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Apr '18 *
So I decided to put together a list of horror movies that I would like to see over the next few weeks. A lot of these have interested me for sometime now, but for one reason or another - I haven't got around to them.

Anyone seen any of these? What are your thoughts?

Aswang 1994
Bone Sickness 2004
Brain Dead 1990
Brain Dead 2007
Dead Creatures 2001
Dead Season 2012
Deafula 1975
Demons 5: Devil's Veil 1990
Devil Fetus 1983
Effects 1980
Expulsion of the Devil 1973
Fear No Evil 1969
Fermat's Room 2007
Frankenstein: The True Story 1973
Haunted by Her Past 1987
Hell's Ground 2007
Homebodies 1974
I Am a Ghost 2012
Intensity 1997
Jack Be Nimble 1993
Medium 1985
Mulberry St 2006
Patrick still lives 1980
Pedro Pรกramo 1967
Resurrection 1999
Retribution 1987
Ringu 1995
Salem Witch Trials 2002
Shadow of Illusion
Shallow Grave 1987
So Sad About Gloria 1975
Stones of Death 1988
The Boxer's Omen 1983
The Death Train 1978
The Hanging Woman 1973
The Haunting of M. 1979
The Last Wave 1977
The Ogre 1988
The People Who Own the Dark 1976
The Shout 1978
The Strange Vengeance of Rosalie 1972
To Sleep with a Vampire 1993
The Visitor 1979
Turkey Shoot 1982
What the Peeper Saw 1972
Voices 1973

Gymnopedie says:
#6, Reply to #1

Apr '18
I am really curious about Fermat's Room. I bought it for like three dollars a short time ago. Even thou I haven't seen it yet - I keep thinking it is something along the lines of Cube (1997) meets Pi (1998). Would that be fair?

Yeah, I see that Effects is on YT. I may get around to watching it before it is taken down.

Gymnopedie says:
#5, Reply to #3

Apr '18
I actually watched 'I am a Ghost' today. While I liked it, I am not terribly sure if you will. It reminds me of The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh (2012) meets David Lynch.

I think I seen all those Demon movies or movies under the Demon name, except for The Ogre. I generally enjoy them.

I was actually recommended Resurrection (1999) by someone who thought I would like it. It should be interesting.

Gymnopedie says:
#7, Reply to #4

Apr '18
Aswang has always been on the top of my list to watch since I have started to watch these more obscure movies. Same with Retribution. Yeah, The Visitor seems like a real oddity, but I have always enjoyed those sorts of movies. Maybe, I am just odd!

Gymnopedie says:
#17, Reply to #9

Apr '18
What kind of film is Pedro Pรกramo? It seems awfuly symbolic and allegorical. What was your take on it?

Gymnopedie says:
#16, Reply to #11

Apr '18
I just seen Aswang today. Excellent film! There are so many of these underrated little gems out there. I hope to see Retribution shortly too.

Gymnopedie says:
#15, Reply to #14

Apr '18
I have seen every other Ring film, except for this one. I plan on watching it tomorrow. I am interested to see how it compares to the '98 version.

I really like those 'strangers trapped in a difficult situation' and the mathematics plot will be a nice slant to it. emoticon


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