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Oct '15
Those ideas don't seem to connect.

I like certain christian websites, music, and movies. But no, I'm not christian.
Side note: One of my Christian cousins has always believed Criss Angel made a deal w/the devil.
True story.

damn_cyborg says:

Oct '15 *
I've never been a Christian or religious at all and am apathetic towards religion personally. A lot of it has to do with being raised in a secular household and just self discovery of not finding much sense in it all. While I'm an atheist, I'm not a nihilistic asshole who lacks morals or anything. I also don't have anything against those who are religious and practice their beliefs without discrimination or judgment; it's the extremist assholes who piss me off (atheists are guility of acting like this too). In spite of my apathy, my basic philosophy when it comes to religion is: Believe what makes sense to you, just don't be a dick about it.


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