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Aug '23 *
It's time again for the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Challenge.

You get one point per minute watched of any sci-fi or fantasy movie or TV series. The challenge starts at 12:00 AM September 1st and ends at 11:59 PM September 30th.

Make your SPOT below. Ask any questions in the shoutbox.


2017 - https://trashepics.com/post/7/11/
2018 - https://trashepics.com/post/9/211/
2019 - https://trashepics.com/post/8/73/
2020 - https://trashepics.com/post/1/748/
2021 - https://trashepics.com/post/102/19/
2022 - https://trashepics.com/post/8/101/

zed says:
#16, Reply to #13

Sep '23
I remember walking out of the theatre of one of the scary movies (I forget which one exactly) it was so lame

zed says:
#24, Reply to #5

Sep '23
I take it you liked Image of the Beast (1981) I watched
Years of the Beast (1981) last month, actually maybe the best of that film genre I've seen, still only 3/10. I don't know what it is about fundamentalists and making art, but they suck.

zed says:
#26, Reply to #25

Sep '23
That reminds theres another group of christians that are predicting the end of the world soon. Surely after the last 3,462 predictions of it happening on date X in the past, they're due getting it right for once, Or is that the gamblers phallacy

zed says:
#8, Reply to #6

Aug '23
Its not to late to do the A-Z challenge. You'll just need to watch 26 films over the next 2 days

zed says:

Aug '23 *
Another easy victory coming up sluts, I assume theres gonna be a lot of 50/60s sci-fi watched

