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Apr 2023
This is some funny shit. And when I say funny, I mean facepalmingly stupid. They partnered with some trans guy/girl/thing and they're getting a lot of backlash for it. Because bud is a man's drink! No beers for queers!

On one hand, they should have known rednecks would take offense, but on the other hand... who gives a fuck? It's still the same old shit I never bought even when I drank like a fish.

Znep27 says:

Apr 2023
They did know that Bud Light drinkers would revolt. This isn't about selling beer. It's about spreading "the message."

I have no idea how we let transmania take over the country so quickly. If you told anyone in 2015 what it would be like today, they'd have called you crazy.

I used to have no problem with trans people. I just said let them live their lives. But that's no longer enough. If a man tells you he's a woman, you have to literally BELIEVE that he is a woman. If you believe in the basic fundamentals of biology that everyone has known since the beginning of mankind, not only are you wrong, but you are also a terrible person who must be shunned from society.

Nevermind the fact their entire ideology makes absolutely no sense. How can a person insist that they are a woman when they can't even tell you what a woman is? But somehow this tiny minority of mentally ill people has convinced the world that we must now allow men to dominate women's sports because they feel like women. We must let male serial rapists into women's prisons based on their word that they are women. We must pump hormones into children because they feel uncomfortable in their bodies. I'm a bigot if I refuse to date woman with a penis. That's a female penis, and a straight man should want to suck it!

All of this nonsense is being pushed by the mainstream media, even the fucking government. And we're just supposed to shut up and take it. If you disagree, fuck you, you hateful bigot!

Znep27 says:
#5, Reply to #4

Apr 2023
I considered myself a democrat until about 2016. The way everyone started freaking out about Trump caused them all to show their true colors. They went in hard on the identity politics, and censorship, and political correctness, and really drove me away. I'm still not a republican, but I can't have anything to do with the current left. They absolutely sicken me.

The trans issue has gotten completely out of hand. The way they keep pushing something, that is obviously a lie, as a fact is getting scary. Even scientists have gotten in on this. People who are supposed to be the seekers of absolute truth are telling us that people can just be whatever gender they say they are. When your best answer to "what is a woman?" is "anybody who says they are a woman" then you're clearly talking out of your ass. We can't trust anyone anymore.

I'm constantly seeing J.K. Rowling of all people, being called a hateful piece of shit. And I'm wondering if the people who say this are completely brainwashed, or if they just didn't even read what she said, and are just taking Twitter's word for it. J.K. Rowling is as progressive as they come. She has no hate for trans people whatsoever. She just thinks it is unfair to allow people who grew up as males, and have a clear biological advantage, to compete in women's sports. And to allow dangerous male criminals who all of the sudden decided they were actually women, to be let into women's prisons. How is that hate? She's sticking up for actual women by using common sense, and that somehow makes her a hatemonger?

She has fuck you money, so she can say this stuff and not have to worry even if she never works again. But there have been so many instances of other celebrities simple questioning the trans agenda, and then they have to come out the next day and apologize. And the apologies all sound the same, using the same language. They always mention that they have now "educated" themselves. And I have to wonder if they're really just apologizing because of the small, angry Twitter mob. I hate to get conspiratorial, but I get the feeling there is a bigger power behind the scenes controlling this. People who don't even necessarily believe in the trans ideology, but are just using the trans community in an attempt to destroy western civilization. They say if you can convince people to believe absurdities, you can convince them to commit atrocities.

Znep27 says:
#18, Reply to #10

Apr 2023
It's pretty simple.


People who are born with extra chromosomes are genetic anomalies. It's a birth defect. It doesn't change the fact that a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

If a man enjoys doing things that are normally associated with women, that is absolutely fine. He can live his life how he wants. But how does that make him a woman? If anyone can be a woman because they feel like it, the word no longer has a meaning.

Znep27 says:

Apr 2023
Um, Vincent? Why have you deleted your posts? Are you afraid you're going to get fired or something?

Znep27 says:
#16, Reply to #13

Apr 2023
Hell, Fox News themselves ran a piece praising a family who let their 5 year old transition. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6307583800112

Znep27 says:

Apr 2023
What a fucking coincidence. I started a new job today, and wouldn't you know it. I'm working very close to a person named Samantha. Other than the name and the hair, there is absolutely nothing feminine about this "woman." Samantha is a few inches over 6 feet, and has a deep voice. I guess he has titties, but he's a fat guy, so they're really just man tits.

I really don't care if he wants to pretend he's a woman. My main concern is that I might accidentally called him a him, and put my job in jeopardy.



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