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Dec '18
Of the 225 draft picks, there were 35 I had not seen. Now there are only two, both from Zed. I have not been able to find Heavy Metal Massacre or Reflections anywhere to stream or download.

13. The Head (1959)
15. The Conjuring 2 (2016)

I have to admit, it is often hard for me to get into pre-Exorcist horror movies. The Head is not one of the exceptions. It was kind of rough going for me.
The Conjuring 2 is a movie I never thought I was going to watch, considering my thoughts on the first film. Part 2 is an improvement for sure, but is still not something I'm that crazy about.

10. Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
11. Ebola Syndrome (1996)

Something Wicked is not bad, you know, for a kids movie. I imagine I would have found it much scarier if I saw it when I was the age of the two main kids.
Ebola Syndrome is my favorite viewing from this whole thing. It has all the mayhem I love in horror movies.

4. The Addiction (1995)
6. Don't Go to Sleep (1982)
10. They Have Changed Their Face (1971)
12. The Demon Murder Case (1983)
13. The Territory (1981)
14. The Appointment (1981)
15. The Woman in Black (1989)

A whole lot of snoozers here. Well, Don't Go to Sleep and The Woman in Black were decent.

Tromafreak aka Messiah_Of_Doom
7. The Bad Seed (1956)
11. The Body Snatcher (1945)

I liked The Bad Seed, but The Body Snatcher had a tough time holding onto my attention.

14. The Mummy (1959)

This one really did not grab me at all.

5. Eyes Without a Face aka Les Yeux sans Visage (1960)
8. Diabolique aka Les Diaboliques (1955)
9. Onibaba (1964)
10. A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
15. The Vanishing aka Spoorloos (1988)

All of these were pretty decent.

13. Dead of Night (1945)

Ugh, this one was REALLY tough to get through, even for a movie from the 40's.

5. War of the Gargantuas (1966)
6. Captain Kronos -- Vampire Hunter (1974)
7. Silent Hill (2006)
8. X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
10. Kairo (2001)
14. Quatermass and the Pit (1967)

War of the Gargantuas and Silent Hill did nothing for me. Quatermass and the Pit really surprised me with how good it was. The others were alright.

6. Targets (1968)
7. Heavy Metal Massacre (1989)
8. Nocturna (1979)
12. The Last Horror Movie (2003)
14. Reflections (1987)
15. Love Me Deadly (1972)

Like I said, Heavy Metal Massacre and Reflections were a no go. Nocturna and Love Me Deadly were both pretty meh. Targets was good, and The Last Horror Movie was REALLY good, surprisingly so.

5. Repulsion (1965)
6. Let the Right One In (2008)
7. Cat People (1942)

Just okay for all three.

zed says:
#11, Reply to #9

Dec '18
universals mummy suck, even the bredan fraser version is better

zed says:
#20, Reply to #16

Dec '18
Did you check out the guy with the short shorts?

zed says:
#22, Reply to #21

Dec '18 *
you say you dont wear tank tops, I know I do they've incredibly comfortable
No I was more talking about this image


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.