4/10 Trancers II (1991) 88m - Face it Tims not really much of an actor. This film is more of a comedy than horror
4/10 Trancers III (1992) 75m - Worse than the 2 previous parts, part 4 is a bit better.
5/10 Battle of the Worlds (1961) 84m - Claude Rains plays one of the biggest self centered cunts in cinema history
6/10 Syngenor (1990) 98m - As all the reviews say David Gale makes this film, as others say hes even better here than in reaniminator
3/10 Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954) 64m - basically just an excuse to watch a lady in a swimsuit
4/10 Within the Rock (1996) 85m - Alien like film, I'm always amazing in the future everything gonna be so dark, even tough power is gonna be cheap, and all the bulbs flicker. they also had the trope of wearing a helmet and the light shines on their face, nothing better than creeping down a dark corridoor with a light shining in your eyes
4/10 The Minion (1998) 95m - Dolph was always the worse of the 80s action stars, he just never had a personality, not much fantasy in this. I suppose theres some swordfighting
6/10 The Gamma People (1956) 76m - Decently made, esp at the end it looks like they did burn the building it was no miniatures, the 2 westerners were total picks. Here inferior poor person get me a drink, I was born into a rich country
7/10 Rubber's Lover (1996) 91m - A film Japan that could only bรฉ made in japan, compared to 964 Pinocchio & tetsuo, not up to tetsuo's level, now that was art but miles better than pinocchio
3/10 Zontar: The Thing from Venus (1967) 80m - starring the legend Joan Agar, a remake of it cร me from outerspace from the Trash director ... agar shoots his wife, Booth the women ร rea quiet nice
5/10 Beyond Atlantis (1973) 91m - Eddie Romero film thus trash, staring the great Vic Diaz. No idea why this ccame up when I was searching for sci-fi films, though is a bit fantasy. Quite entertaining
7/10 Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) 152m - Pretty decent the lead actress still can't act same with that red haired guy, looked him up hes a son of famous actor so maybe nepotism in his case but her, she was a nobody
5/10 Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) 141m - A bit of a mess, but they all lived happily ever after at least. Gotta say the lead actress did improve
3/10 Scrawl (2015) 82m - Watched this cause this is the only film daisy ridley done before star wars (no relation to ridley scott btw, GL) she was average there compared to the rest (though everyone was pretty crap TBH), and didnt even really show up till half way through, Film was quite bad but I enjoyed it, reminded me of a lot of the shit I just to go down to the videostore and rent 10 films for $10 in the early 2000s and just come back with all this unknown horror
3/10 Alien Terminator (1995) 80m - Should of been called Alien thing cause it resembled that film more than the terminator, Maria Ford looks much better with black hair. As cliched as fuck, but still competently made
6/10 The Price of Life (1987) 41m - Very nice concept but the execution was a bit off, could of used a bit more fleshing out as well
4/10 Ravager (1997) 92m - A lot of things weren't really explained in this film, girl was in a mental asylum etc but ultimately it didnt matter one bit. Also they crash land, unlucky to stumble upon the one place in that whole desert where the waste was buried. But its OK they spend a while outside fiddling with the ship and its good to fly again
5/10 The Beast of Hollow Mountain (1956) 87m - The battle everyone wanted to see. A cowboy fights a T-Rex. Decently made
4/10 The Navy vs. the Night Monsters (1966) 87m - One can only assume this got made to show, see napalm good, napalm our friend. Not much of a scientist, they grow in the dirt of Antarctic. Why has no one seen the green before, it should stick out in a land of white
7/10 The Face of Another (1966) 122m - Yeah I know the guy didn't have a face so has a lot to be pissed off about, but fuck he was a cantankerous cunt, even when he got a new face. Then again I've read some body part recipricants can't handle having someone elses limb. Actually IIRC perhaps this happened with the first face transplant (french guy?)
3/10 Sting of Death (1966) 80m - The tone was set with one of the initial shots of a womans swimsuited ass sunbathing, actually very nice looking women in this film. This folks is why you shouldnt laugh at morons, as they might in fact be bubbleheads. Wait all the other guys get horrible burns from touching the monster and here he is wrestling it with no ill effects
3/10 The Bermuda Triangle (1978) 112m - A 70s disaster film, so obviously made by italians, the cheesy dubbing, the music, slaughter of animals, just the italian 70s/80s horror picture vibe just it stars the major star John Huston. I have to say the pillars falling down underwater scene was good. Gloria Guida was oh la la. Check out her ouevre quality stuff.
7/10 Visitor of a Museum (1989) 136m - Whenever someone complains about a film being dark, show them this film, they will go. OK the film I watched wasn't that dark. Extremely slow and so russia with its fatalistic feeling
4/10 Deep Space (1988) 90m - Bo svensen is always hit and miss for me, here hes miss, not sure how the woman fell for his 'charms'
6/10 The Dark (1993) 87m - Nice atmosphere and actually quite an enojoyable watch
4/10 Man Beast (1956) 67m - Lots of shots of ppl hiking in the mountains followed by a rediculous manbeast, and then we were meant to believe the guy was half yeti-half human
3/10 Mutiny in Outer Space (1965) 82m - the carpet monster was decent and the mutinity plot also but it felt more akin to something out of the 50s
5/10 Biotheraphy (1986) 36m - Pretty bog standard Jap Gorefest
3/10 Not of This Earth (1995) 91m - Quite why corman had the need to remake this we will never know, oh corman, I guess its cash, Michael york stars in it as well (though obviously gotten at a cheap rate)
4/10 The Human Duplicators (1965) 80m - Like a cheap Bond ripoff, one thing that doesnt make sense if the androids are made of porcelin or something so that shatter, then how do they look lifelike, as human faces need flexibility to create wrinkles etc
5/10 Target Earth (1998) 95m - Decent made for TV film
3/10 Weasels Rip My Flesh (1979) 67m - 3rd film I've seen from Nathan Schiff, and like the other director named Schiff he's really into his gore
4/10 Brain Twisters (1991) 91m - Lot of bad reviews but I quite enjoyed it, pretty tame but had a decent vibe. The professor though was as wooden as fuck
4/10 Tales of Frankenstein (1958) 28m - Not even aton could make this exciting
6/10 Night Wars (1988) 88m - Quite good and the actors were good, even grizzley adams managed to feed off the energy and put in a good performance for once
3/10 Life Returns (1934) 63m - Early explotive film, even some man on dog action with tongue though quite how that was helping is a question for the viewer. The kid was overacting to the max, more like a soppy mid week drama
4/10 Dollman vs. Demonic Toys (1993) 64m very short even though it includes a lot of footage from other films, but reasonably entertaining, the music is always the same in these full moon films\
6/10 Psycho a Go Go (1965) 85m - Not sure how this has both horror and sci-fi tags as its just a plain crime film, the main criminal is a rough dude, most surprising is al adamson made a decent film
7/10 Ga-ga: Glory to the Heroes (1986) 84m - Decent sci-fi dystopian comedy featuring the right amount of pole up the backside
6/10 Terror of Frankenstein (1977) 92m - Basically a faithful adaption of the book, not the best faithful adaption of the book
6/10 Manden der tรฆnkte ting (1969) 93m - Great premise my the execution was pretty lacklustre. You woul think also the ppl would go, hmmm this guy looks exactly like you (well they did at the start)
3/10 The Electronic Monster (1958) 76m - Pretty lame, The young actress girl had a thing for much older ugly men, she was debating which one to choose from
6/10 Dogura magura (1988) 109m - A few of the reviews said this was a weird film, it was in parts but generally pretty straight, pretty boring though
7/10 Die Hamburger Krankheit (1979) 117m - About an unknown sickness sweeping the land, very disjointed but an oddly compelling watch
4/10 The Flame Barrier (1958) 70m - I guess the sci-fi tag is from the few seconds of a rocket at the start and the foam stuff, solar power didnt realize they had it so early, I guess its like TV which they had in the 1920s. But mostly set in a jungle, which is surprisingly easy to walk around in. No idea there were hyenas in the amazon.

4/10 Anatomia Extinction (1995) 54m - Apparently this was remade as tokyo gore police. Now its a long time since I saw that but fuck the only simularity I remember is, they both take place in tokyo

3948 mins

zed says:
#19, Reply to #18

Sep '23
You're correct, though I do see it is a Mexican/Italian production.
I've only seen the 2 from him, beeks and 1000 cats both also with an italian horror vibe.
Still not seen tintorera, I've tried a couple of times (Im waiting till my spanish is better)

zed says:
#21, Reply to #20

Sep '23
Because Im in communication with Reagans astrologer

zed says:
#23, Reply to #22

Sep '23
the girl had some big knockers for a 14 year old.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.