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Nov '22 *

Another October done and dusted. Firstly a big congrats to all of those who managed to complete the challenge and hit that magic 31 (and waaaayyyy beyond for many). I for one literally left it to the last minute emoticon. But well done 1. Ballz and 2. Vince for trouncing everyone again and also to Troma for the most FTVs. Here are the results in full:

Ballz - 114 (53)
Vince - 109 (27)
Troma - 80 (58)
Nicko - 62 (36)
Box - 57 (50)
jimb - 56 (55)
conditioned - 44 (18)
Brett - 43 (22)
Deferenz - 40 (26)

Zombie - 35 (31)
Shroud - 34 (21)
Baseball - 32 (16)
zed - 31 (31)
Trigger - 31 (27)
markus - 31 (19)

Onyx - 17 (9)

So what was your favourite FTV? And your least favourite?

Pearl (2022) - Probably one of the best performances you will ever see in any horror movie. Ever.
Barbarian (2022) - Wasn't a huge fan of the "third act" but still one of the best horror movies of the year without question.
Terrifier 2 (2022) and The Sadness (2021) - Both contain some of the most brilliant (and downright disturbing) practical gore you will ever see.

Least favourite: Halloween Ends (2022) - Michael hires an apprentice! emoticon

Tromafreak says:

Nov '22
My favorite came at the very end with Barbarian (2022), narrowly beating out Orphan: First Kill. Also really enjoyed Sprial, Black CIrcle Boys, Halloween Ends and Bloody Muscle Body Builder In Hell.

Finally watched the Wizard Of Gore remake after owning the dvd for about 12 years. Originally didn't make it too far, but thought I'd start over and finally get it out of the way... Yeah, fuck that movie! Also didn't care for Nanny's Night, Silent Night Bloody Night 2, The Horrible Sexy Vampire and Monster From The Oean Floor.


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