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Sep '17
I missed last week so this one is for the past two weeks.

I got Eye in the Labyrinth and The Intruder from Diabolik DVD the other day. I haven't gotten to watch The Intruder yet but looking forward to it. I've already seen Eye in the Labyrinth on YouTube several years ago and liked it, so as soon as I found out there was a Blu ray I ordered it. Watched it last night and it looks good, though there are no extras on it. From my experience Code Red never does much in terms of special features but they always do a nice job restoring the movies.

Yakko says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '17
I've never seen Scream Pretty Peggy or Vigilante. Are they worth checking out?

Pretty sure I saw The Big Racket but can't remember much about it. I didn't really like Bay of Blood but the rest are all pretty good.

Yakko says:
#6, Reply to #5

Sep '17
I never saw that series but I'm pretty sure the girl who played Sheena is the same girl who was in the movie She Demons. She was pretty hot if I remember correctly.


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