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Aug '15
So last week, blokes caught this big arse mother fucker in the Northern part of NSW. They found Jaws!


A couple of days ago, this image went viral of this monstrosity covering an electricity meter in Queensland.


Oh and while we're on the point of spiders. This happened to Goulburn a couple of months back.


Yeah that's not snow.


The fucking city was raining spiders. And they were EVERYWHERE! Yeah raining goddamn spiders! Uhuh! Uhuh!!! Hell no!

A place where snakes can eat crocodiles!


Someone rescue me from this god forsaken place!!!


Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '15
Wow, that's fucked! I hate spiders as much as the next person, but a landscape of spiders? Shoot me now!

Australia seems like a beautiful place, but I google mapped it in satelite view and it shows that most of the continent looks to be a dry, barren wasteland. I'd be scared as hell to be lost there, what with the spiders, alligators, snakes, and Mick Taylors running around...


Aug '15
Back when I was a little kid, I had a book about sharks and developed an unhealthy fascination with this piccie -


I used to go swimming not too far from where that guy was bit. After the pic was taken, he became a spokesman for shark preservation.

There's also this charming little critter that got stuck on a fence somewhere in central Aus -


And don't even get me started on dropbears...

Tommix says:

Aug '15

damn_cyborg says:

Aug '15
Just when I'm interested in visting Australia, I see stuff like this and my reaction is:


Fulcento says:

Aug '15
That's fuck all. I shagged an Australian from Brisbane once and she gave me Athletes foot and hand, spider pube crabs and the Dengue fever. Aussies are pure dirt. I also fear she may have laid all crocodile eggs down me urethra? Only time will tell.

markus-san says:

Aug '15 *
Having great white or tiger sharks living off the coast seems pretty awesome to me. I dont surf, or anyone else I know for that matter (bit chilly for it here!) so it wouldn't bother me personally. The fact that they caught and killed such a magnificent creature is what sucks to me. Just displays a certain arrogance, that apparently we humans have the right to surf but sharks dont have the right to live there because they pose a threat. And if someone is attacked by a shark, they have to go and hunt it like some sort of retaliation.

Must admit raining spiders and crocodile-eating pythons would concern me. Surely those examples are just freaks of nature though.. surely!

Sorry but despite your post, I am not convinced that Australia sucks:





TTKKane says:
#7, Reply to #6

Aug '15
But the platypus has extremely painful venom it can inject you with from its hind spurs!!!

#14, Reply to #7

Aug '15
Good point Citizen Kane. And the Great Red Kangaroo is also poisonous.

Tommix says:

Aug '15
this guy redeems Australia. I like him a lot, watch a few mintes of this film and you'll agree, I bet.

slasherfan85 says:

Aug '15
I'm not really scared of spiders. But I don't care for snakes and if I came across one that big I would probably die from a heart attack.

zed says:

Aug '15
they're not the reason australia sucks, in fact they're prolly net positives as they can lead to exciting times.

what sux about it, is the countryside is so fuckin boring, eg you'll be driving along and see a sign along the road proclaiming natural wonder X 500km, so you drive along and see every 100km see another sign just X km to go, and then you finally get there and its like, (something that may sort of be semi-impressive if it was in your back lawn) .... and you're like WTF thats it ... thats what theyve been advertising for the last 500km, FFS
dont get my started on the eucalypts

markus-san says:
#11, Reply to #10

Aug '15 *
It's no New Zealand for sure but I quite liked the Blue Mountains:


And the Kakadu NP up near Darwin is supposed to be pretty spectacular.

Shaza123 says:
#13, Reply to #11

Aug '15
I actually went there a month or two ago. Tho days after I went, it started snowing up there. My luck! emoticon

zed says:
#19, Reply to #11

Aug '15
spent a month camping there in a tent when I ran out of cash I would go up to katoomba for supplies (coolabah) every couple of days, this is exactly my point, this is one of oz's most famous landscape sights and its actually very unimpressive. I've also done one of the most famous walks in australia there, from katoomba to the jenolan caves, a 3 day walk. One of the most famous walks yet in those 3 days I saw not a single other person! you only see eucalpt trees, no joke, the town of jenolan is quite good though, had a bit of an european feel to it.

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '15
In response to this thread, I've updated the "404 Page Not Found" page:


Aug '15
That does suck. Well at least you guys have Picnic at Hanging Rock and Wake in Fright

Box_a_Hair says:
#16, Reply to #15

Aug '15
I still haven't seen those movie! I downloaded Picnic at Hanging Rock years ago and never watched it, and only got about half hour into Wake in Fright before getting distracted with something else. I should get 'em watched.

Shaza123 says:
#17, Reply to #15

Aug '15
I love Picnic at Hanging Rock! emoticon

Tromafreak says:

Aug '15
I was considerirng a trip to Auatralia at some point, but you've scared me off. Maybe I'll try New Zealand instead. emoticon

Tommix says:

Aug '15
this has nothing to do with Australia sucking, but I'd just like to say that Gallipolli is an excellent movie, about Australian people getting sucked into a war on the other side of the planet from them. If you have never seen it, I hope you get on that situation, pronto.


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