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Jun '17
What horror movies or horror franchise do you have the most fun watching? For me, it's definitely The Final Destination franchise. I love how each movie opens up with some major disaster. I love the buildup for the kills and the fairly unique way in which the characters meet their demise.

foz says:

Jun '17
tough one, 'most fun'... there's a lot to choose from, but today it's Re Animator series. original is just a blast all the way through, sequel does a good job of more or less recreating the madness & the third has a rat v dick fight. plus Big Jeffy C doing what he does best - wired insanity coupled with intese scenery chomping!

quite like the Final Destinations too (3 & 4 are shit but) the deaths are always inventive n entertaining.

tomorrow it may be Evils Deads, next week possibly ROTLDs, next month Cornetto. but never Vomit Gore Trilogy.

OnyxHades says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jun '17
Awww!! I love the Vomit Gore Trilogy!

foz says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jun '17
haha! maybe so, are they that much fun to watch tho? I love Gaspar Noe's loose 'Butcher' trilogy, plenty fun times there.

anyway will have to defer to your knowledge, i've only seen one VG flick & tho it was fkin shite i cant know the other two movies are the same. open to the idea that in the context of Valentine's 3 part opus the whole could well be more than the sum of its parts... or chunks in this case!

guess the dude puking into the glass n drinking it & repeating the action was kinda gross out 'watch the idiot' funny

OnyxHades says:
#6, Reply to #3

Jun '17
It's not that they are a fun watch for me, it's that I think they are very pretty movies. Yeah, I'm weird.emoticon

peeptoad says:

Jun '17
Hm, I am not sure. I had a lot of fun watching Shin Godzilla somewhat recently... Slither was also a LOT of fun. emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jun '17

Tromafreak says:

Jun '17
Redneck Zombies
Blood Freak
Return Of The Living Dead
Dead Alive
Andy Warhol's Frankenstein/Dracula
Blood Sucking Freaks
Jungle cannibal movies
Herschell Gordon Lewis movies
Chris Seaver movies

OnyxHades says:
#8, Reply to #7

Jun '17
I have had a blast with the Chris Seaver movies you've shown me!

Ballz says:

Jun '17 *
Maximum Overdrive, The Return of the Living Dead, and The Lost Boys instantly come to mind. All three are cheesy and highly quotable with memorable tunes.

For a franchise, I'd say Sleepaway Camp. Also cheesy, even the 'serious' entries, with some good quotes. A couple times now, I've ended up watching all four entries in one night.

Smerd says:

Jun '17
House (1986)
House II
Return Of The Living Dead
Redneck Zombies
The Video Dead
HG Lewis movies
Dude Bro Party Massacre III
Slumber Party Massacre
Slumber Party Massacre II
Howling III
Shaun Of The Dead
Evil Dead II
Army Of Darkness
Night Of The Creeps


Jun '17
killjoys sequals return of the living dead 4 5 creep show 3 hot shots part deux

OnyxHades says:
#12, Reply to #11

Jun '17

Smerd says:

Jun '17
Grabbers is a lot of fun too.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jun '17
Final Destination is a good one, because it's all about being as inventive as possible there. Same with 'Saw', which left you to wonder what possible sadistic bullshit they could con some poor fucker into.

I get a lot of fun out of watching slasher movies, because you know it's coming, and it is often a matter of how it's going to happen. A lot of the times, it's a simple stabbing, but sometimes, it gets cooler than that. In fact, there are plenty of horror films where you see a character and know right away that they're gonna die. I suppose it's all about the setup, and slasher movies are a basic example of what has a formulaic means of easily setting up people to die.

Franchise stuff with recurring main characters also keeps me happy. To watch Reggie, Ash, Jack Deth, and Burt Gummer do what they do best is always a good thing.

Jun '17
Comment Deleted

Karli says:
#20, Reply to #15

Jun '17
Hehe johan..
I can always count on you for recognizing the brilliance that is Dolls. emoticon

Jun '17
Comment Deleted

Karli says:
#23, Reply to #21

Jun '17

I have no idea what I'm doing! emoticon

Smerd says:

Jun '17
Yesterday, had a lot of fun watching Patchwork (2015)

Another fun one is Witches' Night (2007)

foz says:
#17, Reply to #16

Jun '17
must be at least the third time you've mentioned Witches' Night in some post or another, so i have to hunt down a stream or torrent. Have a copy of Patchwork, might watch that tonight


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