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Aug '15
So last week, blokes caught this big arse mother fucker in the Northern part of NSW. They found Jaws!


A couple of days ago, this image went viral of this monstrosity covering an electricity meter in Queensland.


Oh and while we're on the point of spiders. This happened to Goulburn a couple of months back.


Yeah that's not snow.


The fucking city was raining spiders. And they were EVERYWHERE! Yeah raining goddamn spiders! Uhuh! Uhuh!!! Hell no!

A place where snakes can eat crocodiles!


Someone rescue me from this god forsaken place!!!


zed says:

Aug '15
they're not the reason australia sucks, in fact they're prolly net positives as they can lead to exciting times.

what sux about it, is the countryside is so fuckin boring, eg you'll be driving along and see a sign along the road proclaiming natural wonder X 500km, so you drive along and see every 100km see another sign just X km to go, and then you finally get there and its like, (something that may sort of be semi-impressive if it was in your back lawn) .... and you're like WTF thats it ... thats what theyve been advertising for the last 500km, FFS
dont get my started on the eucalypts

zed says:
#19, Reply to #11

Aug '15
spent a month camping there in a tent when I ran out of cash I would go up to katoomba for supplies (coolabah) every couple of days, this is exactly my point, this is one of oz's most famous landscape sights and its actually very unimpressive. I've also done one of the most famous walks in australia there, from katoomba to the jenolan caves, a 3 day walk. One of the most famous walks yet in those 3 days I saw not a single other person! you only see eucalpt trees, no joke, the town of jenolan is quite good though, had a bit of an european feel to it.

zed says:
#21, Reply to #20

Aug '15
mate seen that piece of shite, yes chirchill that baby blood drinmking cunt was a fucker's fucker (most respected person of the history as choosen by the UK)

now anyone that thinks churchil was good (OK he had thwe black dog) but anyone that thinks he done good, this prillaged twonky twat, better read his history
as a follower of history its like what the hell the whole thing questions me humanity, why arent we following the hulkser

zed says:
#25, Reply to #23

Mar '19
Yeah I'm of moving there soon. Though I'be lived there before so it's nothing new but well! Its ok place, landscape sucks though, very boring


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