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Mar '17
At the time of writing, the only movie on here which has the full gamut of votes from 1 to 5 is...


I suppose it shouldn't be suprising that a remake/reboot of a beloved franchise can cause such differing opinion, but i thought it might be something more extreme or perverse like A Serbian Film or Pink Flamingos.

Anyway, don't really know where i'm going with this, bit bored.

What movies does your schizo bad self think would be most dividing?


Mar '17 *
I liked it.

I thought the ending got pretty absurd though with the car battery resurrection and the final girl ripping her own arm off when it was trapped under the car. Those scenes were pretty absurd. Up until that point it had lived up to being a more serious, scarry approach to Evil Dead.

Rob Zombie's Halloween seems pretty divisive. Remakes in general tend to be, unless they're really bad and universally hated.

I kind of thought the Exorcist might be devicisive because it has this repuation as the scarriest movie ever but I see its highly rated. maybe its critics just tend to be very loud about it.

#15, Reply to #14

Mar '17
I love this imbedded video and pics feature. Just thought I'd add that. Brightside of losing the IMDB board!


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.