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Dec '18
Of the 225 draft picks, there were 35 I had not seen. Now there are only two, both from Zed. I have not been able to find Heavy Metal Massacre or Reflections anywhere to stream or download.

13. The Head (1959)
15. The Conjuring 2 (2016)

I have to admit, it is often hard for me to get into pre-Exorcist horror movies. The Head is not one of the exceptions. It was kind of rough going for me.
The Conjuring 2 is a movie I never thought I was going to watch, considering my thoughts on the first film. Part 2 is an improvement for sure, but is still not something I'm that crazy about.

10. Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
11. Ebola Syndrome (1996)

Something Wicked is not bad, you know, for a kids movie. I imagine I would have found it much scarier if I saw it when I was the age of the two main kids.
Ebola Syndrome is my favorite viewing from this whole thing. It has all the mayhem I love in horror movies.

4. The Addiction (1995)
6. Don't Go to Sleep (1982)
10. They Have Changed Their Face (1971)
12. The Demon Murder Case (1983)
13. The Territory (1981)
14. The Appointment (1981)
15. The Woman in Black (1989)

A whole lot of snoozers here. Well, Don't Go to Sleep and The Woman in Black were decent.

Tromafreak aka Messiah_Of_Doom
7. The Bad Seed (1956)
11. The Body Snatcher (1945)

I liked The Bad Seed, but The Body Snatcher had a tough time holding onto my attention.

14. The Mummy (1959)

This one really did not grab me at all.

5. Eyes Without a Face aka Les Yeux sans Visage (1960)
8. Diabolique aka Les Diaboliques (1955)
9. Onibaba (1964)
10. A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
15. The Vanishing aka Spoorloos (1988)

All of these were pretty decent.

13. Dead of Night (1945)

Ugh, this one was REALLY tough to get through, even for a movie from the 40's.

5. War of the Gargantuas (1966)
6. Captain Kronos -- Vampire Hunter (1974)
7. Silent Hill (2006)
8. X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
10. Kairo (2001)
14. Quatermass and the Pit (1967)

War of the Gargantuas and Silent Hill did nothing for me. Quatermass and the Pit really surprised me with how good it was. The others were alright.

6. Targets (1968)
7. Heavy Metal Massacre (1989)
8. Nocturna (1979)
12. The Last Horror Movie (2003)
14. Reflections (1987)
15. Love Me Deadly (1972)

Like I said, Heavy Metal Massacre and Reflections were a no go. Nocturna and Love Me Deadly were both pretty meh. Targets was good, and The Last Horror Movie was REALLY good, surprisingly so.

5. Repulsion (1965)
6. Let the Right One In (2008)
7. Cat People (1942)

Just okay for all three.

markus-san says:

Dec '18 *
All of these were pretty decent.

Which film did you like the most just out of curiousity?

Znep27 says:
#4, Reply to #1

Dec '18
I would go with The Vanishing.

sfpx says:

Dec '18
Sounds like Ebola Syndrome was the only one worth it in the end. Thanks for doing all the hard work for me.


Dec '18
Guessing you saw all my picks?emoticon

Znep27 says:
#5, Reply to #3

Dec '18
Yeah, if you didn't get mentioned, I've seen them all.

#6, Reply to #5

Dec '18
Surprised you didn't like Gym's pick The Addiction, it grows on me more and more. Needed more Walken in it but that's just my opinion.

Ballz says:

Dec '18
Sucks that you didn't care for The Mummy. It's my favorite movie involving a mummy. And Silent Hill? I like that one a lot, too. I might've chosen it myself if Tommix hadn't first. Looks like several people on here aren't that crazy about it though...

#8, Reply to #7

Dec '18
Of all the Hammer remakes of the original Universal monster films I think the only one that is as good as or may even surpass it is The Mummy. Don't get me wrong, I love Karloff's acting performance in the 1932 Mummy but the story in Hammers remake is better IMO.

Ballz says:
#9, Reply to #8

Dec '18
I prefer the story and also the look of Hammer's mummy creature. Not counting sequels, The Mummy (1932) is my least favorite of the main original Universal monster films.

zed says:
#11, Reply to #9

Dec '18
universals mummy suck, even the bredan fraser version is better

Ballz says:
#12, Reply to #11

Dec '18
I agree about the Brendan Fraser version actually, the first one anyway. It has problems, but it's entertaining.

