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Mar '17
At the time of writing, the only movie on here which has the full gamut of votes from 1 to 5 is...


I suppose it shouldn't be suprising that a remake/reboot of a beloved franchise can cause such differing opinion, but i thought it might be something more extreme or perverse like A Serbian Film or Pink Flamingos.

Anyway, don't really know where i'm going with this, bit bored.

What movies does your schizo bad self think would be most dividing?

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '17
The movie really ain't that bad, but it's still pointless. The fandom of Bruce Campbell as Ash was just too great for anyone to desire any other representation of Evil Dead. In fact, it was so strong, they just went back to it, and that show has been kicking ass... except for the raped season 2 finale that doesn't make sense. Fuck you, Rob Tapert, for stepping on people's toes.

I think this will change when more people vote on more titles. Jimb and klownz have been adding a lot of rec lists I'll have to add, so we're bound to get some more reasonable results.

foz says:
#2, Reply to #1

Mar '17
true, as the site grows in popularity there'll be more voters, and movies to vote on. was messing around in the movies segment n ranked them by votes, was suprised how many Evil Dead got, cant remember who gave a 5 n who gave a 1. think i gave it 3. lower end.

star systems/voting on films is a flawed but fun way of rating them. moods can differ, age can change your opinion, memory, a film comes out so bad you rank it 1 but have to then go rank all the other 1's as a 2 to show how terrible it really is, etc etc. that's not a criticism, i like the stats aspect of ranking films, but don't take it too seriously.

Ash vs Evil dead is pretty goddam awesome, can't remember the finale being that bad, but i usually watchit drunk in honour of Bruce. who'm ah kidding, watch everything drunk...

is it the movie page shoutbox we ask for flicks to be added? i have a few requests

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Mar '17
You can post it on the "List and Recommendations" board's shoutbox, or here. Doesn't matter.

foz says:
#4, Reply to #3

Mar '17
cool, cheers

Ballz says:

Mar '17
That kind of surprises me about Evil Dead. I rated it a 1, but I always got the impression most people liked it, even fans of the original series.

I feel like Rob Zombie's 31 has had a pretty divided reaction. Not going by votes on this site, but it seems like people either like it for what it is or they don't. And it always seems to be that the movie either delivered what they expected or it didn't. Simple as that.

foz says:
#6, Reply to #5

Mar '17
31 was alright, enjoyed Sprakespeare's performance, totally OTT but suited the Zombie vibe. did not like the pointless gambling subplot, or the underuse of McDowelll.

Meg Foster was great n having an older cast be hunted down instead of the usual 30 year olds playing teens was refreshing, but i suspect this was so Sheri could be the young sexy one...

Ballz says:
#9, Reply to #6

Mar '17
Malcolm McDowell was definitely underused and I didn't mind the gambling subplot, but it was, as you said, pointless. It's OTT, which is exactly what I expected based on the trailers and other pre-release info. Some people seemed to expect something else though and I'm really not sure where that came from.

You might be right about Meg Foster. At least he didn't make her a weak and helpless old person.

foz says:
#10, Reply to #9

Mar '17
iechyd dude


Mar '17 *
I liked it.

I thought the ending got pretty absurd though with the car battery resurrection and the final girl ripping her own arm off when it was trapped under the car. Those scenes were pretty absurd. Up until that point it had lived up to being a more serious, scarry approach to Evil Dead.

Rob Zombie's Halloween seems pretty divisive. Remakes in general tend to be, unless they're really bad and universally hated.

I kind of thought the Exorcist might be devicisive because it has this repuation as the scarriest movie ever but I see its highly rated. maybe its critics just tend to be very loud about it.

foz says:
#11, Reply to #7

Mar '17
i dont know if that was on purpoise, but scarry's good


Mar '17
My spur of the moment answer would be Blair Witch Project. That one seems to be very polarizing.

foz says:
#12, Reply to #8

Mar '17
assuming you mean The BWP rather than Wingard's take (which i've not seen yet) that is an excellent case in point

divisive opinion's what it's all about, n getting broader horizons through recs etc etc

sorry im drunnk beatnik, but i thinki love oyou anyeway...

goddam im gonna rgeret tgis shit otmrw

#13, Reply to #12

Mar '17
I saw both in cinemas and booed loudly at the end of both but at least I stopped when Bruce claimed GROOVY during the credits....saving grace.

#17, Reply to #12

Mar '17
I'm always up for a good drunken hug but no kissing - or at least no tongue, Fozzie. emoticon

Yeah, the original. Has anybody reallt defended the new one? The sequal to the original is fairly devisive too, but i dojn't think all that many have seen it.

foz says:
#18, Reply to #17

Mar '17
oops, i don't remember posting that! but it stands. should maybe edit (or at least re-type legibly) but that's a kind of censorship so sod it.

Book of Shadows is a bit of a mess, but i quite like what they tried to do, just not executed well. n that Donovan dude turned into McGuyver for Burn Notice

I'm a fan of Wingard & Barrett's work, but heard bad things about Blair Witch, will prob watch it eventually

#19, Reply to #18

Mar '17
The new Blair Witch has a few interesting moments but falls apart pretty quickly and goes for ridiculous scares. It reveals far too much also. Not the worst horror reboot I've seen by any means but somewhere in the middle ground.

Tromafreak says:

Mar '17

#15, Reply to #14

Mar '17
I love this imbedded video and pics feature. Just thought I'd add that. Brightside of losing the IMDB board!

Tromafreak says:
#16, Reply to #15

Mar '17
Indeed. Very fuckin' nice. Posting reviews are a lot more fun on here cuz of it.

foz says:

Sep '17
recent shouting suggests that mother! might be a contender for the crown?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.