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Jun '17
What horror movies or horror franchise do you have the most fun watching? For me, it's definitely The Final Destination franchise. I love how each movie opens up with some major disaster. I love the buildup for the kills and the fairly unique way in which the characters meet their demise.

foz says:

Jun '17
tough one, 'most fun'... there's a lot to choose from, but today it's Re Animator series. original is just a blast all the way through, sequel does a good job of more or less recreating the madness & the third has a rat v dick fight. plus Big Jeffy C doing what he does best - wired insanity coupled with intese scenery chomping!

quite like the Final Destinations too (3 & 4 are shit but) the deaths are always inventive n entertaining.

tomorrow it may be Evils Deads, next week possibly ROTLDs, next month Cornetto. but never Vomit Gore Trilogy.

foz says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jun '17
haha! maybe so, are they that much fun to watch tho? I love Gaspar Noe's loose 'Butcher' trilogy, plenty fun times there.

anyway will have to defer to your knowledge, i've only seen one VG flick & tho it was fkin shite i cant know the other two movies are the same. open to the idea that in the context of Valentine's 3 part opus the whole could well be more than the sum of its parts... or chunks in this case!

guess the dude puking into the glass n drinking it & repeating the action was kinda gross out 'watch the idiot' funny

foz says:
#17, Reply to #16

Jun '17
must be at least the third time you've mentioned Witches' Night in some post or another, so i have to hunt down a stream or torrent. Have a copy of Patchwork, might watch that tonight


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