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May '18 *
Hard person to work out
He's made a couple of decent films, and a few average films (so hes not completely incompetent)
but most are just plain crap. Watched one last night https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0209458/ Vampire Blues (1999)
The closest film to it is 'Hip Hop Locos(*)' It is impossible to make a film this bad unless
A/ you do it on purpose
B/ you're an imbecile

So what is it, is he just taking the piss, or did he just hit his head back in the 60s?

(*) Its actually worse than hip hop loco's as thats a film by a single dude, Vampire Blues had a crew of ppl working on it!

Jesus has discovered you can actually alter a pictures hue's, like he discovered back in the 1960s that one can zoom in and out with a camera.
Of course being Jesus he decided not to use it for the occasional florish, hes changing the colors for like 45 minutes out of the 90minute runtime.
Even a 8 yr old would go, hmmm perhaps I'm overusing this effect a bit too much

👍1 đŸ’Ŧ8 🚸 👀2.1k

Tromafreak says:

May '18
I probably liked about half of the Francos I've seen (some I loved) and have seen quite a few. Not many past the 70's, though. Golden Temple Amazons (1986) was pretty dull and Vampire Junction (2001) wasn't worth much either, although Lina Romay was still looking pretty good in '01. I'll just leave the Killer Barbies be as well as Vampire Blues. How 'bout Mari-Cookie and the Killer Tarantula? I still have interest in seeing that but not sure what else from the last 30 years could be good..

Yeah, I think he might have been a bit slow, but with random waves of brilliance here and there.

NoseOfNicko says:
#3, Reply to #1

May '18
I and some other people have been telling you to watch Faceless (1987) for years now. Get it watched you fuck. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #3

May '18
Faceless? emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #3

May '18 *
Faceless good! emoticon

Znep27 says:

May '18
Bloody Moon (1981) is the only decent movie I've seen by him. Other than that, the nicest thing I can say about Franco is his movies tend to contain plenty of beautiful naked women. Vampire Junction (2001) is one of the worst movies I've seen, even though at least half the movie is lesbian sex and beaver shots.

sfpx says:

May '18
I think the only reason one becomes a 'Francophile' is simply due to the fact that the man made so many movies, and of such wildly varying quality (spanning different genres, to boot) that said person develops an obsessive compulsive disorder watching, seeking out, and examining his oeuvre. It happened with Tim Lucas. Me, heh...theres just more to life than watching these boring old flicks. A few are mildly entertaining - I usually dig the ones that are most un-Franco-like - but by and large...no, thanks.

zed says:
#6, Reply to #4

May '18
They often refer to him as 'the master'
I think this dude has been infected
The only master I know is that bro from doctor who

sfpx says:
#7, Reply to #6

May '18
Just watched a few minutes of that, but hey, more power to him. Kinda reminds me of myself, gushing about stupid crap nobody gives a damn about.


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