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Aug '18
I'm bored, so I thought this up. Let's have a little fun, so participate will ya?


1. What is your favorite Italian horror film?
2. Why?
3. Who is your favorite Italian horror director?
4. Why?
5. What Italian horror film has your favorite music?
6. What do you think is the goriest Italian horror film?
7. What about the sickest?
8. Italian zombies or cannibals: Which do you favor and Why?
9. Gialli. Underrated or overrated?
10. When do you think Italian horror peaked?
11. What was the last really good Italian horror film in your opinion?
12. Favorite Italian exploitation film that isn't horror?
13. Favorite actor or actress that regularly appeared in Italian horror films?
14. What is your least favorite Italian horror film?
15. What was the first Italian horror film you saw, and when?
16. Favorite Italian horror film, say, post-Cemetery Man?
17. What Italian horror film is really underrated in your estimation & should be seen by more people?

Elaborate as much or as little as you'd like. Now get the answerin'!

Johan_WoW says:

Aug '18
Nice idea

1. What is your favorite Italian horror film? There is a few to pick from but somehow I find it hard to beat Mario Bava's Black Sunday
2. Why? Story ain't too complex, just some good ole witchcraft and terrific atmosphere
3. Who is your favorite Italian horror director? Mario Bava
4. Why? Especially for the atmosphere he can create especially in his pre seventies oeuvre
5. What Italian horror film has your favorite music? To be honest I don't pay enough attention to that.
6. What do you think is the goriest Italian horror film? Must be one of Lucio Fulci, City of the Living Dead perhaps or one of his later works of which I already forgot the title
7. What about the sickest? I think Cannibal Holocaust more in the way the white adventurers treated the good spirited cannibals
8. Italian zombies or cannibals: Which do you favor and Why? Hard to choose but I do think there is more good zombie movies than cannibals so go for zombies.
9. Gialli. Underrated or overrated? It's not really my kind of genre even though Fulci made a few entertaining ones before he got to the gorier flicks. I tend to lose interest at the randomness sometimes mostly with Argento. So yeah overrated.
10. When do you think Italian horror peaked? 1980-1981
11. What was the last really good Italian horror film in your opinion? I guess The Beyond (1981)
12. Favorite Italian exploitation film that isn't horror? It does hava a horror tag but well can't think of anything else White Slave (1985)
13. Favorite actor or actress that regularly appeared in Italian horror films? Asia Argento as I can't think of anyone else
14. What is your least favorite Italian horror film? I have seen worse but somehow I really dislike Suspiria
15. What was the first Italian horror film you saw, and when? Don't remember it could be I Vampiri
16. Favorite Italian horror film, say, post-Cemetery Man? Trauma (1993) is the closest I can remember
17. What Italian horror film is really underrated in your estimation & should be seen by more people? I Vampiri, clever concept for its time and really atmospheric early flick from Bava

Johan_WoW says:
#21, Reply to #15

Sep '18
Actually the stuff that happens that doesn't involve the killings or chasing the murderer are more entertaining (like that lady visiting the night club). I'm with Onyx the murderer speaking like Donald Duck on the phone got quite annoying.
Zombie is far more entertaining IMO and his 3 Gates to Hell movies. I think NY Ripper was the start of Fulci getting really bad and clueless with half baked stories and killers with stupid motivations.

Johan_WoW says:
#23, Reply to #22

Sep '18
See had there been anything like imdb boards still around you probably would have known the title of that song by now. HOwever looking through the archives from imdb on moviechat.org someone asked that question too but no concrete answer.

Johan_WoW says:
#25, Reply to #24

Sep '18
Very embarassing I bet. Anyway I think Fulci's best period ended a year earlier even though none of the Gates to hell movies are very good story wise. He made 3 giallos late 60s early 70s which are all much better than NY Ripper IMO. Talking about ducks there is his 'Don't Torture a Duckling' also a giallo very serious movie none of the silly quacking there.

Johan_WoW says:
#27, Reply to #26

Sep '18
If you haven't done so I would recommend watching his other 2 giallos: "A Lizard in a Woman's Skin" and "Perversion Story" aka "One on top of the Other". I liked those even a bit more than Duckling.


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