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Sep '17
A few days ago, it premiered on-demand. That's right... this glorious bastard didn't even get mainstream theater treatment, because it's that kind of movie.

Directed by French-extremists Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury, this movie is definitely violent, and takes it takes you all over the place, from homestead havoc, to mental asylum madness, to deranged road trip hijinx, and back to regular ol' Texas Chainsaw Massacres.

It ain't perfect. The movie looks like a nasty piece of celluloid, trying to capture that color-scheme and dreary sunburned orange of the original, but it never really surpasses it. The characters are just about all there, including their cliches, and if you like the series... you should be happy with it.

The performances are all pretty solid. Stephen Dorff plays a Sheriff Wydell type, and those familiar with Netflix/Marvel will recognize Finn Jones in there. Iron Fist. He ain't so tough in here though, playing a rather throwaway cop.

Maybe it is violent. Maybe it is moody. Maybe it appears like a fitting entry to the series, but maybe it's just milking a dry cow. Tobe Hooper produced this. This is the last of the chainsaw films he'll have been involved with. I guess all these directors come full circle toward the end of their careers. I can't complain.

OnyxHades says:

Oct '17 *
Iโ€™m watching it right now, about 45 minutes into it. So far Iโ€™m not really into it. Feels more like Natural Born Killers to me. Who I assume is teen (not sure yet, maybe he's not) Leatherface has some big olโ€™tits on him.

OnyxHades says:

Oct '17 *
Well, that was a movie.... Never felt like it was part of the TCM to me. I like the original, and I'm a fan of the remakes, but this one.... No.

For me, it had a strong Natural Born Killers vibe to it, with some Of Mice and Men, Rob Zombie's Halloween, and The Devil's Rejects thrown in. Kept waiting for the big guy to ask if he could pet some rabbits. emoticon

The more I think about it, the more I have to think the director of Leatherface is a fan of Rob Zombie movies.

It had some nice gore in it, but often was so fucking dark you couldn't see anything.

If it didn't try to lay claim as part of the TCM franchise I could rate it maybe a 5. As it claiming to be the new origin of Leatherface, I'd have to give it a 3. Maybe a 4.


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