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Aug '18
I'm bored, so I thought this up. Let's have a little fun, so participate will ya?


1. What is your favorite Italian horror film?
2. Why?
3. Who is your favorite Italian horror director?
4. Why?
5. What Italian horror film has your favorite music?
6. What do you think is the goriest Italian horror film?
7. What about the sickest?
8. Italian zombies or cannibals: Which do you favor and Why?
9. Gialli. Underrated or overrated?
10. When do you think Italian horror peaked?
11. What was the last really good Italian horror film in your opinion?
12. Favorite Italian exploitation film that isn't horror?
13. Favorite actor or actress that regularly appeared in Italian horror films?
14. What is your least favorite Italian horror film?
15. What was the first Italian horror film you saw, and when?
16. Favorite Italian horror film, say, post-Cemetery Man?
17. What Italian horror film is really underrated in your estimation & should be seen by more people?

Elaborate as much or as little as you'd like. Now get the answerin'!

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '18
1. What is your favorite Italian horror film?
Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

2. Why?
It was one of the first "extreme" horror films I'd seen, and it had so much going for it: Great score, great gore, and a porn actor with a great mustache.

3. Who is your favorite Italian horror director?
Ruggero Deodato

4. Why?
His cannibal films are excellent, his David Hess rape movie is great, and he's a really nice dude.

5. What Italian horror film has your favorite music?
So many to name, but I love the themes from Cannibal Holocaust, Jungle Holocaust, Zombi 2, and Suspiria. I like to whistle the theme from Jungle Holocaust the most.

6. What do you think is the goriest Italian horror film?
Cannibal Holocaust maybe? The real animal killings give it that extra edge.

7. What about the sickest?
Beyond the Darkness made me go, "ew", so probably that one. emoticon

8. Italian zombies or cannibals: Which do you favor and Why?
The best cannibal movies are Italian, but as dumb as their zombie movies can be, those are fun as hell.

9. Gialli. Underrated or overrated?
Rated accordingly. I love the idea of them, but I haven't seen that many great ones.

10. When do you think Italian horror peaked?
Probably 1980. Cannibal Holocaust, House at the Edge of the Park, Nightmare City, and that ridiculously fun Hell of the Living Dead.

11. What was the last really good Italian horror film in your opinion?
Cemetery Man 1994. Haven't seen much beyond that year. It's like Italy just gave up after that.

12. Favorite Italian exploitation film that isn't horror?
2019 is not entirely horror, so maybe that one. Otherwise, 1990 Bronx Warriors? I also like the original Inglourious Bastards, and Fred Williamson's "Black Cobra" series is fun to watch, because he's bad-ass.

13. Favorite actor or actress that regularly appeared in Italian horror films?
An obvious answer is Giovanni Lombardo Radice, even though he always plays a complete tool. Asia Argento is hot, but her #MeToo shit is pretty stupid. Me Me Lai is a lovely cannibal lady... but the coolest hands down is Michael Sopkiw.

14. What is your least favorite Italian horror film?
Some Fulci stuff is shit. Never cared for The Beyond.

15. What was the first Italian horror film you saw, and when?
Probably Cannibal Holocaust, back when I was just getting into horror around 10+ years ago. It was a stepping stone.

16. Favorite Italian horror film, say, post-Cemetery Man?
Probably "Spring" (2014), which is set in Italy, if that counts?

17. What Italian horror film is really underrated in your estimation & should be seen by more people?
I've always liked Bird with the Crystal Plumage. Just a rather engaging giallo, I think.


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