ZombieCPA says:
#15, Reply to #7

Dec '18
The Hammer Mummy movie is better than the Universal one. The 1932 version was slow and boring. The 1940's Universal sequels were not good but entertaining. They feel like early slashers.

foz says:

Dec '18
that is a good effort finding & watching 33 movies so fast! i have many to watch myself, mostly zed, im starting with Boardinghouse right now, its shitty SOV slasher so far

Johan_WoW says:

Dec '18
Well yeah The Head wasn't really one I really wanted The Bad Seed but Troma had already picked that one. So when it was my turn The Head was one of the first coming to mind. It drives more an atmosphere than outright horror. I would say Night of the Hunter is actually more horror. I believe Foz wanted to pick it.

Well the first round will be spread over 2 weeks i'll still want to catch up too on unseen movies from your list it is going to be Sleepaway Camp, Better Watch Out and perhaps Terror Firmer (even though I'm no fan of Troma humor). I'll skip on Session 9, Father's Day and Chop unless you think one of the last 2 is a better alternative than Terror Firmer? I have seen Terror Firmer has a cut version I assume I won't miss much going for that version instead of the original of almost 2 hours?

The other 2 I need to do some catching up on are Box and sfpx. From the others I have seen 10 or more I think that's enough to be able to vote.
From Zed and Gymno I have only seen like 3 from each list not going to bother with those for now and skip on voting there.

From Box' list: I'm going for Motel Hell, Flesh Eater, Megan is Missing and perhaps Ilsa She Wolf. Since his battle is pretty much a free pass there is no hurry there. For now skipping on Green Room, Spring and Manson Family.

Bryan's list seems like it's going to be the most fun with
Silent Night, Deadly Night
Last House on Dead End Street
Near Dark
Beyond the Darkness
I Drink your Blood
The Redeemer
all on the watchlist just Combat Shock I'll skip.

Znep27 says:
#14, Reply to #13

Dec '18
Wow, I'm surprised you haven't seen Sleepaway Camp. It is required viewing.
Terror Firmer is Lloyd Kaufman's most extreme movie in terms of both sex and violence, and you will be missing out on a lot of good stuff if you don't watch the uncut version. You'd only be saving like 15 minutes of time, and believe me, it does not drag. I haven't seen the cut version, but this is how wikipedia describes it:

"The 98-minute release R-rated version features several boxes that contain the words "CENSORED", covering various body parts (whether nude or dismembered). Additionally, for the heavier cut scenes, the movie freezes and a window appears on the screen with Kaufman explaining or comically re-enacting what was supposed to go on in the scene. The voices of characters uttering profanity at some moments are replaced by an obviously mismatched voice that says the accepted version of the word. Finally, some body parts are replaced by images of animals (e.g. a pussy cat)."

Johan_WoW says:
#16, Reply to #14

Dec '18 *
Well I checked Sleepaway Camp of my list today. I liked it more than expected even though it was kinda slow and wished for some gratuitious nudity and some more kills and explicitness. But with most of the cast being underage I guess it was understandable they held back. What did it for me was the mystery surrounding Angela, seemingly innocent but defintely troubled and traumatized. At one point it became pretty clear the killings were all her doing and the twist ending was awesome, even though I thought I did notice the boy surviviving the accident. Still I remained unsure about what was the trio's real fate when the movie suddenly skips 8 years only sure the dad died. I have the feeling is's a movie that can grown on me. Are the sequels worth checking out?

Box_a_Hair says:
#17, Reply to #16

Dec '18
2 and 3 have a comedic vibe to them. Angela is recast, but the movies are a lot of fun. "Return" is serious again, a direct sequel with the original cast, and it has some awesome kills. I like them all.

Znep27 says:
#18, Reply to #16

Dec '18
I think the sequels are alright, but I doubt you'd like them. In part 2, Angela comes back after having a full blown sex change and becomes a camp counselor. And suddenly, she's super talkative, and kills anyone she perceives as being bad. Part 3 is basically the same thing, except now she's posing as an underprivelaged city kid. Both of these focus much more on comedy than the first. I like Return to Sleepaway Camp much better than those two, it has an atmosphere much more in line with the first. But it does have this one really annoying character that I know brings it down for a lot of people.

Johan_WoW says:
#19, Reply to #18

Dec '18
I do prefer a more serious tone yes but the Angela character is very interesting. A transsexual character even though it was forced upon her by her aunt, you don't see that much and for the 80s it must really have been a shocker. I'm curious enough to see more about what they did with her character.

zed says:
#20, Reply to #16

Dec '18
Did you check out the guy with the short shorts?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.