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Jun '21
I'm watching The Untouchables and it's great. There's that whole bit with the baby carriage falling down the stairs, the camera angles, the pacing, etc. He always has that one long tense scene in his movies and nobody does that anymore. Where's our new Hitchcock? Where are our masters of suspense?

Of course, I'm referring to a select output of his filmography. I think I quit after Carlito's Way, his last great movie, cuz Mission Impossible and Black Dalia sucked. I still think he's essential to any aspiring film snob.

What's your fave?

jimb14red says:

Jun '21
He is one of those directors for me that I like just about everything he does that I have seen. Even though he is much like Tarantino where he rips off/homages everything. I thought Mission Impossible was excellent. Black Dahlia didn't live up to its potential but I thought it was still ok. I even like Femme Fatale, Bonfire of the Vanities, and Snake Eyes which weren'treceived well. The only movie of his that I have seen that I really disliked was Redacted. I haven't seen the few movies he made beyond that.

My favorites of his though are Body Double, Blow Out, Phantom of Paradise, Scarface, Casualties of War, Untouchables, Carrie, and Dressed to Kill.

Honorable mention to Sisters and The Fury as well.


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