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Oct '18
The title bugs me. The new one, I mean. I'm not sure what they should have called it but Halloween? That means there's three of them, although, this one isn't a remake. It's the new part 2, but fuck off, let's just call it Halloween, anyway. I feel like there needs to be something attached to the title to give it its own identity. Halloween II Part 2? Halloween H40? I think "The Last Halloween" has a nice ring to it, although I guess it's not going to be the last one after all cuz money. If I had my way, they would have just resurrected the series with a Halloween 9. I feel like they still could have made any movie they wanted and ignored any past sequel they wanted and still gotten away with calling it that.

sfpx says:

Oct '18
I'll probably go around calling it Halloween 2018.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.