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Aug '18
I'm bored, so I thought this up. Let's have a little fun, so participate will ya?


1. What is your favorite Italian horror film?
2. Why?
3. Who is your favorite Italian horror director?
4. Why?
5. What Italian horror film has your favorite music?
6. What do you think is the goriest Italian horror film?
7. What about the sickest?
8. Italian zombies or cannibals: Which do you favor and Why?
9. Gialli. Underrated or overrated?
10. When do you think Italian horror peaked?
11. What was the last really good Italian horror film in your opinion?
12. Favorite Italian exploitation film that isn't horror?
13. Favorite actor or actress that regularly appeared in Italian horror films?
14. What is your least favorite Italian horror film?
15. What was the first Italian horror film you saw, and when?
16. Favorite Italian horror film, say, post-Cemetery Man?
17. What Italian horror film is really underrated in your estimation & should be seen by more people?

Elaborate as much or as little as you'd like. Now get the answerin'!

DerTables says:

Sep '18
1. Suspiria
2. I like witches and I like ballet, well also it's a beautiful movie
3. Dario Argenta
4. I honestly don't know many
5. Suspiria
6. That I've seen: Cannibal Holocaust
7. Same
8. Zombi was ok and I didn't like Cannibal Holocaust, so Zombies
9. Mysteries are fun and they aren't mainstream at all, so underrated
10. 1980's
11. No opinion
12. No opinion
13. No opinion
14. Devil Fish (I watched it like just now and shit it's bad)
15. Suspiria, and like 4 years ago maybe
16. No opinion
17. Hell I probably need to see a lot more.

DerTables says:
#32, Reply to #31

Sep '18
I took Ballet lessons for about 8 years.

DerTables says:
#34, Reply to #33

Sep '18
It was nice when I used to be up my own ass. I don't have time to be cultured any more.


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