I have to wonder if they're really just apologizing because of the small, angry Twitter mob. I hate to get conspiratorial, but I get the feeling there is a bigger power behind the scenes controlling this. People who don't even necessarily believe in the trans ideology, but are just using the trans community in an attempt to destroy western civilization. They say if you can convince people to believe absurdities, you can convince them to commit atrocities.

Apr 2023
Comment Deleted

zed says:
#10, Reply to #5

Apr 2023 *
Show me where the science is saying this?
I think you may be misunderstanding what they are claiming,
I looked into this a year or so ago and our understanding of gender has changed as our tools/data becomes better.

Its like when I was over in africa and this guy points to this rabbit sized rodent and saiz this is the closest living animal to the elephant, Im like BS.
but no I checked and its true genetically


baby hyrax at play emoticon

Or race, a white guy from arkansas is genetically closer to a chinese man or lots of black africans than say 2 black people in africa are to each other. Back in the old days race was just based on how ppl looked, its only now with the tools we can check if thats true

what is gender?
No doubt in school you learnt

If you have XX chromosones then you are female
If you have XY chromosones then you are male

but some people with XY chromosones have given birth

So are they are male or female?


I do hear what you're saying about ppl choosing the sex arbitarily, i.e. tomorrow I'll be female & friday I'll be male. Which is just a joke

Znep27 says:
#18, Reply to #10

Apr 2023
It's pretty simple.


People who are born with extra chromosomes are genetic anomalies. It's a birth defect. It doesn't change the fact that a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

If a man enjoys doing things that are normally associated with women, that is absolutely fine. He can live his life how he wants. But how does that make him a woman? If anyone can be a woman because they feel like it, the word no longer has a meaning.

Znep27 says:

Apr 2023
Um, Vincent? Why have you deleted your posts? Are you afraid you're going to get fired or something?

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #7

Apr 2023
Yeah, what gives? I think I might actually fire him if he continues to censor himself.

#11, Reply to #7

Apr 2023
I've changed my position on this. Sunday night I went out and met someone..."her" name is Sandra and I'm so in love!

Box_a_Hair says:
#12, Reply to #11

Apr 2023
Ain't nothing wrong with it if you are or not. The hate on this whole movement has nothing to do with any intolerance towards one's sexual orientation or identity. I think trannies are amusing and sometimes even charming. The real issue is the media-dictating and legislative push of this and all it's bizarre societal ramifications. It blurs the lines of fact or fiction and it sets a bad precedent.

zed says:
#13, Reply to #12

Apr 2023 *
Mate what are you talking about media-dictating? fact or fiction?

What is this media?, give examples.

I see a lot of right wing media pushing this conspiracy narative.
This is the same media that gets taken to court for saying complete BS and their defence is 'we are just ' noone takes what eg tucker carlson say on fox news etc as true,
which is all fine and dandy if it was comedy, but if you watch there show they actually push this stuff as news/information. And people form their opinions based on this.

Mate you cant go this is news/keeping the viewer informed and as soon as you are in front of judge go, actually no its just fake wrestling, noone is so stupid to believe what we say on fox news as true.
As tucker carlsons producer said about the ppl that watch that show and I quote when describing the audience to tuckers show and what they could talk about, our viewers are 'Like negotiating with terrorists, but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types'.

Mate box you are focusing on the wrong thing, all this shit is just talking points used to distract you from the real issues in the US .... The transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy in the USA.

I was thinking about this today.
hmmmm, why if the democrats are pedophiles & but why also do they want abortion to happen, surely these 2 things are opposites?
Or am I thinking too logical?

Fear not, there is a party that saiz they are against pedophilia, but yet they want young unwanted children to be born.
Me - sounds legit, lets entrust this child with father Bill Blower, hes a man of god, he will not diddle our child, OK yes us christians have a history of Pedophilia but hes turned over a new leaf, so she'll be right

Box_a_Hair says:
#15, Reply to #13

Apr 2023
Thanks for the long-winded babbling, but that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is how celebrities are endorsing this pro-trans push as if their careers are in jeopardy. They like to lead by example, pushing their kids into it and apologizing for considering trans roles if they're cisgendered, as if USA actually gives a shit about their unrelatable lifestyle choices.

zed says:
#17, Reply to #15

Apr 2023
unrelatable by whom? Mate we are all in some degreees unrelatble, can you understand what I go through day after day, or I you? No we can't. But what I can doi is relate to your tastes in Films and spunk much more than some dude that finds them unwatchable and prefers to watch american idol, no matter their taste in politics.

Box_a_Hair says:
#22, Reply to #17

Apr 2023
Celebrities are inherently unrelatable. I read how people were upset about how that "nonbinary" actress in Last of Us only made 70k per episode. That's $70,000 * 9 episodes equals over half a million dollars to a damn teenager, and of course that's not a livable wage, right? She must be living off ramen, that poor thing...

I also read how Olivia Wilde is complaining that her ex Jason Sudeikis never pays child support. You're rich, bitch. If you can't support your child with your net worth of $25 million, then you definitely have rich people problems. I currently have the most money I've ever had in my entire life and I'm still at the lower end of 5 figures. If I were to go and fix my roof and fence, it's back to square one for me.

Znep27 says:
#16, Reply to #13

Apr 2023
Hell, Fox News themselves ran a piece praising a family who let their 5 year old transition. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6307583800112

#20, Reply to #12

Apr 2023 *
She's Korean, fn hot, funny, loves horror films and even had the bottom surgery so no female penis!...or she could have just been telling me what she thought I would want to hear. I don't pay much attention to what the media says or social media for that matter, unless it's for shits and giggles.

Box_a_Hair says:
#23, Reply to #20

Apr 2023
Whatever you do, don't bring her here. This place has a death curse.

#24, Reply to #23

Apr 2023
I actually told her about here when we were talking horror and that she'd fit right in. She's probably lurking right now.



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